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Prof Raymond Chan (RN, BNurs, MAppSc, PhD, FACN, FAAN, GAICD) is Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research); Director and Matthew Flinders Professor of Cancer Care, Systems and Policy, Caring Futures Institute, Flinders University.
Prof Chan’s research program focuses on optimising models of care, and health services and policy responses to address the needs of people affected by cancer in the survivorship phase. Prof Chan has published >270 peer-reviewed articles and 2 book chapters. In total, he has attracted >$40 million AUD of research funding as CI (>$20 Million AUD as CIA). He currently serves as Board Director; Chair for the Survivorship Group of the Multinational Association for Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC).
He currently also serves on the NHMRC Council (2024-2027), established under the NHMRC Act to advise the CEO and perform functions conferred on it. Prior to this role, he served on the NHMRC Research Committee (2021-2024)
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