Personal information

Information hiding, Steganography, Soft computing, Image processing, Optimization algorithms


I am an Assistant Professor of Engineering and Technology department at Alzahra University. I received her B.S. degree in Software Engineering in 2004, my M.Sc. degree in Computer Architecture in 2007 and my Ph.D degree in Computer Engineering in 2012 from Isfahan University of Technology (IUT), Isfahan, Iran. my research interests are information hiding, soft computing, image processing, and optimization algorithms.


Employment (1)

Alzahra University: Tehran, Tehran, IR

2013-02-16 to present | Assistant professor (Computer Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
vajiheh sabeti

Works (21)

An Enhanced DWT-SVD-Based Robust Image Watermarking Scheme Optimized for Imperceptibility and Robustness

Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
2025-01-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Vajiheh Sabeti
Source: check_circle

Unmistakable information embedding into the integer wavelet transform domain of an image using an XOR function and a genetic algorithm

Multimedia Tools and Applications
2023-08-17 | Journal article
Contributors: Vajiheh Sabeti
Source: check_circle

Developing an adaptive DCT-based steganography method using a genetic algorithm

Multimedia Tools and Applications
2023-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Vajiheh Sabeti; Adeleh Aghabagheri
Source: check_circle

Secure and Imperceptible Image Steganography in Discrete Wavelet Transform Using the XOR Logical Function and Genetic Algorithm

2022 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 20083076 20082045
Contributors: Sabeti, V.; Amerehei, M.
Source: Self-asserted source
vajiheh sabeti via Scopus - Elsevier

An adaptive image steganography method based on integer wavelet transform using genetic algorithm

Computers and Electrical Engineering
2022-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Vajiheh Sabeti; Masomeh Sobhani; Seyed Mohammad Hossein Hasheminejad
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Improving Adaptive Steganography Performance with Intelligent Embedding Key Selection Using Optimization Algorithms

journal of Advanced Defense Science and Technology
2021-05-22 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
vajiheh sabeti

Improving Security of LSBM Steganography Using of Genetic Algorithm, multi-Key and Blocking

journal of Advanced Defense Science and Technology
2021-05-22 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
vajiheh sabeti

Secure Image Steganography with High Visual Image Quality Based on LSBM and Genetic Algorithm

Journal of Soft Computing and Information Technology
2020-12-21 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
vajiheh sabeti

Adaptive Image Steganography in the Difference Value of Discrete Cosine Transform Coefficients

Journal of Soft Computing and Information Technology
2020-09-22 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
vajiheh sabeti

Adaptive Image Steganography in the Difference Value of Discrete Cosine Transform Coefficients

Journal of Soft Computing and Information Technology
2020-09-22 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
vajiheh sabeti

New High Secure Network Steganography Method Based on Packet Length

The ISC International Journal of Information Security
2020-01 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
vajiheh sabeti

Network Steganography Based on PVD Idea

2018 8th International Conference on Computer and Knowledge Engineering (ICCKE)
2018-10 | Conference paper
Source: Self-asserted source
vajiheh sabeti
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Multi-generation system incorporated with PEM electrolyzer and dual ORC based on biomass gasification waste heat recovery: Exergetic, economic and environmental impact optimizations

2018-02 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0360-5442
Source: Self-asserted source
vajiheh sabeti
Preferred source (of 2)‎

SDSuPK: Secured data sharing using proxy Kerberos to improve Openstack Swift security

2017 7th International Conference on Computer and Knowledge Engineering (ICCKE)
2017-10 | Conference paper
Source: Self-asserted source
vajiheh sabeti
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Exergoeconomic analysis and optimization of a solar driven dual-evaporator vapor compression-absorption cascade refrigeration system using water/CuO nanofluid

Journal of Cleaner Production
2016-12 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0959-6526
Source: Self-asserted source
vajiheh sabeti
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Multi-objective Optimization of a Solar Driven Combined Power and Refrigeration System Using Two Evolutionary Algorithms Based on Exergoeconomic Concept

2016-01-01 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
vajiheh sabeti

Optimization of a novel combined cooling, heating and power cycle driven by geothermal and solar energies using the water/CuO (copper oxide) nanofluid

2015-11 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0360-5442
Source: Self-asserted source
vajiheh sabeti
Preferred source (of 2)‎

An adaptive LSB matching steganography based on octonary complexity measure

Multimedia Tools and Applications
2013-06 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1380-7501
Part of ISSN: 1573-7721
Source: Self-asserted source
vajiheh sabeti
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Steganalysis and payload estimation of embedding in pixel differences using neural networks

Pattern Recognition
2010-01 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0031-3203
Source: Self-asserted source
vajiheh sabeti
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Steganalysis of embedding in difference of image pixel pairs by neural network

The ISC International Journal of Information Security
2009-01 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
vajiheh sabeti

Steganalysis of Pixel-Value Differencing Steganographic Method

2007 IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers and Signal Processing
2007-08 | Conference paper
Source: Self-asserted source
vajiheh sabeti
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Peer review (2 reviews for 1 publication/grant)

Review activity for Applied soft computing. (2)