Personal information

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Employment (5)

Université de Bourgogne: Dijon, FR

2012 to present | Maître de Conférences (INSPE de Bourgogne)
Source: Self-asserted source
Christine Collière-Whiteside

Université Paris-Est Créteil Val-de-Marne: Créteil, FR

2007 to 2012 (UFR Langues)
Source: Self-asserted source
Christine Collière-Whiteside

Université Sorbonne Nouvelle: Paris, FR

2004 to 2007 (UFR Langues LLCE)
Source: Self-asserted source
Christine Collière-Whiteside

University of Cambridge Newnham College: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, GB

2003 to 2004 | French lectrice
Source: Self-asserted source
Christine Collière-Whiteside

University of Cambridge Gonville and Caius College: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, GB

2001 to 2003 | French lectrice
Source: Self-asserted source
Christine Collière-Whiteside

Education and qualifications (3)

Université Sorbonne Nouvelle: Paris, FR

2008 to present | Doctorat en Etudes Anglophones
Source: Self-asserted source
Christine Collière-Whiteside

Ministère de l'Éducation Nationale: Paris, FR

2001 to present | Agrégation d'anglais
Source: Self-asserted source
Christine Collière-Whiteside

Sorbonne Université: Paris, Île-de-France, FR

1999 to present | Licence Lettres Modernes
Source: Self-asserted source
Christine Collière-Whiteside

Works (16)

'No speech at my command will fit the forms in my mind': Shaping the Spiritual through Writing and Typing in George MacDonald’s Lilith Manuscripts

2020 | Book chapter
Contributors: Christine Collière-Whiteside
Source: Self-asserted source
Christine Collière-Whiteside via HAL

Ecritures Jeunesse

Genesis (Manuscrits - Recherche - Invention)
2019 | Other
Contributors: Christine Collière-Whiteside; Karine Meshoub-Manière
Source: Self-asserted source
Christine Collière-Whiteside via HAL

Archives génétiques de littérature pour la jeunesse

Genesis (Manuscrits - Recherche - Invention)
2019-06-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Christine Collière-Whiteside
Source: Self-asserted source
Christine Collière-Whiteside via HAL


Genesis (Manuscrits - Recherche - Invention)
2019-06-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Christine Collière-Whiteside; Karine Meshoub-Manière
Source: Self-asserted source
Christine Collière-Whiteside via HAL

Genesis 48: Ecritures Jeunesse

Genesis (Manuscrits - Recherche - Invention)
2019-06-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Christine Collière-Whiteside; Karine Meshoub-Manière
Source: Self-asserted source
Christine Collière-Whiteside via HAL

Roald-Dahl author and illustrator From pictures to text: the beginning of Fantastic Mr Fox's genesis

Genesis (Manuscrits - Recherche - Invention)
2019-06-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Christine Collière-Whiteside
Source: Self-asserted source
Christine Collière-Whiteside via HAL

Showcasing the archives at the Roald Dahl Museum and Story Center: from archiving to didactics

Genesis (Manuscrits - Recherche - Invention)
2019-06-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Christine Collière-Whiteside
Source: Self-asserted source
Christine Collière-Whiteside via HAL

Beatrix Potter au cinéma: 1971-2018

Le Magasin du XIXe siècle
2018 | Journal article
Contributors: Christine Collière-Whiteside
Source: Self-asserted source
Christine Collière-Whiteside via HAL

Rewriting texts with 8-11 year old children and reviewing writing processes with trainee school teachers: a cross-cutting experiment using the rough drafts of young writers

Repères : Recherches en didactique du français langue maternelle
2018-06-30 | Journal article
Contributors: Karine Meshoub-Manière; Christine Collière-Whiteside
Source: Self-asserted source
Christine Collière-Whiteside via HAL

Apprendre de l'intime : entre littérature et langues

2016 | Book
Contributors: C. Collière-Whiteside; A-M. Voise; Berchoud M.-J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Christine Collière-Whiteside via HAL

Apprendre de l’intime : entre littérature et langues

2016 | Book
Contributors: Christine Collière-Whiteside; Anne-Marie Voise; Marie Josèphe Berchoud
Source: Self-asserted source
Christine Collière-Whiteside via HAL

Catherine Rovera: Genèses d’une folie créole : Jean Rhys et Jane Eyre Paris: Hermann Éditeurs, 2015.

Variants : Journal of the European Society for Textual Scholarshipe
2016 | Journal article
Contributors: Christine Collière-Whiteside
Source: Self-asserted source
Christine Collière-Whiteside via HAL


2016 | Book chapter
Contributors: Christine Collière-Whiteside; Anne-Marie Voise; Marie Josèphe Berchoud
Source: Self-asserted source
Christine Collière-Whiteside via HAL

The Wind in the Willows : un roman de l'intime pour une tentative d’exploitation pédagogique des propriétés du texte littéraire

2016 | Book chapter
Contributors: Christine Collière-Whiteside
Source: Self-asserted source
Christine Collière-Whiteside via HAL

Olga Anokhina and Sabine Pétillon, ed., Critique génétique: Concepts, méthodes, outils

Variants: the Journal of the European Society for Textual Scholarship
2008 | Journal article
Contributors: Christine Collière-Whiteside
Source: Self-asserted source
Christine Collière-Whiteside via HAL

The Collaboration of Lewis Carroll and Harry Furniss: illustrating the Sylvie and Bruno books

2008 | Journal article
Contributors: Christine Collière-Whiteside
Source: Self-asserted source
Christine Collière-Whiteside via HAL