Personal information


Employment (1)

University of Belgrade: Belgrade, RS

2016-09-16 to present | Associate professor (Faculty of Biology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Nebojsa Jasnic

Education and qualifications (1)

University of Belgrade: Belgrade, RS

PhD (Faculty of Biology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Nebojsa Jasnic

Works (45)

The Influence of the Chemical Composition of Beeswax Foundation Sheets on Their Acceptability by the Bee’s Colony

2024-11-21 | Journal article
Contributors: Sava Ledjanac; Fatjon Hoxha; Nebojša Jasnić; Aleksandra Tasić; Marko Jovanović; Slavica Blagojević; Nada Plavša; Tomislav Tosti
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

From Molecular Mechanisms to Clinical Therapy: Understanding Sepsis-Induced Multiple Organ Dysfunction

International Journal of Molecular Sciences
2024-07 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Tijana Srdic; Sinisa Djurasevic; Iva Lakic; Aleksandra Ružičić; Predrag Vujovic; Tanja Jevdjovic; Tamara Dakic; Jelena Đorđević; Tomislav Tosti; sofija glumac et al.
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

Walnut supplementation increases levels of UCP1 and CD36 in brown adipose tissue independently of diet type

Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry
2024-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Tamara Dakic; Dusan Jeremic; Iva Lakic; Nebojsa Jasnic; Aleksandra Ruzicic; Predrag Vujovic; Tanja Jevdjovic
Source: check_circle

Liposomal Encapsulation of Ascorbyl Palmitate: Influence on Skin Performance

2024-07-20 | Journal article
Contributors: Aleksandra Stolić Jovanović; Vanja M. Tadić; Milica Martinović; Ana Žugić; Ivana Nešić; Stevan Blagojević; Nebojša Jasnić; Tomislav Tosti
Source: check_circle
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Enhanced Skin Penetration of Ascorbyl Palmitate Achieved via Liposomal Encapsulation: Tape Stripping Evaluation

2024-06-13 | Preprint
Contributors: Aleksandra Stolić Jovanović; Vanja Tadic; Milica Martinović; Ana Žugić; Ivana Nešić; Stevan Blagojević; Nebojša Jasnić; Tomislav Tosti
Source: check_circle
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Serum High-Mobility Group Box 1 and Heme Oxygenase-1 as Biomarkers in COVID-19 Patients at Hospital Admission

International Journal of Molecular Sciences
2023-08-24 | Journal article
Contributors: Ilijana Grigorov; Snežana Pejić; Ana Todorović; Dunja Drakulić; Filip Veljković; Jadranka Miletić Vukajlović; Katarina Bobić; Ivan Soldatović; Siniša Đurašević; Nebojša Jasnić et al.
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Intermittent Theta Burst Stimulation Improves Motor and Behavioral Dysfunction through Modulation of NMDA Receptor Subunit Composition in Experimental Model of Parkinson’s Disease

2023-06-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Milica Zeljkovic Jovanovic; Jelena Stanojevic; Ivana Stevanovic; Andjela Stekic; Samuel J. Bolland; Nebojsa Jasnic; Milica Ninkovic; Marina Zaric Kontic; Tihomir V. Ilic; Jennifer Rodger et al.
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The Expression of Insulin in the Central Nervous System: What Have We Learned So Far?

International Journal of Molecular Sciences
2023-04-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Tamara Dakic; Tanja Jevdjovic; Iva Lakic; Aleksandra Ruzicic; Nebojsa Jasnic; Sinisa Djurasevic; Jelena Djordjevic; Predrag Vujovic
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

The Effects of a Meldonium Pre-Treatment on the Course of the LPS-Induced Sepsis in Rats

International Journal of Molecular Sciences
2022-02 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Sinisa Djurasevic; Aleksandra Ružičić; Iva Lakic; Tomislav Tosti; Saša D. Đurović; Sofija Glumac; Snezana Pejic, PhD; Ana Todorovic; Dunja Drakulić; Sanja Stankovic et al.
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

The Effects of a Meldonium Pre-Treatment on the Course of the Faecal-Induced Sepsis in Rats

International Journal of Molecular Sciences
2021-09 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Sinisa Djurasevic; Aleksandra Ružičić; Iva Lakic; Tomislav Tosti; Saša D. Đurović; Sofija Glumac; Slađan Pavlović; Slavica Borkovic-Mitic; Ilijana Grigorov; Sanja Stanković et al.
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

Lipids and Antiplatelet Therapy: Important Considerations and Future Perspectives

International Journal of Molecular Sciences
2021-03-20 | Journal article
Contributors: Nina Đukanović; Slobodan Obradović; Marija Zdravković; Siniša Đurašević; Maja Stojković; Tomislav Tosti; Nebojša Jasnić; Jelena Đorđević; Zoran Todorović
Source: check_circle
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Lipidomics Provides New Insight into Pathogenesis and Therapeutic Targets of the Ischemia—Reperfusion Injury

International Journal of Molecular Sciences
2021-03-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Zoran Todorović; Siniša Đurašević; Maja Stojković; Ilijana Grigorov; Slađan Pavlović; Nebojša Jasnić; Tomislav Tosti; Jelica Bjekić Macut; Christoph Thiemermann; Jelena Đorđević
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Sex-Related Effects of Prenatal Stress on Region-Specific Expression of Monoamine Oxidase A and β Adrenergic Receptors in Rat Hearts

Arquivos brasileiros de cardiologia
2019 | Journal article


Contributors: Jevjdovic, T.; Dakic, T.; Kopanja, S.; Lakic, I.; Vujovic, P.; Jasnic, N.; Djordjevic, J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Nebojsa Jasnic via Scopus - Elsevier

The protective role of virgin coconut oil on the alloxan-induced oxidative stress in the liver, kidneys and heart of diabetic rats

Food & Function
2019 | Journal article
Contributors: Siniša Đurašević; Nebojša Jasnić; Marko Prokić; Ilijana Grigorov; Vesna Martinović; Jelena Đorđević; Slađan Pavlović
Source: check_circle

The Effects of Meldonium on the Renal Acute Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury in Rats

International Journal of Molecular Sciences
2019-11-15 | Journal article
Contributors: Siniša Đurašević; Maja Stojković; Ljiljana Bogdanović; Slađan Pavlović; Slavica Borković-Mitić; Ilijana Grigorov; Desanka Bogojević; Nebojša Jasnić; Tomislav Tosti; Saša Đurović et al.
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Chronic Treatment with Fluoxetine or Clozapine of Socially Isolated Rats Prevents Subsector-Specific Reduction of Parvalbumin Immunoreactive Cells in the Hippocampus

2018 | Journal article


Contributors: Filipović, D.; Stanisavljević, A.; Jasnić, N.; Bernardi, R.E.; Inta, D.; Perić, I.; Gass, P.
Source: Self-asserted source
Nebojsa Jasnic via Scopus - Elsevier

Evaluation of anticancer and antimicrobial activities of the Polygonum maritimum ethanol extract

Archives of Biological Sciences
2018 | Journal article


Contributors: Jovanović, M.; Srdić-Rajić, T.; Svirčev, E.; Jasnić, N.; Nikolić, B.; Bojić, S.; Stević, T.; Knežević-Vukčević, J.; Mitić-Ćulafić, D.
Source: Self-asserted source
Nebojsa Jasnic via Scopus - Elsevier
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Noradrenaline through β-adrenoceptor contributes to sexual dimorphism in primary CD4+ T-cell response in DA rat EAE model?

Cellular Immunology
2018 | Journal article


Contributors: Vujnović, I.; Pilipović, I.; Jasnić, N.; Petrović, R.; Blagojević, V.; Arsenović-Ranin, N.; Stojić-Vukanić, Z.; Djordjević, J.; Leposavić, G.
Source: Self-asserted source
Nebojsa Jasnic via Scopus - Elsevier

Stress-specific changes of galanin and PACAP expression in the rat hypothalamus and adrenal gland

Archives of Biological Sciences
2018 | Journal article
Contributors: Iva Lakic; Tanja Jevdjovic; Nebojsa Jasnic; Tamara Dakic; Predrag Vujovic; Jelena Djordjevic
Source: check_circle

Short-term fasting promotes insulin expression in rat hypothalamus

European Journal of Neuroscience
2017 | Journal article


Contributors: Dakic, T.B.; Jevdjovic, T.V.; Peric, M.I.; Bjelobaba, I.M.; Markelic, M.B.; Milutinovic, B.S.; Lakic, I.V.; Jasnic, N.I.; Djordjevic, J.D.; Vujovic, P.Z.
Source: Self-asserted source
Nebojsa Jasnic via Scopus - Elsevier

The Protective Effects of Probiotic Bacteria on Cadmium Toxicity in Rats

Journal of Medicinal Food
2017 | Journal article


Contributors: Djurasevic, S.; Jama, A.; Jasnic, N.; Vujovic, P.; Jovanovic, M.; Mitic-Culafic, D.; Knezevic-Vukcevic, J.; Cakic-Milosevic, M.; Ilijevic, K.; Djordjevic, J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Nebojsa Jasnic via Scopus - Elsevier

Effect of Allium flavum L. and Allium melanantherum Panč. Extracts on Oxidative DNA Damage and Antioxidative Enzymes Superoxide Dismutase and Catalase

Plant Foods for Human Nutrition
2016 | Journal article


Contributors: Mitić-Ćulafić, D.; Nikolić, B.; Simin, N.; Jasnić, N.; Četojević-Simin, D.; Krstić, M.; Knežević-Vukčević, J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Nebojsa Jasnic via Scopus - Elsevier

Melatonin mediated antidepressant-like effect in the hippocampus of chronic stress-induced depression rats: Regulating vesicular monoamine transporter 2 and monoamine oxidase A levels

European Neuropsychopharmacology
2016 | Journal article


Contributors: Stefanovic, B.; Spasojevic, N.; Jovanovic, P.; Jasnic, N.; Djordjevic, J.; Dronjak, S.
Source: Self-asserted source
Nebojsa Jasnic via Scopus - Elsevier

Time-dependent effects of starvation on pituitary, hypothalamic and serum prolactin levels in rats: Comparison to the galanin expression pattern

Archives of Biological Sciences
2016 | Journal article


Contributors: Vujović, P.; Lakić, I.; Jasnić, N.; Jevdović, T.; Durašević, S.F.; Isenović, E.R.; Dordević, J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Nebojsa Jasnic via Scopus - Elsevier
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Distinct vasopressin content in the hypothalamic supraoptic and paraventricular nucleus of rats exposed to low and high ambient temperature

Journal of Thermal Biology
2015 | Journal article


Contributors: Jasnic, N.; Dakic, T.; Bataveljic, D.; Vujovic, P.; Lakic, I.; Jevdjovic, T.; Djurasevic, S.; Djordjevic, J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Nebojsa Jasnic via Scopus - Elsevier

Peripheral oxytocin treatment affects the rat adreno-medullary catecholamine content modulating expression of vesicular monoamine transporter 2

2014 | Journal article


Contributors: Jovanovic, P.; Spasojevic, N.; Stefanovic, B.; Bozovic, N.; Jasnic, N.; Djordjevic, J.; Dronjak, S.
Source: Self-asserted source
Nebojsa Jasnic via Scopus - Elsevier

Fasting Induced Cytoplasmic Fto expression in Some Neurons of Rat Hypothalamus

2013 | Journal article


Contributors: Vujovic, P.; Stamenkovic, S.; Jasnic, N.; Lakic, I.; Djurasevic, S.F.; Cvijic, G.; Djordjevic, J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Nebojsa Jasnic via Scopus - Elsevier

Histochemical, micromorphology and ultrastructural investigation in glandular trichomes of Micromeria thymifolia

Botanica Serbica
2013 | Journal article


Contributors: Marin, M.; Jasnić, N.; Ascensão, L.
Source: Self-asserted source
Nebojsa Jasnic via Scopus - Elsevier

Single and combined effects of acute and chronic non-thermal stressors on rat interscapular brown adipose tissue metabolic activity

Archives of Biological Sciences
2013 | Journal article


Contributors: Cvijić, G.; Lakić, I.; Vujović, P.; Jasnić, N.; Djurašević, S.; Dronjak-čučaković, S.; Djordjević, J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Nebojsa Jasnic via Scopus - Elsevier

The effect of vasopressin 1b receptor (V1bR) blockade on HPA axis activity in rats exposed to acute heat stress

Journal of Experimental Biology
2013 | Journal article


Contributors: Jasnic, N.; Djordjevic, J.; Vujovic, P.; Lakic, I.; Djurasevic, S.; Cvijic, G.
Source: Self-asserted source
Nebojsa Jasnic via Scopus - Elsevier

Distinct and combined effects of acute immobilization and chronic isolation stress on MAO activity and antioxidative protection in the heart of normotensive and spontaneously hypertensive rats

Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition
2012 | Journal article


Contributors: Djordjevic, J.; Jasnic, N.; Vujovic, P.; Lakic, I.; Djurasevic, S.; Gavrilovic, L.; Cvijic, G.
Source: Self-asserted source
Nebojsa Jasnic via Scopus - Elsevier

Effect of acute heat stress on rat adrenal cortex - a morphological and ultrastructural study

Central European Journal of Biology
2012 | Journal article


Contributors: Petrovic-Kosanovic, D.; Velickovic, K.; Koko, V.; Jasnic, N.; Cvijic, G.; Miloševic, M.C.
Source: Self-asserted source
Nebojsa Jasnic via Scopus - Elsevier

Specific regulation of ACTH secretion under the influence of low and high ambient temperature-The role of catecholamines and vasopressin

Journal of Thermal Biology
2012 | Journal article


Contributors: Jasnic, N.; Djordjevic, J.; Djurasevic, S.; Lakic, I.; Vujovic, P.; Spasojevic, N.; Cvijic, G.
Source: Self-asserted source
Nebojsa Jasnic via Scopus - Elsevier

Novel acute stressor effects on interscapular brown adipose tissue sympathetic inervation and UCP-1 Content In Chronically Isolated And Spontaneously hypertensive rats

Archives of Biological Sciences
2011 | Journal article


Contributors: Lakic, I.; Drenca, T.; Djordjevic, J.; Vujovic, P.; Jasnic, N.; Djurasevic, S.; Dronjak-Cucakovic, S.; Cvijic, G.
Source: Self-asserted source
Nebojsa Jasnic via Scopus - Elsevier

Time-dependent effects of starvation on serum, pituitary and hypothalamic leptin levels in rats

Physiological Research
2011 | Journal article


Contributors: Vujovic, P.; Lakic, I.; Laketa, D.; Jasnic, N.; Djurasevic, S.F.; Cvijic, G.; Djordjevic, J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Nebojsa Jasnic via Scopus - Elsevier

Vasopressin modulates hypothalamo-pituitary activity by paracrine action during acute and chronic immobilization stress in rats

Archives of Biological Sciences
2011 | Journal article


Contributors: Lakic, I.; Vujovic, P.; Jasnic, N.; Djurasevic, S.; Cvijic, G.
Source: Self-asserted source
Nebojsa Jasnic via Scopus - Elsevier

The effect of acute heat exposure on rat pituitary corticotroph activation: The role of vasopressin

Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica
2010 | Journal article


Contributors: Jasnic, N.; Korac, A.; Velickovic, K.; Golic, I.; Djurasevic, S.; Djordjevic, I.; Vujovic, P.; Cvijic, G.
Source: Self-asserted source
Nebojsa Jasnic via Scopus - Elsevier

The influence of vitamin E supplementation on the oxidative status of rat interscapular brown adipose tissue

Archives of Biological Sciences
2010 | Journal article


Contributors: Djurašević, S.F.; Djordjević, J.; Jasnić, N.; Lakić, I.; Vujović, P.; Cvijić, G.
Source: Self-asserted source
Nebojsa Jasnic via Scopus - Elsevier

The influence of vitamin E supplementation on the oxidative status of rat liver

Archives of Biological Sciences
2010 | Journal article


Contributors: Durašević, S.F.; Dordević, J.; Jasnić, N.; Dordević, I.; Vujović, P.; Cvijić, G.
Source: Self-asserted source
Nebojsa Jasnic via Scopus - Elsevier

The micromorphological, histochemical and confocal analysis of Satureja subspicata Bartl. ex Vis. Glandular trichomes

Archives of Biological Sciences
2010 | Journal article


Contributors: Marin, M.; Jasnić, N.; Lakušić, D.; Duletić-Laušević, S.; Ascensão, L.
Source: Self-asserted source
Nebojsa Jasnic via Scopus - Elsevier

The effect of ascorbate supplementation on the activity of antioxidative enzymes in the rat hypothalamus and adrenals

General Physiology and Biophysics
2009 | Journal article


Contributors: Djurasevic, S.; Cvijic, G.; Djordjevic, J.; Djordjevic, I.; Jasnic, N.; Vujovic, P.
Source: Self-asserted source
Nebojsa Jasnic via Scopus - Elsevier

Influence of vitamin C supplementation on the oxidative status of rat liver

Archives of Biological Sciences
2008 | Journal article


Contributors: Djurašević, S.F.; Djordjević, J.; Drenca, T.; Jasnić, N.; Cvijić, G.
Source: Self-asserted source
Nebojsa Jasnic via Scopus - Elsevier

On a new genus of endemic millipedes (Diplopoda: Chordeumatida: Anthroleucosomatidae) from the Balkan Peninsula

2008 | Journal article


Contributors: Ćurčić, B.P.M.; Makarov, S.E.; Tomić, V.T.; Mitić, B.M.; Ćurčić, S.B.; Dudić, B.D.; Lučić, L.R.; Jasnić, N.
Source: Self-asserted source
Nebojsa Jasnic via Scopus - Elsevier

The effect of fasting on the diurnal rhythm of rat acth and corticosterone secretion

Archives of Biological Sciences
2008 | Journal article


Contributors: Djordjević, J.; Jasnić, N.; Vujović, P.; Djurašević, S.; Djordjević, I.; Cvijić, G.
Source: Self-asserted source
Nebojsa Jasnic via Scopus - Elsevier

Effect of various stressors on the blood ACTH and corticosterone concentration in normotensive Wistar and spontaneously hypertensive Wistar-Kyoto rats

General and Comparative Endocrinology
2007 | Journal article


Contributors: Djordjevic, J.; Vuckovic, T.; Jasnic, N.; Cvijic, G.
Source: Self-asserted source
Nebojsa Jasnic via Scopus - Elsevier

Peer review (41 reviews for 15 publications/grants)

Review activity for Brain sciences. (5)
Review activity for British journal of pharmacology. (1)
Review activity for Cells. (2)
Review activity for Healthcare. (2)
Review activity for International journal of environmental research and public health (2)
Review activity for International journal of molecular sciences. (12)
Review activity for Journal of clinical medicine. (2)
Review activity for Journal of personalized medicine. (2)
Review activity for Life. (1)
Review activity for Medicina. (2)
Review activity for Metabolites. (1)
Review activity for Microorganisms. (2)
Review activity for Molecules. (2)
Review activity for Pharmaceutics. (1)
Review activity for Stresses. (4)