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Works (3)

Engineering performance of sustainable geopolymer foamed and non-foamed concretes

Construction and Building Materials
2022-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Ahmed Mahmoud Alnahhal; U. Johnson Alengaram; Sumiani Yusoff; Pouya Darvish; Karthick Srinivas; M. Sumesh
Source: check_circle

Chemo-physico-mechanical characteristics of high-strength alkali-activated mortar containing non-traditional supplementary cementitious materials

Journal of Building Engineering
2021-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Mathialagan Sumesh; U. Johnson Alengaram; Mohd Zamin Jumaat; Kim Hung Mo; Ramesh Singh; Ramappa Ramesh Nayaka; Karthick Srinivas
Source: check_circle

Evaluation of crack healing potential of cement mortar incorporated with blue-green microalgae

Journal of Building Engineering
2021-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Karthick Srinivas M; U. Johnson Alengaram; Shaliza Ibrahim; Siew Moi Phang; Vejeysri Vello; Hew Kai Jun; Ahmed Mahmoud Alnahhal
Source: check_circle