Personal information



My PhD in Experimental Psychology was developed at the Cognitive Ergonomics Group at the University of Granada (Spain). The topic of my research was focused on hypertext comprehension and the cognitive constraints of information retrieval, e-learning environments and information technologies in general. The application field of this basic research is related with the usability and accessibility of information technologies from a Human Computer Interaction / Human Centred Design approach.
In the past, I was an independent research consultant and part-time university lecturer. My professional experience is related to disability studies, user experience (UX) research and accessibility.


Employment (11)

Universidad de Málaga: Málaga, ES

2024-07-12 to present | Assistant professor (Developmental and Educational Psychology)
Source: Self-asserted source
R. Ignacio Madrid

Universidad de Málaga: Málaga, ES

2023-11-06 to 2024-07-11 | Teaching assistant (Full-time, Interim) (Developmental and Educational Psychology)
Source: Self-asserted source
R. Ignacio Madrid

Investigación y Diseño Centrado en el Usuario: Granada / Málaga, ES

2018-07-21 to 2023-10-31 | Independent research consultant
Source: Self-asserted source
R. Ignacio Madrid

Universidad Abierta de Cataluña: Barcelona, Catalunya, ES

2011-03-01 to 2023-10-31 | Part-time lecturer (Courses: Psychology of perception, Human factors in ICTs) (Psychology and Educational Sciences Studies)
Source: Self-asserted source
R. Ignacio Madrid

Universidad de Málaga: Málaga, Andalucía, ES

2022-03-29 to 2023-07-14 | Teaching assistant (Part-time, Interim) (Basic Psychology)
Source: Self-asserted source
R. Ignacio Madrid

The Workshop: Málaga, ES

2017-10-23 to 2018-07-20 | UX Research Lead (Product Design)
Source: Self-asserted source
R. Ignacio Madrid

ILUNION Technology & Accessibility: Málaga, ES

2011-10-20 to 2017-10-20 | Senior researcher (Accessible technologies, Social research & Studies)
Source: Self-asserted source
R. Ignacio Madrid

Universidad Internacional de La Rioja: Madrid, Madrid, ES

2011-10-30 to 2015-07-10 | Part-time lecturer
Source: Self-asserted source
R. Ignacio Madrid

I2BC - Institute for Innovation and human wellbeing: Málaga, ES

2010-01-01 to 2011-09-17 | Researcher
Source: Self-asserted source
R. Ignacio Madrid

Fundosa Technosite - ONCE Foundation: Madrid, ES

2008-02-01 to 2009-12-31 | Usability & Accessibility researcher (R&D Department)
Source: Self-asserted source
R. Ignacio Madrid

University of Granada: Granada, ES

2005-04-01 to 2007-12-31 | Research assistant (Department of Experimental Psychology and Physiology of Behavior)
Source: Self-asserted source
R. Ignacio Madrid

Education and qualifications (2)

University of Granada: Granada, ES

2005-10-01 to 2010-07-10 | PhD. in Psychology (Experimental Psychology and Physiology of Behavior)
Source: Self-asserted source
R. Ignacio Madrid

University of Granada: Granada, ES

1996-10-01 to 2001-07-31 | Bachelor in Psychology
Source: Self-asserted source
R. Ignacio Madrid

Professional activities (3)

Universidad de Córdoba: Córdoba, ES

2021-01-10 to 2023-12-31 | Profesor colaborador honorario / Profesorado externo (Máster Universitario en Psicología Aplicada a la Educación y el Bienestar Social) (Departamento de Psicología)
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
R. Ignacio Madrid

Universidad de Granada: Granada, ES

2010-12-01 to 2023-12-10 | Profesorado externo (Máster universitario en prevención de riesgos laborales)
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
R. Ignacio Madrid

World Wide Web Consortium: Cambridge, US

2008-02-01 to 2009-06-30 | Task force member (Accessibility Education and Outreach Working Group (EOWG))
Source: Self-asserted source
R. Ignacio Madrid

Works (36)

Formación curricular en Accesibilidad y Diseño para todas las personas en Titulaciones Técnicas relacionadas con las TIC

Real Patronato sobre Discapacidad y Fundación ONCE
2022 | Book | Conceptualization, Investigation, Writing - original draft
Contributors: R. Ignacio Madrid
Source: Self-asserted source
R. Ignacio Madrid

La discapacidad en las estadísticas iberoamericanas. Informe final.

Programa Iberoamericano de Discapacidad
2022-11-02 | Report | Methodology, Investigation, Writing - original draft
Contributors: R. Ignacio Madrid; Luis M. Bascones; Antonio Jiménez
Source: Self-asserted source
R. Ignacio Madrid

Inclusión de la accesibilidad universal en los currículos formativos de las universidades en España

Real Patronato sobre Discapacidad / Fundación ONCE
2020 | Book | Investigation, Methodology, Writing - original draft
Contributors: Jesus Hernández Galán; Elena Cruz; R. Ignacio Madrid; M. Carmen García; Isabel Campo
Source: Self-asserted source
R. Ignacio Madrid

Inclusión de la accesibilidad universal y el diseño para todas las personas en los currículos formativos de los estudios de ingeniería informática en España

Interacción. Revista digital de AIPO
2020-09-22 | Journal article | Investigation, Methodology, Writing - original draft
Part of ISSN: 2695-6578
Contributors: R. Ignacio Madrid; M.C. García; M. Campo; J. Hernández-Galán
Source: Self-asserted source
R. Ignacio Madrid

Ergonomía cognitiva e Interacción persona-ordenador [Cognitive ergonomics and human-computer interaction]

Manual de Ergonomía y Psicosociología Aplicada a la Prevención de Riesgos Laborales [Handbook of Ergonomics and Psychosociology to Occupational Risk Prevention]
2017-07-01 | Book chapter | Conceptualization, Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing
Part of ISBN: 978-84-16664-60-3
Contributors: R. Ignacio Madrid
Source: Self-asserted source
R. Ignacio Madrid

How Do Needs and Preferences of a User, Match the Settings of the Interfaces They Use

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
2016 | Journal article
Contributors: Eleni Chalkia; Evangelos Bekiaris; Ignacio Lopez Madrid
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Managing The Participation Of People With Disabilities In Large-Scale R&D Technology Projects: Best Practices From Aegis And Cloud4all

Journal of Accessibility and Design for All (JACCESS)
2015 | Journal article | Investigation, Methodology, Writing - original draft
Contributors: R. Ignacio Madrid; Ivan Carmona; Juan B. Montalvá
Source: Self-asserted source
R. Ignacio Madrid

Evaluating All-Inclusive ICT with Developers, End Users and Stakeholders

Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Design for Aging (ITAP 2015)
2015-07-21 | Conference paper | Investigation, Writing - review & editing
Contributors: Eleni Chalkia; Evangelos Bekiaris; R. Ignacio Madrid
Source: Self-asserted source
R. Ignacio Madrid


Tratado de prevención de riesgos laborales. Teoría y práctica [Handbook of Occupational Risk Prevention: Theory and practice]
2015-06-01 | Book chapter | Conceptualization, Writing - original draft
Part of ISBN: 9788430965595
Contributors: R. Ignacio Madrid; J. J. Cañas
Source: Self-asserted source
R. Ignacio Madrid

Improving the Accessibility of Public Digital Terminals through Personalisation: Comparison of Direct and Indirect Interaction Modes

Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Design and Development Methods for Universal Access. LNCS
2014 | Conference paper | Investigation, Methodology, Writing - original draft
Contributors: R. Ignacio Madrid; K. Schrader; M. Ortega-Moral
Source: Self-asserted source
R. Ignacio Madrid

Involucración de personas con discapacidad en proyectos tecnológicos de I+D+i: el caso de APSIS4all

Revista Española de Discapacidad
2014 | Journal article | Investigation, Methodology, Supervision
Contributors: F. Sainz de Salces; M. Turrero; L. González; R. Ignacio Madrid
Source: Self-asserted source
R. Ignacio Madrid

APSIS4all: personalisation as a strategy to ensure accessibility and enhance user experience of public digital terminals

Proceedings of the 11th Web for All Conference
2014-04-07 | Conference paper | Investigation, Conceptualization, Writing - original draft, Methodology
Contributors: R. Ignacio Madrid; Christopher Bailey
Source: Self-asserted source
R. Ignacio Madrid

Applying Human-Centred Design to create a collecting tool of needs and preferences for the personalisation of ATMs

12th biennial European conference of the Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe, AAATE 2013
2013 | Conference paper | Investigation, Methodology, Writing - original draft
Contributors: R. Ignacio Madrid; M. Turrero; M. Ortega
Source: Self-asserted source
R. Ignacio Madrid

Implementación de Iconos Hápticos para Mejorar la Experiencia de las Personas con Discapacidad Visual en el Uso de Smartphones

XIV Congreso Internacional de Interacción Persona-Ordenador, Interacción 2013
2013-09-17 | Conference paper | Investigation, Methodology, Writing - review & editing
Part of ISBN: 978-84-695-8352-4
Contributors: R. Ignacio Madrid; Pedro M. Galdón; Jose L. López; Ernesto J. de la Rubia-Cuestas; Antonio Díaz-Estrella
Source: Self-asserted source
R. Ignacio Madrid

Enhancing mobile phones for people with visual impairments through haptic icons: The effect of learning processes

Assistive Technology
2013-05-08 | Journal article | Investigation, Methodology, Writing - review & editing
Contributors: P. M. Galdón; R. Ignacio Madrid; E.J. de la Rubia-Cuestas; A. Diaz-Estrella; L. González
Source: Self-asserted source
R. Ignacio Madrid

Social Spaces for Reseach and Innovation (SSRI): Users Leading Research and Innovation in Ambient Assisted Living.

Handbook of Ambient Assisted Living (Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, Vol 11)
2012 | Book chapter | Writing - original draft, Methodology
Part of ISBN: 978-1-60750-837-3
Contributors: A. García-Robles; J. García-Guzman; L. Bourg; J.M. Ojel; R. Ignacio Madrid
Source: Self-asserted source
R. Ignacio Madrid
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Reading Strategies and Cognitive Load: Implications for the Design of Hypertext Documents

Learning to Write Effectively: Current Trends in European Research
2012-09-05 | Book chapter | Conceptualization, Writing - original draft
Part of ISBN: 978-17-80-52929-5
Contributors: R. Ignacio Madrid; J.J. Cañas; H. van Oostendorp
Source: Self-asserted source
R. Ignacio Madrid

Writing Easy-to-Read Documents for People With Intellectual Disabilities

Learning to Write Effectively: Current Trends in European Research
2012-09-05 | Book chapter | Conceptualization, Writing - original draft
Part of ISBN: 978-17-80-52929-5
Contributors: R. Ignacio Madrid; V. Ávila; I. Fajardo; A. Ferrer
Source: Self-asserted source
R. Ignacio Madrid

ATHENA: Smart Process Management for Daily Activity Planning for Cognitive Impairment

Ambient Assisted Living
2011 | Conference paper | Writing - review & editing
Contributors: E. Hidalgo; L. Castillo; R. Ignacio Madrid; O. García-Pérez; M.R. Cabello; J. Fdez-Olivares
Source: Self-asserted source
R. Ignacio Madrid

Using latent semantic analysis to enhance the comprehensibility of hypertext systems

International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life Long Learning
2011-10-05 | Journal article | Writing - original draft, Conceptualization
Contributors: R. Ignacio Madrid; J.J. Cañas
Source: Self-asserted source
R. Ignacio Madrid

Introducing co-design for digital technologies in rural areas

Proceedings of the 6th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Extending Boundaries
2010 | Conference paper | Methodology, Investigation
Contributors: F. Sainz de Salces; R. Ignacio Madrid; J. Madrid
Source: Self-asserted source
R. Ignacio Madrid

Involucración de usuarios en el co-diseño de aplicaciones de eDNI con criterios de efectividad tecnológica

XI Congreso Internacional de Interacción Persona – Ordenador Interacción 2010
2010 | Conference paper | Investigation, Writing - original draft
Part of ISBN: 978-84-92812-52-3
Contributors: R. Ignacio Madrid; J.M. Ojel-Jaramillo; C. Barrera; F. Sainz de Salces
Source: Self-asserted source
R. Ignacio Madrid

Towards a hypertext comprehension model: The role of reading strategies and cognitive load

2010-07-05 | Dissertation or Thesis | Conceptualization, Investigation, Writing - original draft
Contributors: R. Ignacio Madrid; J.J. Cañas; H. van Oostendorp
Source: Self-asserted source
R. Ignacio Madrid

Do graphical overviews facilitate or hinder comprehension in hypertext?

Computers & Education
2009 | Journal article | Investigation
Contributors: L. Salmerón; T. Baccino; J.J. Cañas; R. Ignacio Madrid; I. Fajardo
Source: Self-asserted source
R. Ignacio Madrid

Feasibility Analysis for SemiAutomatic Conversion of Text to Improve Readability.

ICTA 2009 - The Second International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Accessibility
2009 | Conference paper | Writing - review & editing
Contributors: S. Bautista; P. Gervás; R. Ignacio Madrid
Source: Self-asserted source
R. Ignacio Madrid

Sobre el diseño accesible y la discapacidad en el entorno laboral. La experiencia en el proyecto INREDIS

AEIPRO 2009. XIII Congreso de Ingenieŕıa de Proyectos
2009 | Conference paper | Methodology, Investigation

Part of ISSN: 2695-5067
Contributors: J. Munguía; R. Ignacio Madrid; L. González
Source: Self-asserted source
R. Ignacio Madrid

The effect of menu type and task complexity on information retrieval performance

Ergonomics Open Journal
2009 | Journal article | Investigation
Contributors: H. van Oostendorp; R. Ignacio Madrid; M.C. Puerta-Melguizo
Source: Self-asserted source
R. Ignacio Madrid

The Effect of Reading Strategies and Prior Knowledge on Cognitive Load and Learning with Hypertext

The Ergonomics Open Journal
2009 | Journal article | Investigation, Writing - original draft
Contributors: R. Ignacio Madrid; Cañas, J.J.
Source: Self-asserted source
R. Ignacio Madrid

The effects of the number of links and navigation support on cognitive load and learning with hypertext: The mediating role of reading order

Computers in Human Behavior
2009 | Journal article | Investigation, Writing - original draft
Part of ISSN: 0747-5632
Contributors: R. Ignacio Madrid; van Oostendorp, H.; Puerta-Melguizo, M.C.
Source: Self-asserted source
R. Ignacio Madrid
Preferred source (of 2)‎

The Role of Reading Order and Monitoring Skills During Hypertext Comprehension

The Ergonomics Open Journal
2009 | Journal article | Investigation
Contributors: M.C. Puerta-Melguizo; L. Salmerón; R. Ignacio Madrid; H. van Oostendorp
Source: Self-asserted source
R. Ignacio Madrid

Cognitive load and human-machine interaction

2008 | Conference paper | Writing - review & editing
Contributors: J.J. Cañas; L. Di Stasi; A. Antolí; V. Álvarez; R. Ignacio Madrid
Source: Self-asserted source
R. Ignacio Madrid

The importance of navigation support and reading order on hypertext learning and cognitive load

Proceedings of the 8th international conference on International conference for the learning sciences-Volume 2
2008 | Conference paper | Investigation, Methodology, Writing - original draft
Part of ISSN: 1573-4552

Contributors: M.C. Puerta-Melguizo; R. Ignacio Madrid; H. van Oostendorp
Source: Self-asserted source
R. Ignacio Madrid

How reading strategies affect the comprehension of texts in hypertext systems

Written documents in the workplace
2007-10-01 | Book chapter | Writing - original draft
Part of ISBN: 978-90-04-25325-4
Contributors: R. Ignacio Madrid; J.J. Cañas
Source: Self-asserted source
R. Ignacio Madrid

Hacia un modelo de aprendizaje con hipertextos

2006 | Conference paper | Writing - original draft
Part of ISBN: 84-690-1613-X
Contributors: R. Ignacio Madrid; José J. Cañas
Source: Self-asserted source
R. Ignacio Madrid

Cognitive factors related to text comprehension with hypertext overviews

2005 | Conference paper | Writing - original draft, Conceptualization
Part of ISBN: 1-84564-155-8
Contributors: R. Ignacio Madrid; Salmerón, L.; Fajardo, I.; Cañas, J.J.
Source: Self-asserted source
R. Ignacio Madrid

Adicción a Internet: conceptualización y mecanismos explicativos

2000 | Journal article | Writing - original draft
Part of ISSN: 1137-3148
Contributors: R. Ignacio Madrid
Source: Self-asserted source
R. Ignacio Madrid