Personal information
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Name and surname: Daniela Shukova Stojmanovska
Date and place of birth: 29.03.1965 godina, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
Address: „Ss. Cyril and Methodius" University
Faculty for physical education, sport and health
Jordan Mijalkov bb
1000 Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
phone: +389 2 3113654
mobile phone: +38971224993
fax: + 389 2 3119755
• 1992 - B.Sc. degree in Medical science (physician), "Ss. Cyril and Methodius" University, Medical faculty;
• 1996 - M.Sc. degree in physical education, "Ss. Cyril and Methodius" University, Faculty for physical education. Title of the master thesis: "Influence of overweight on anthropometric, biomotor and functional space in fifth grade students in Skopje";
• 1999 - Ph.D. degree in physical education, "Ss. Cyril and Methodius" University, Faculty for physical education. PhD thesis: „The different status of body mass and its implications on the anthropometric, biomotor and functional space in the students from the higher grades of the primary schools from Skopje“.
Academic titles: Doctor of Science in the field of kinesiology
Present position: professor on Hygiene in physical education and sport professor on Sport’s Nutrition
Professional experience:
1992 - 2021 - assistant, associate professor, professor at the Faculty for physical education, sport and health, "Sts. Cyril and Methodius" University
Research topics:
• nutrition of different category of people (children, pregnant woman, old people, over and underweight people)
• nutrition of different category of athletes
• obesity
• underweight
• menstrual cycle
• smoking, alcohol intake, drugs
• doping in sport
• deformities
• anthropometry
• motorics
• functional space
Scientific research projects
• "The different value of body weight and its impact on anthropometric, biomotor and functional characteristics and its association with foot deformities in students of both sexes (VI - VIII grade)" - realized from 1996-1999;
• Analysis and comparison of some anthropometric and motor dimensions among young people from Slovenia and Macedonia aged 15 to 18 years "- realized in the period 2007-2009.
• Improving the quality of physical education at primаry education (international project -MK01-KA201-035380), realized from 2017-2021год.;
Membership in scientific and professional societies:
• 1997 - member of the Commission "Women and Sports" at the Macedonian Olympic Committee;
• 2001 - Member of the National Anti-Doping Commission at the Agency for Youth and Sports;
• President of the self-evaluation commission of the Faculty of Physical education, sport and Health, in the period 2011-2015;
• Head of the Doctoral Studies in Kinesiology, for a period of 8 years (2 times 4 years) in the period 2012-2020;
• Member of the editorial board of the international magazine "Research in Physical education, sport and health", since 2012;
• second cycle mentor;
• elected as a mentor of the Doctoral Studies in Kinesiology, by decision of the evaluation commission number 12-193/2 from 25.07.2012, for a period of 4 years and then re-elected as a mentor by decision number 1409-377 / 2 from 29.10. 2018;
Published works: over 120 scientific and specialized works in the field of kinesiology, sport and anthropology and several scientific projects at national and international character.