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Biography to achieve an International Carrier
Prof. Dr. V.Saravana Kumar is an Indian academician who is serving as a Professor in the Department of Artificial Intelligence & Data Science, at Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India. He gaining 19 years of Teaching experiences included 6 years of Research involvement. He is an alumnus of Manonmaniam Sundaranar University [Government], Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India where he completed his Doctoral - Ph.D. (2017) on Faculty of Engineering in Computer & Information Technology. His Research supervisor was Professor Dr.E.R.Naganathan, a well known Indian-born internationally renowned Senior Professor, currently working in GITAM, Bangalore, and Rtd Professor of SICSR, Symbiosis International University, Pune, and Rtd. Professor of Alagappa University [Government], Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu, India. The title of My thesis is “Hyperspectral Image Segmentation Based on Enhanced Estimation of Centroid (EEOC) with Unsupervised Clustering Methods”. Earlier, V.Saravana Kumar acquired his two Post-Graduations in Science and Technology namely, M.Tech., a degree in Computer & Information Technology and M.Sc., a degree in Statistics from the same University, in 2008 and 1995. M.Sc (Statistics) and M.Tech (Computer & IT) is a rare as well as excellent combination of education designed for teaching with research. His Under-Graduation B.Sc., a degree in Mathematics from GVN College, affiliated to Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, Tamil Nadu in 1992.
He has held various senior positions namely Head of the Department and Assistant Chief Superintend of University Exams. He additionally serves on the Supervisor, Board of Examiners and Board of Studies in Indian Universities and Mentor/Advisory Committee Member.
He has published over 50 Research papers in different International Journals and Conferences, more in the area of Image Processing and data mining. Furthermore, he authored Six Book Chapters in Springer / IGI / Wiley Publications. He has started guiding many research scholars across the world. The team is planning to receive on several projects utilizing grants from several organizations across the world. He will be roaming around the world as a resource person or speaker for Conferences and Workshops. He would like to contribute as Invited Speaker, Keynote Speaker, and Session Chair / Special Sessions in conferences and workshops. Moreover, He would like to be an active member in workshops chairs, program advisory committee board or in reviewing panel of the research paper for Conference and Journal.
He is involving in organizing a number of Research Projects Proposals and workshops, Conferences, Faculty Development Program on topics covering Computer Science and research activities. He has lectured extensively in these areas in South India. He organized a number of conferences, workshops in Computer Science / Information Technology in SreeNidhi Institute of Science and Technology, Hyderabad, Sree Vidyanikethan Engineering College, Tirupati, Jayamatha Engineering College, Kanyakumari, SCAD College of Engineering & Technology, Tirunelveli, and CMS College of Engineering, Nammakkal; in the past sixteen years. Wipro-Misson10X has been awarded In Pursuit of Excellence in Engineering Education through Innovation (in 2010). He published one SCI Indexed (Thomson Reuters) Journal, two Annexure I indexed Journal and 14 Scopus listed Journals with rich impact value.
His research interests are in the areas of Digital Image Processing, Data Mining and Artificial Intelligence.
His e-mail id is:;
His latest resume and research interest of the discussion will be provided on request.
Professional activities (5)
Works (22)