Personal information
Jinhu Lü (M’03–SM’06–F’13) received the Ph.D. degree in applied mathematics from the Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science (AMSS), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, in 2002.
Currently, he is the vice president of Beihang University, Beijing, China. He is also an Adjunct Professor with the AMSS, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He was a Professor with RMIT University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, and a Visiting Fellow with Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA. He is a Chief Scientist of National Key Research and Development Program of China and a Leading Scientist of Innovative Research Groups of National Natural Science Foundation of China. His current research interests include cooperation control, industrial Internet, complex networks, and Big Data. He is the author of four research monographs and more than 300 international journal papers (>150 IEEE Trans. Papers), with more than 20000 citations and h-index 70 from Web of Science. He also has 159 authorized patents.
Dr. Lü was a recipient of the prestigious Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation Award in 2015, the National Innovation Competition Award in 2020, the State Natural Science Award three times from the Chinese Government in 2008, 2012, and 2016, respectively, the Australian Research Council Future Fellowships Award in 2009, the National Natural Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars Award in 2010, and the Highly Cited Researcher Award from 2014 to 2020 and 2022. He is/was an Editor in various ranks for 16 SCI journals, including the Co-Editor-in-Chief of IEEE TII. He served as a member in the Fellows Evaluating Committee of the IEEE CASS, the IEEE CIS, and the IEEE IES. He was the General Co-Chair of IECON 2017, and Program Co-Chair of the 9th Asian Control Conference. He is the Fellow of IEEE/CAA/ORSC/CICC.