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Education and qualifications (1)

Medical College of Wisconsin: Milwaukee, WI, US

2017-08-13 to present | PhD student (Cell Biology, Neurobiology & Anatomy)
Source: Self-asserted source
Heather Heitkotter

Works (10)

Quantifying image quality in AOSLO images of photoreceptors

Biomedical Optics Express
2024-05-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Brea D. Brennan; Heather Heitkotter; Joseph Carroll; Sergey Tarima; Robert F. Cooper
Source: check_circle

Peak Cone Density Predicted from Outer Segment Length Measured on Optical Coherence Tomography

Current Eye Research
2024-03-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Heather Heitkotter; Mitchell T. Allphin; Ana Untaroiu; Heun Min; Emma Warr; Niamh Wynne; Robert F. Cooper; Joseph Carroll
Source: check_circle

Supplement 1. OCTs used for OS length analysis

2023-07-19 | Dataset | Author


Contributors: Heather Heitkotter; Mitchell Allphin; Ana Untaroiu; Heun Min; Emma Warr; Niamh Wynne; Robert F. Cooper; Joseph Carroll
Source: check_circle

Extracting spacing-derived estimates of rod density in healthy retinae

Biomedical Optics Express
2023-01-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Heather Heitkotter; Emily J. Patterson; Erica N. Woertz; Jenna A. Cava; Mina Gaffney; Iniya Adhan; Johnny Tam; Robert F. Cooper; Joseph Carroll
Source: check_circle

Direct count ROIs

2022-08-11 | Dataset | Author


Contributors: Heather Heitkotter; Emily Patterson; Erica Woertz; Jenna Cava; Mina Gaffney; Iniya Adhan; Johnny Tam; Robert F. Cooper; Joseph Carroll
Source: check_circle

Spacing-derived ROIs

2022-08-11 | Dataset | Author


Contributors: Heather Heitkotter; Emily Patterson; Erica Woertz; Jenna Cava; Mina Gaffney; Iniya Adhan; Johnny Tam; Robert F. Cooper; Joseph Carroll
Source: check_circle

Intergrader agreement of foveal cone topography measured using adaptive optics scanning light ophthalmoscopy

Biomedical Optics Express
2022-08-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Niamh Wynne; Jenna A. Cava; Mina Gaffney; Heather Heitkotter; Abigail Scheidt; Jenny L. Reiniger; Jenna Grieshop; Kai Yang; Wolf M. Harmening; Robert F. Cooper et al.
Source: check_circle

Theoretical versus empirical measures of retinal magnification for scaling AOSLO images

Journal of the Optical Society of America A
2021-10-01 | Journal article
Contributors: H. Heitkotter; A. E. Salmon; R. E. Linderman; J. Porter; J. Carroll
Source: check_circle

Retinal alterations in patients with Lafora disease

American Journal of Ophthalmology Case Reports
2021-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Heather Heitkotter; Rachel E. Linderman; Jenna A. Cava; Erica N. Woertz; Rebecca R. Mastey; Phyllis Summerfelt; Toco Y. Chui; Richard B. Rosen; Emily J. Patterson; Ajoy Vincent et al.
Source: check_circle

Automated image processing pipeline for adaptive optics scanning light ophthalmoscopy

Biomedical Optics Express
2021-06-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Alexander E. Salmon; Robert F. Cooper; Min Chen; Brian Higgins; Jenna A. Cava; Nickolas Chen; Hannah M. Follett; Mina Gaffney; Heather Heitkotter; Elizabeth Heffernan et al.
Source: check_circle