Personal information

No personal information available


Employment (2)

Northwestern University: Evanston, US

2024-01-02 to present | Assistant Professor (Molecular Biosciences)
Source: Self-asserted source
Jenna R Christensen

University of California, San Diego: San Diego, CA, US

2017-01 to 2023-10-01 | Postdoctoral Scholar (Cellular and Molecular Medicine)
Source: Self-asserted source
Jenna R Christensen

Education and qualifications (2)

University of Chicago: Chicago, IL, US

2011-09-01 to 2016-12-09 | PhD (Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Jenna R Christensen

William Jewell College: Liberty, MO, US

2007-08 to 2011-05 | BA (Molecular Biology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Jenna R Christensen

Works (15)

Woronin body hitchhiking on early endosomes is dispensable for septal localization in Aspergillus nidulans

Molecular Biology of the Cell
2023-06-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Livia D. Songster; Devahuti Bhuyan; Jenna R. Christensen; Samara L. Reck-Peterson; Anne Spang
Source: check_circle

Woronin bodies move dynamically and bidirectionally by hitchhiking on early endosomes inAspergillus nidulans

2023-01-21 | Preprint
Contributors: Livia D. Songster; Devahuti Bhuyan; Jenna R. Christensen; Samara L. Reck-Peterson
Source: check_circle

Bidirectional lysosome transport: a balancing act between ARL8 effectors

Nature Communications
2022-09-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Agnieszka A. Kendrick; Jenna R. Christensen
Source: check_circle

Optimizing microtubule arrangements for rapid cargo capture

Biophysical Journal
2021-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Saurabh S. Mogre; Jenna R. Christensen; Samara L. Reck-Peterson; Elena F. Koslover
Source: check_circle

Cytoplasmic dynein-1 cargo diversity is mediated by the combinatorial assembly of FTS-Hook-FHIP complexes

2021-10-08 | Other
Contributors: Jenna R. Christensen; Agnieszka A. Kendrick; Joey B. Truong; Adriana Aguilar-Maldonado; Vinit Adani; Monika Dzieciatkowska; Samara L. Reck-Peterson
Source: check_circle

PxdA interacts with the DipA phosphatase to regulate endosomal hitchhiking of peroxisomes

2020-02-04 | Preprint
Contributors: John Salogiannis; Jenna R. Christensen; Adriana Aguilar-Maldonado; Nandini Shukla; Samara L. Reck-Peterson
Source: check_circle

Hitching a Ride: Mechanics of Organelle Transport Through Linker-Mediated Hitchhiking

2019-10-20 | Preprint
Source: Self-asserted source
Jenna R Christensen

Cooperation between tropomyosin and α-actinin inhibits fimbrin association with actin filament networks in fission yeast

2019-06-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Jenna R Christensen; Kaitlin E Homa; Alisha N Morganthaler; Rachel R Brown; Cristian Suarez; Alyssa J Harker; Meghan E O'Connell; David R Kovar
Source: check_circle

Competition between Tropomyosin, Fimbrin, and ADF/Cofilin drives their sorting to distinct actin filament networks.

2017-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Christensen JR; Hocky GM; Homa KE; Morganthaler AN; Hitchcock-DeGregori SE; Voth GA; Kovar DR
Source: Self-asserted source
Jenna R Christensen via Europe PubMed Central
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Chlamydomonas reinhardtii formin FOR1 and profilin PRF1 are optimized for acute rapid actin filament assembly

2016-12-21 | Other
Contributors: Jenna R. Christensen; Evan W. Craig; Michael J. Glista; David M. Mueller; Yujie Li; Jennifer A. Sees; Shengping Huang; Laurens J. Mets; David R. Kovar; Prachee Avasthi
Source: check_circle

Fascin- and α-Actinin-Bundled Networks Contain Intrinsic Structural Features that Drive Protein Sorting.

2016-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Winkelman JD; Suarez C; Hocky GM; Harker AJ; Morganthaler AN; Christensen JR; Voth GA; Bartles JR; Kovar DR
Source: Self-asserted source
Jenna R Christensen via Europe PubMed Central

The F-actin bundler α-actinin Ain1 is tailored for ring assembly and constriction during cytokinesis in fission yeast.

2016-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Li Y; Christensen JR; Homa KE; Hocky GM; Fok A; Sees JA; Voth GA; Kovar DR
Source: Self-asserted source
Jenna R Christensen via Europe PubMed Central

Fission yeast profilin is tailored to facilitate actin assembly by the cytokinesis formin Cdc12.

2015-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Bestul AJ; Christensen JR; Grzegorzewska AP; Burke TA; Sees JA; Carroll RT; Sirotkin V; Keenan RJ; Kovar DR
Source: Self-asserted source
Jenna R Christensen via Europe PubMed Central

Profilin regulates F-actin network homeostasis by favoring formin over Arp2/3 complex.

2015-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Suarez C; Carroll RT; Burke TA; Christensen JR; Bestul AJ; Sees JA; James ML; Sirotkin V; Kovar DR
Source: Self-asserted source
Jenna R Christensen via Europe PubMed Central

Homeostatic actin cytoskeleton networks are regulated by assembly factor competition for monomers.

2014-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Burke TA; Christensen JR; Barone E; Suarez C; Sirotkin V; Kovar DR
Source: Self-asserted source
Jenna R Christensen via Europe PubMed Central

Peer review (3 reviews for 2 publications/grants)

Review activity for Nature communications (2)
Review activity for PLOS genetics. (1)