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Works (6)

Software Engineering and Gender: A Tutorial

2024-07-10 | Conference paper
Contributors: Letizia Jaccheri; Anh Nguyen Duc
Source: check_circle

Influence of Cavity Lining on the 3-Year Clinical Outcome of Posterior Composite Restorations: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial

Dentistry Journal
2024-05-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Anh Duc Nguyen; Natalie Pütz; Mary Michaelis; Kerstin Bitter; Christian Ralf Gernhardt
Source: check_circle
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Bond Strength Evaluation of Universal Adhesives Applied in Self-Etch and Etch-and-Rinse Modus on Sound and High-Level Irradiated Dentin - a Controlled Laboratory Study

2023-09-07 | Preprint
Contributors: Anh Duc Nguyen; Sina Broscheit; Dirk Vordermark; Reinhard Gerlach; Kerstin Bitter; Christian Ralf Gernhardt
Source: check_circle
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Clinical Outcome of Class I and II Restorations with and without an Intermediary Layer of a Flowable Composite after 24 Months: A Prospective, Randomized, Split-Mouth-Designed, Controlled and Single-Blinded Clinical Trial

Applied Sciences
2023-03-27 | Journal article
Contributors: Christian Ralf Gernhardt; Anh Duc Nguyen; Mary Michaelis; Natalie Pütz
Source: check_circle
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The Interaction of Two Widely Used Endodontic Irrigants, Chlorhexidine and Sodium Hypochlorite, and Its Impact on the Disinfection Protocol during Root Canal Treatment

2023-03-16 | Journal article
Contributors: Dirk-Joachim Drews; Anh Duc Nguyen; Antje Diederich; Christian Ralf Gernhardt
Source: check_circle
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Influence of Ascorbic Acid as a Growth and Differentiation Factor on Dental Stem Cells Used in Regenerative Endodontic Therapies

Journal of Clinical Medicine
2023-02-02 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2077-0383
Contributors: Antje Diederich; Hanna Juliane Fründ; Bogusz Trojanowicz; Alexander Navarrete Santos; Anh Duc Nguyen; Cuong Hoang-Vu; Christian Ralf Gernhardt
Source: Self-asserted source
Anh Duc Nguyen