Personal information
Judit Fazekas-Paragh is a research support librarian and currently the head of DEENK's Education and Research Support Department. Her primary work is to deepen open science guidelines at the national level. As an OpenAIRE NOAD and HUNOR working group coordinator, she aids Hungarian stakeholders to connect to the open science discourse of the European Union. Her responsibilities include expanding open access publishing, introducing FAIR principles and research data management, conducting related trainings, and support the development of open infrastructures. Related to her dissemination activities she regularly contributes in spreading information about Open Science and the cultural changes of scientific communication for the national audience by sharing updates within the framework of the Hungarian informational websites.She works on strengthening and promoting data management standards within the national RDA organization. In the NI4OS-Europe regional project, she’s acting as the coordinator of the dissemination, marketing and sustainability work package, where she represents national initiatives, forward-looking developments and related trainings in connection with EOSC. In 2020, as the Hungarian delegate of the EOSC Training and Skills working group, she worked on the development of 21st century scientific communication skills and related trainings. The aim was to create and provide a long-term framework for a sustainable training infrastructure that offers competitive competencies to different actors in the scientific community.