Personal information

No personal information available


1982-1987 I studied history, archaeology and museology in Vilnius University. 1987-1995 worked in Klaipėda Museum (since 1989 History Museum of Lithuania Minor). 1996-1999 gave lectures on Ancient Greek and Roman History in Klaipėda University and 1997/1998 gave lectures on archaeology of Roman Iron Age in Lithuania which took place at the classes in the Centre of History of West Lithuania and Prussia of Klaipėda University. 2001 defended my doctoral dissertation on the West Lithuanian stone-circle graves Cultural area between the Third and the Early Fifth centuries at Vilnius University. 1999-2005 worked in the Archaeological department of National Museum of Lithuania (Vilnius) as senior museologist. Since 2005 – scientific researcher in Archaeological department of Lithuanian Institute of History (Vilnius) (since 2017 – senior scientific researcher / vyresnioji mokslo darbuotoja). Main research interests – Roman and Migration periods in the areas of West Balts and Baltic Sea region, communication across European Barbaricum, influences from Roman provinces, history of archaeology in West Lithuania, publication and analysis of archaeological archives.


Employment (4)

Lietuvos istorijos institutas: Vilnius, Vilnius, LT

2005 to present | vyresnioji mokslo darbuotoja/Senior scientific researcher (Department of Archaeology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)

National Museum of Lithuania: Vilnius, LT

1999 to 2005 | senior museum worker / vyresnioji muziejininkė (Department of Archaeology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)

Centre of History of West Lithuania and Prussia of Klaipėda University: Klaipėda, LT

1995 to 1999 | an assistant, lecturer
Source: Self-asserted source
Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)

History Museum of Lithuania Minor: Klaipėda, LT

1987 to 1995 | museologist, since 1991 a head of department (Department of Archaeology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)

Education and qualifications (1)

Vilnius University: Vilnius, Vilnius, LT

1995 to 2001 | PhD (Faculty of History, Department of Archaeology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)

Professional activities (1)

State Archaeological Museum: Warsaw, PL

2017 | Memorial medal (Medal pamiątkowy wybity z okazji 90 rocznicy powołania Państwowego Grona Konserwatorów Zabytków Przedhistorycznych) and personal thank you paper for the sholar cooperation with Polish colleagues in the project Ostabalticum III and also for collaboration of earlier years with scientists of National Archaeological Museum in Warsaw (PMA). Given 18-05-2017 by National Archaeological Museum in Warsaw (PMA).
Source: Self-asserted source
Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)

Funding (2)

Project ‘The Late Roman Period Baitai Cemetery as a Source for Interpreting Cultural Processes in the Baltic Region’ (State Lithuanian Studies and Dissemination Programme for 2016-2024, No S-LIP-18-23) sponsored by the Research Council of Lithuania (Lietuvos mokslo taryba).

2018 to 2021 | Grant
Lietuvos Mokslo Taryba (Vilnius, LT)

No S-LIP-18-23

Source: Self-asserted source
Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)

2011-2013: The study of M. Brensztejn‘s archeological Inventory: old sources and new perspectives

2011 to 2013 | Grant
Kultūros rėmimo fondas / Foundation for support of culture (2011) and Lietuvos Mokslo taryba / Research Council of Lithuania (2012). (Vilnius, LT)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)

Works (50 of 68)

Items per page:
Page 1 of 2

R. Banytė-Rowell, Dzienniki archeologiczne Tadeusza Dowgirda jako zwierciadło epoki: wielki krok w kierunku profesjonalizmu | Die archäologischen Tagebücher von Tadeusz Dowgird als Spiegel ihrer Epoche: ein großer Schritt in Richtung professioneller Altertumsforschung | Tado Daugirdo archeologiniai dienoraščiai – laikmečio atspindys didžiulis žingsnis į profesionalumo lauką.

In: Ostbalticum. Lingua archaeologica (Aestiorum hereditas IV/1) (red. A. Bitner-Wróblewska, T. Nowakiewicz, A. Rzeszotarska-Nowakiewicz) (Warszawa 2024), 16-151.
2024 | Book chapter
Contributors: Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)

R. Banytė-Rowell. Two unique ornaments from Veršvai Graves 100 and 133 and the stylistic features of pressed foil decoration

G. Zabiela (ed.), Prakalbinta priešistorė. Unveiling Prehistory. A Book on the Occasion of Audronė Bliujienė’s Jubilee (Klaipėda 2024), 194–210.
2024 | Book chapter
Contributors: Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)

Rasa Banytė-Rowell, Die Ausgrabung von Adalbert Bezzenberger auf dem Gräberfeld von Schernen (Šernai) im Kr. Memel (Klaipėda): Potenziale und Ergebnisse der Analyse seiner Veröffentlichung.

Acta Praehistorica et Archaeologica 56, 2024, 123-147. [ISSN 0341-1184]
2024 | Journal article
Contributors: Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)

R. Banytė-Rowell, Brides for the Afterlife? Some Considerations on Female Burials from West Lithuania in the Third Century CE. Wiadomości Archeologiczne LXXIII, 2022/AOP (Ahead of print), 109-130.

Wiadomości Archeologiczne
2022 | Journal article
Contributors: Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)

R. Banytė-Rowell, Glass beads of the Late Roman period from West Lithuania as indicators of communication across the Baltic Sea

EAA 2021 (Kiel, 6.-11. September 2021) at the session 389 („From Coast to Coast – current archaeological research on cultural exchange along and across the Baltic Sea”)
2022 | Conference abstract
Contributors: Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)

R. Banytė-Rowell, Romėniškojo laikotarpio papuošalų stiliaus kaita / Changing Styles of Jewellery in the Roman Period. In: R. Kačkutė, S. Bagužaitė-Talačkienė, S. Mikšaitė (eds), 1000 000 žingsnių: Gintaro kelias nuo Romos iki Baltijos / 1,000,000 Steps: The Amber Road from Rome to the Baltic Vilnius: Lietuvos nacionalinis muziejus 2022), 92-105

1000 000 žingsnių: Gintaro kelias nuo Romos iki Baltijos / 1,000,000 Steps: The Amber Road from Rome to the Baltic
2022 | Book chapter
Contributors: Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)

R. Banytės-Rowell „A. Bezzenberger‘s excavations of Schernen/Šernai Cemetery in Kr. Memel (Klaipėda): possibilities and results of analysis of his publication“

“Inter disciplinas – Der Archäologe und Sprachwissenschaftler Adalbert Bezzenberger (1851–1922)”, Berlin 11.-13. Oktober 2022
2022-10 | Conference abstract
Contributors: Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)

R. Banytė-Rowell, The Late Roman Period Baitai Cemetery as a Source for Interpreting Cultural Processes in the Baltic Region. Vilnius: Lietuvos istorijos institutas, 2022. 720 pages. ISBN 978-609-8314-09-0

Lietuvos istorijos institutas / Lithuanian Institute of History
2022-09 | Book
Contributors: Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)

R. Banytės-Rowell, “Living and acting on water and surrounding wetlands? Traces of prehistoric activity in the Nemunas/Memel/Niemen Delta“

73rd International Sachsensymposion (“Terra fertilis, terra deserta – Exploitation of marginal zones”), Cracow, 17th-21st September 2022
2022-09 | Conference abstract
Contributors: Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)

R. Banytė-Rowell, Trumpos žinios apie klaipėdiškius senovės mėgėjus/ Short notes on Antiquaries from Klaipėda. In: V. Vaitkevičius, A. Bliujienė (ed.), Atrasti praeitį, išsaugoti ateičiai/ Discovering the Past Preserving for the Future. Klaipėda: Klaipėdos universiteto leidykla, 2022, p. 111-140.

Klaipėda University
2022-05 | Book chapter
Contributors: Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)

Banytė-Rowell, R. Marija Gimbutas’ dissertation and its value: burial customs in the Roman Iron Age. Lietuvos archeologija 47, 2021, 167-186

Lietuvos archeologija
2021 | Journal article
Contributors: Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)

Banytė-Rowell, R. A brooch from Gibaičiai cemetery – designed on the crossroad between Eastern Baltic areas. In: A. Bitner-Wróblewska, B. Sałacińska, S. Sałaciński (red.), Różne oblicza archeologii. Pamięci Jana Jaskanisa. Warszawa: Państwowe Muzeum Archeologiczne w Warszawie, 2021, 319-338.

Państwowe Muzeum Archeologiczne, Warszawa
2021 | Book chapter
Contributors: Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)

Banytė-Rowell, R. About the People Buried in the Cemetery of Baitai: their Cultural Integration throughout the Baltic Sea Region and the European Barbaricum in the 3rd Century AD. Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 50, 2020, 545-563.

Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt
2020 | Journal article
Contributors: Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)

Banytė-Rowell, R.. Connections between the West Balts and their neighbours in the Roman and Migration Periods: the northern direction. In: A. Cieśliński, B. Kontny (ed.), Interacting Barbarians. Contacts, Exchange and Migrations in the First Millenium AD. Neue Studien zur Sachsenforschung 9 (Warszawa-Braunschweig-Schleswig 2019), 11-19.

Neue Studien zur Sachsenforschung 9
2019 | Journal article
Contributors: Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)

R. Banytė-Rowell, 2019. Die Memelkultur in der Römischen Kaiserzeit. Auswertung der Archivalien aus dem Nachlass von Herbert Jankuhn (=Studien zur Siedlungsgeschichte und Archäologie der Ostseegebiete, Band 17, Hrsg. C. von Carnap-Bornheim, M. Wemhoff) (Kiel-Hamburg: Wachholtz 2019), 500 p.+63 Tafeln.

2019 | Book
Contributors: Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)

Banytė-Rowell, R. Lietuvių literatūros draugija Tilžėje ir archeologija. Kultūros paminklai, 22, 2018, 117-130.

Kultūros paminklai
2018 | Journal article
Contributors: Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)

Banytė-Rowell, R., 2018. Europinių ir Rytų Baltijos regiono madų įtakos – moters diržas iš Rusnės senkapio/ Influences of European and East Balt Fashions: Woman‘s Belt from the Rusnė Old cemetery. In: Bliujienė, A., sud., Klaipėdos (Memel) kraštas: nuo ištakų iki XVII amžiaus. Paroda ir katalogas, skiriami Lietuvos valstybės šimtmečiui ir Europos kultūros paveldo metams, 292-294.

History Museum of Lithuania Minor
2018 | Book chapter
Contributors: Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)

Banytė-Rowell, R., 2018. Ginkluotė romėniškuoju laikotarpiu: puolant ietimis, kirviais, ginantis skydais/ Weaponry in the Roman Period: Attacking with Spears and Axes, Defending with Shields. In: Bliujienė, A., ed., Klaipėdos (Memel) kraštas: nuo ištakų iki XVII amžiaus/ The Klaipėda (Memel) Region: from Origins to the 17th century. Paroda ir katalogas, skiriami Lietuvos valstybės šimtmečiui ir Europos kultūros paveldo metams, Klaipėda, 159-164.

History Museum of Lithuania Minor
2018 | Book chapter
Contributors: Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)

Banytė-Rowell, R., 2018. Glass beads of the Callatis type in West Lithuanian Cemeteries. In: Niezabitowska-Wiśniewska, B., Łuczkiewicz, P., Sadowski, S., Stasiak-Cyran, M., Erdrich, M., eds., STUDIA BARBARICA. Profesorowi Andrzejowi Kokowskiemu w 65. Rocznicę urodzin/For Professor Andrzej Kokowski on his 65th Birthday. Tom I, Lublin, 364-379.

UMCS Lublin, Poland
2018 | Book chapter
Contributors: Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)

Banytė-Rowell, R., 2018. Kultūrinės sąveikos romėniškuoju laikotarpiu: tolimųjų romėnų įtaka, komunikacija su kaimynais ir vietinė išmonė/Cultural Interactions during the Roman Period: the Influence of Faraway Romans, Communications with Neighbours, and Local Ingenuity. In: Bliujienė, A., ed., Klaipėdos (Memel) kraštas: nuo ištakų iki XVII amžiaus/ The Klaipėda (Memel) Region: from Origins to the 17th century. Paroda ir katalogas, skiriami Lietuvos valstybės šimtmečiui ir Europos kultūros paveldo metams, Klaipėda,131-141

History Museum of Lithuania Minor
2018 | Book chapter
Contributors: Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)

Banytė-Rowell, R., 2018. Laidosena romėniškuoju laikotarpiu: akmenys, molis ir ugnis kaip riualo priemonės/ Burial Rites in the Roman Period: Stones, Clay, and Fire as Ritual Tools. In: Bliujienė, A., ed., Klaipėdos (Memel) kraštas: nuo ištakų iki XVII amžiaus/ The Klaipėda (Memel) Region: from Origins to the 17th century. Paroda ir katalogas, skiriami Lietuvos valstybės šimtmečiui ir Europos kultūros paveldo metams, Klaipėda, 84-93.

History Museum of Lithuania Minor
2018 | Book chapter
Contributors: Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)

Banytė-Rowell, R., 2018. Pasaulėžiūra: siekiant dievų globos nuo žemiškojo gyvybiškumo iki dangaus erdvių/ Worldview: Seeking Gods Protection and Earthly Life and Celestial Spaces. In: Bliujienė, A., ed., Klaipėdos (Memel) kraštas: nuo ištakų iki XVII amžiaus/ The Klaipėda (Memel) Region: from Origins to the 17th century. Paroda ir katalogas, skiriami Lietuvos valstybės šimtmečiui ir Europos kultūros paveldo metams, Klaipėda, 191-199.

History Museum of Lithuania Minor
2018 | Book chapter
Contributors: Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)

Banytė-Rowell, R., 2017. Searching for links between artefacts from areas of prehistoric dwelling sites and burial grounds. Lietuvos archeologija, 43, 87–114.

Lietuvos archeologija
2017 | Journal article
Contributors: Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)

Banytė-Rowell, R., 2017. Some Remarks on the Genesis of a Bronze Pendant from Baitai Cemetery, Lithuanian Coastland: a Local Balt Ornament According Germanic Trends?. In: Andrzejowski, J., C. von Carnap-Bornheim, Cieśliński, A., Kontny, B., eds., Orbis Barbarorum. Studia ad archaeologiam Germanorum et Baltorum temporibus imperii Romani pertinentia Adalberto Nowakowski dedicata (=Monumenta Archaeologica Barbarica, Series Gemina, tomus VI). Warszawa-Schleswig, 71-79.

Monumenta Archaeologica Barbarica, Series Gemina
2017 | Journal article
Contributors: Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)

Banytė-Rowell, R. 2016. Baltų kūryba romėniškajame geležies amžiuje kaip inspiracija šiandieninei kultūrai. In: Baltų kultūros ženklai: dabartis ir rytdiena (tarptautinės konferencijos 2016 m. rugsėjo 22-23 d. Zarasų krašto muziejuje medžiaga), Utena, 30-37.

Baltų kultūros ženklai: dabartis ir rytdiena (tarptautinė konferencija 2016 m. rugsėjo 22-23 d. Zarasų krašto muziejus
2016 | Conference paper
Contributors: Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)

Banytė-Rowell, R., 2016. Antikinės romėniškosios kultūros atspindžiai Lietuvos archeologijoje/ Reflections of Classical Roman Culture in the archaeology of Lithuania. In: Mitrulevičiūtė, D., ed. Lietuva-Italija: šimtmečių ryšiai. Mokslinių straipsnių rinkinys, Vilnius, 117-131.

Lietuvos Didžiosios kunigaikštystės Valdovų rūmai
2016 | Book chapter
Contributors: Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)

Banytė-Rowell, R., 2016. West Lithuanian Cemeteries. In: Zabiela, G., Baubonis, Z., Marcinkevičiūtė, E., eds. A Hundred Years of Archaeological Discoveries in Lithuania. Vilnius: Society of the Lithuanian Archaeology, 256-267.

A Hundred Years of Archaeological Discoveries in Lithuania
2016 | Book chapter
Contributors: Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)

Banytė-Rowell, R., Bitner-Wróblewska, A., Reich, Ch., 2016. West Lithuania as a Golden Bridge between the Sea and the Baltic hinterland in Northeast Poland during the Roman and Migration Periods. Archaeologia Baltica, 23, 140-151.

Archaeologia Baltica
2016 | Journal article
Contributors: Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell); A. Bitner-Wróblewska; Ch. Reich
Source: Self-asserted source
Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)

Banytė-Rowell, R., Kurila, L., Simniškytė, A., 2016. Wartość naukowa „Inwentarza archeologicznego gubernii kowieńskiej“ Michala Brensztejna/Die wissenschaftliche Qualität des „Archäologischen Inventars des Gouvernements Kowno“ von Michał Brensztejn/ Mykolo Brenšteino „Archeologinio Kauno gubernijos inventoriaus“ mokslinė išliekamoji vertė. In: Bitner-Wróblewska, A., Banytė-Rowell, R., eds., Inwentarz archeologiczny gubernii kowieńskiej Michała Eustachego Brensztejna/Archäologisches Inventar des Gouvernements Kowno von Michał Eustachz Brensytejn/Archeologinis Kauno gubernijos inventorius, parengtas Mykolo Eustachijaus Brenšteino, (=Aestiorum hereditas III/2), Warszawa 2016, 174-295.

2016 | Book chapter
Contributors: Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell); L. Kurila; A. Simniškytė
Source: Self-asserted source
Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)

Bitner-Wróblewska, A., Banytė-Rowell, R., eds., Inwentarz archeologiczny gubernii kowieńskiej Michała Eustachego Brensztejna/Archäologisches Inventar des Gouvernements Kowno von Michał Eustachy Brensztejn/Archeologinis Kauno gubernijos inventorius, parengtas Mykolo Eustachijaus Brenšteino, 1-2. (=Aestiorum hereditas III), Warszawa 2016

2016 | Edited book
Contributors: Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell); A. Bitner-Wróblewska
Source: Self-asserted source
Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)

Banytė-Rowell R., Kurila L., Simniškytė A., 2015. Discoveries and Inspiration from Michał Brensztejn‘s ‘Archaeological Inventory of the Kovno Gubernia’. Archaeologia Baltica, 21-22, 110-120.

Archaeologia Baltica
2015 | Journal article
Contributors: Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell); L. Kurila; A. Simniškytė
Source: Self-asserted source
Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)

Banytė-Rowell, R., 2015. Connections between the Memelkultur Area and the Dolkeim-Kovrovo Culture according to Data from Archaeological Archives. Archaeologia Baltica, 21-22, 40-57.

Archaeologia Baltica
2015 | Journal article
Contributors: Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)

Banytė-Rowell, R., 2015. Seeking the beginning of the Early Roman Iron Age in the Memelkultur area: steps in the dark. In: Kontny B., ed., Ubitribus faucibus fluenta Vistulae fluminisebibuntur: Jerzy Okulicz-Kozaryn in memoriam (= Barbaricum 11), 36-50.

2015 | Journal article
Contributors: Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)

Banytė-Rowell, R., 2014. Gender roles in the prehistoric communities of West Lithuania’s micro-areas between the late Roman Iron Age and the Late Migration Period: continuity or change?. Lietuvos archeologija, 40, 99-138.

Lietuvos archeologija
2014 | Journal article
Contributors: Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)

Banytė-Rowell, R., 2013. Baitai Cemetery Grave 37 – an inspiration to return to the question of contacts between Western Balt Areas in Late Roman Period. Archeologia Lituana, 14, 129-152.

Archaeologia Lituana
2013 | Journal article
Contributors: Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)

Banytė-Rowell, R., 2013. Die Römische Kaiserzeit in Litauen. In: Banytė-Rowell, R., Bliujienė, A., Čivilytė, A., Neumayer, H., Reich, Ch., Tamulynas, L, eds. Die vor- und frühgeschichtlichen Funde in Litauen (Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte Bestandskataloge Band 12, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz, hrsg. von M. Wemhoff). Berlin, 64-87.

Die vor- und frühgeschichtlichen Funde in Litauen (Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte Bestandskataloge Band 12, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz
2013 | Book chapter
Contributors: Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)

Banytė-Rowell, R., 2012. Dovilų pietinių apylinkių mikroregionas ir archeologinių tyrimų perspektyvos. Lietuvos archeologija, 38, 271-294

Lietuvos archeologija
2012 | Journal article
Contributors: Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)

Banytė-Rowell, R., 2012. The excavation at Baitai cemetery. In: Zabiela, G., Baubonis, Z., Marcinkevičiūtė, E., eds. Archaeological Investigations in Independent Lithuania 1990-2010. Vilnius, 122-126.

Society of the Lithuanian Archaeology
2012 | Book chapter
Contributors: Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)

Banytė-Rowell, R., Barasa, D., 2012. Šyšos Švedkapių radiniai – įvadas į lokalios istorijos tyrimus. Archaeologia Lituana, 14, 129-150.

Archaeologia Lituana
2012 | Journal article
Contributors: Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell); D. Barasa
Source: Self-asserted source
Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)

Banytė-Rowell, R., Bitner-Wróblewska A., 2012. Reich Ch. Did they Exist? The Question of Elites in Western Lithuania the Roman and Early Migration Periods, and their Interregional Contacts. Archaeologia Baltica, 18, 192-220.

Archaeologia Baltica
2012 | Journal article
Contributors: Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell); A. Bitner-Wróblewska; Ch. Reich
Source: Self-asserted source
Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)

Banytė-Rowell, R., 2011. Žvilių ir Šarkų kapinynų romėniškojo laikotarpio kapų chronologinės fazes. Lietuvos archeologija, 37, 25-86.

Lietuvos archeologija
2011 | Journal article
Contributors: Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)

Banytė-Rowell, R., 2010. M. Michelbertas. Kuršių pilkapynas. Vilnius, 2009. Lietuvos archeologija. 36, 271-274.

Lietuvos archeologija, Lithuanian Institute of History
2010 | Book review
Contributors: Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)

Banytė-Rowell, R., 2009. Archaeological material concerning the former Memelland District in H. Jankuhn‘s Archival legacy. Archaeologia Lituana, 10, 50-64.

Archaeologia Lituana
2009 | Journal article
Contributors: Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)

Banytė-Rowell, R., 2009. Buckle and mountings from Western Lithuania. Some remarks about a few loose finds of Migration Period. In: Bałtowe i ich sąsiedzi. Marian Kaczyński in memoriam, Warszawa, 227-237.

National Archaeological Museum (Warsaw)
2009 | Book chapter
Contributors: Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)

Banytė-Rowell, R., 2009. Rusnės pirklių Anckerių kultūrinė veikla XIX a. pabaigoje: archeologinių senienų rinkimas, Lietuvos archeologija, 35, 37-52.

Lietuvos archeologija
2009 | Journal article
Contributors: Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)

Banytė-Rowell, R., 2009. Vėlyvojo romėniškojo laikotarpio rozetiniai smeigtukai ir segės su tutuliu. Lietuvos archeologija, 34, 9-42.

Lietuvos archeologija
2009 | Journal article
Contributors: Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)

Banytė-Rowell, R., 2009. Žiedai kaip baltų meninės kūrybos atspindys/ Rings as a Reflection of Baltic Creative Art. In: Butrimas, A., ed. Baltų menas/Art of the Balts. Vilnius, 445-508.

Vilniaus dailės akademijos leidykla
2009 | Book chapter
Contributors: Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)

Banytė-Rowell, R., 2008. A. Bitner-Wróblewska. Netta. A Balt Cemetery in Northeastern Poland. Monumenta Archaeologica Barbarica, Tomus XII. Warszawa, 2007, 325 p. Lietuvos archeologija, 33, 203-208.

2008 | Book review
Contributors: Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)

Banytė-Rowell, R., 2008. Metallene Trachtzierate aus einem westlitauischen Gräberfeld der römischen Kaiserzeit im „germanischen“ und „sarmatischen“ Kontext, Germania-Sarmatia 1. In: Древности центральной и Восточной Европы эпохи римского влияния и переселения народов, Калининград, 88-103.

2008 | Journal article
Contributors: Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)

Banytė-Rowell, R., 2007. A Roman Iron Age Warrior from Western Lithuanian cemetery Baitai Grave 23. Weapons, weaponry and man. In memoriam Vytautas Kazakevičius (=Archaeologia Baltica, 8), 183-194.

Archaeologia Baltica
2007 | Journal article
Contributors: Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rasa Banytė Rovell (Banytė-Rowell)
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