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An Associate Professor of Community Health and Development, I hold PhD and Master’s Degrees in Community Health and Development from Great Lakes University of Kisumu (GLUK). For the last 20 years I have worked with the University rising in rank from departmental head to directorship positions both for the Tropical Institute of Community Health and Development (TICH) and Programs Director to the current position of Dean – School of Community Health and Development at GLUK.

I specialize in health systems capacity building, research and community development. I have vast experience in engaging with health systems program development, capacity building and research activities for over 20 years within Kenya and beyond focusing on improving performance of health system through evidence-based decision making, planning and action including networking, lobby and advocacy and resource mobilization. This, I have undertaken at international, regional, national and county levels. A key element has been the development of community-based information system as a diagnostic tool for identification of health problems to guide timely decisions and actions.

As part of community development work, I participated in developing and testing a number of models for facilitating achievement of universal access to Essential Elements of Dignified Livelihoods with over 30 publications.

I have led and participated in several researches in the area of community health and development and Health Systems Development in Kenya and outside. I have extensive experience in qualitative and quantitative community health and development research with particular focus on Community Based Health Service Provision Strategies. I have special interest in the area of community-based health and development with special focus on disadvantaged groups, health systems, health economics and health care financing. Some previous and on-going research related works are summarised below:

i. Testing effectiveness of a community-based intervention programme in Kisumu (Kenya) to improve child neurodevelopment and caregiver mental health, collaborative research between Great Lakes University of Kisumu (GLUK), East African Center for Child Neurodevelopment (EACCN), Caribbean Center for Child Neurodevelopment (CCCN) and Windward Islands Research and Education Foundation (WINDREF) [2024 – 2025].
ii. Strengthening capacity for epidemic preparedness and response in sub-Saharan Africa — SCEPRESSA, a multi country collaboration between Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), University of Malawi - College of Medicine, The Tropical Institute of Community Health and Development (TICH), and Ministry of Health - Kenya (MOH); (funded by the European Union Funding for Research and Innovation, under the Second European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership Programme (EDCTP2)) [2021 – 2025]
iii. Improvement of County-level institutions in Busia to have strengthened processes and systems for Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment (GEWE) and responsive evidence-based planning, budgeting, implementation for accountable service delivery [2020 – 2021]
iv. Enhancing women’s agency in navigating changing food environments to improve child nutrition in African drylands (NaviNut) (2020 – 2023, funded by: ptBLE in German through the German Institute for Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture DITSL)
v. County Integrated Covid-19 Response Leveraging the Community Health Strategy, Technology and Youth to Improve Community Containment and Health System Critical Care Capacity (2020 – 2021)
vi. Effectiveness of partnerships in the integration of innovative strategies for Youth Friendly Health Service provision (2016 – 2020, funded by Simavi)
vii. Effectiveness of Community Health Agents in improving immunization Coverage in Hard to reach Nomadic Populations in Kenya (2015 to 2019, funded by 3ie)
viii. Effectiveness of Parent - Adolescent Communication Methods on Adolescent Sexual Behavior Change, Kakamega County, Kenya, (2016 - February 2017), funded by Amplify Change network grant.
ix. Enhancing capacity for Sub County Health System and Health Facility governance structures on Budget Monitoring (2014 – 2018), funded by WEMOS, Netherlands.
x. Testing effectiveness of meaningful youth participation in District Health Care System management to improve access to SRHR information and services among young people [10-24years], (2013 - 2015), funded by RutgersWPF, Netherlands.
xi. A quasi-experimental assessment of the cost-effectiveness of the Community Health Strategy on health outcomes in in Rural Agrarian, Urban Slums and Nomadic Communities in Kenya, (2007 - 2014), funded by DFID, MRC and Wellcome Trust as well as Global Health Research Initiative
xii. Effectiveness of Community Based Nutrition Support System for Vulnerable Children in Rural and Peri-Urban areas in Kenya. Funder: Academy for Education and Development, USAID (2003-2007)


Employment (2)

Great Lakes University of Kisumu: Kisumu, Kisumu, KE

2023-05-01 to present | Dean, School of Community Health & Development (School of Community Health & Development)
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Tropical Institute Of Community Health And Development: Kisumu, Kisumu, KE

2017-01-01 to present | BOT member & Senior Research Fellow (Academics and Research Department)
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Education and qualifications (12)

Amani Institute, Kenya: Nairobi, Nairobi, KE

2020-11-01 to 2021-03-30 | Certificate in Leadership for Impact (Organizational Development )
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Great Lakes University of Kisumu: Kisumu, Kisumu, KE

2009-09-01 to 2015-06-26 | PhD (Community Health and Development)
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

University of the Western Cape: Cape town, Cape town, ZA

2014-08-01 to 2014-11-30 | Certificate in Introduction to Complex Health Systems (ICHS) (School of Public Health)
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

University of the Western Cape: Cape town, Cape town, ZA

2014-01-03 to 2014-08-30 | Certificate in Introduction to Health Policy and Systems Research (IHPSR) (School of Public Health)
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

University of the Western Cape: Cape Town, Western Cape, ZA

2013-01-05 to 2013-08-30 | Certificate in Principles and Practice of good curriculum design (School of Public Health)
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

MS Training Centre for Development Cooperation: Arusha, Arusha, TZ

2012-11-01 to 2012-11-30 | Certificate in Governance and Change Management (Governance & Leadership Unit)
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Kenya Institute of Administration (KIA), Kenya: Nairobi, Nairobi, KE

2010-09-01 to 2010-09-30 | Certificate in Health Systems Strengthening TOT (Health Systems Strengthening Unit)
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

National Cheng Kung University: Tainan, Tainan, TW

2007-08-01 to 2007-12-15 | Post basic Certificate in Disaster preparedness and management (Disaster Preparedness and Management)
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Great Lakes University of Kisumu: Kisumu, Kisumu, KE

2005-05-09 to 2007-05-03 | Msc CHD (Community Health and Development)
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Tropical Institute Of Community Health And Development: Kisumu, Kisumu, KE

2003-05-08 to 2005-05-03 | HDCHD (Community Health and Development)
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Tropical Institute Of Community Health And Development: Kisumu, Kisumu, KE

2002-05-01 to 2002-12-15 | Certificate in Health Care Financing (Community Health and Development)
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

KCA University: Nairobi, Nairobi, KE

1991-06-01 to 1995-06-30 | CPA II (Accountancy)
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Professional activities (4)

• The Global Coalition on Women and AIDS (GCWA): Nairobi, Nairobi, KE

2016-01-30 to present | Coalition member (Member)
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Association of Schools of Public Health in Africa : Nairobi, Nairobi, KE

2013-11-01 to present | Professional (Public Health)
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

• Consortium for Health Policy and Systems Analysis in Africa (CHEPSAA): Nairobi, Nairobi, KE

2013-09-01 to present | Fellow (Health Systems and Policy)
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Health Systems Global: Tbilisi, Tbilisi, GE

2013-01-02 to present | Movement member (Health Systems)
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Funding (20)

Implementing a community-based intervention programme in Kisumu to improve child neurodevelopment and caregiver mental health

2024-03 to 2025-07 | Grant
Windward Islands Research and Education Foundation (WINDREF) (Grenada, Grenada, UM)
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Training Manual on Freedom of Religion or Belief for Religious Leaders in Isiolo County

2022 to 2022 | Contract
Free Pentecostal Fellowship in Kenya (FPFK (Nairobi, Nairobi, KE)
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Strengthening capacity for epidemic preparedness and response in sub-Saharan Africa — SCEPRESSA

2021-07 to 2024-06 | Grant
European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (The Hague, The Hague, NL)


Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Busia Gender Equality and Women Empowerment (GEWE) [BudgetPro] Project

2021-07 to 2022-08 | Grant
UN Women (Nairobi, Nairobi, KE)
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Baseline Survey on Gender Based Violence and Human Rights Violations in Malaba, Busia County, Kenya

2021 to 2022 | Contract
Free Pentecostal Fellowship in Kenya (FPFK) (Nairobi, Nairobi, KE)
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Context Analysis of the State of Freedom of Religion and Violent Extremism in Isiolo County, Kenya

2021 to 2021 | Contract
Free Pentecostal Fellowship in Kenya (FPFK) (Nairobi, Nairobi, KE)
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Enhancing women’s agency in navigating changing food environments to improve child nutrition in African drylands (NaviNut)

2020-10 to 2023-09 | Grant
ptBLE in German through the German Institute for Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture DITSL) (D-37213 Witzenhausen, Germany, DE)
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Evaluation: Mid-Term external evaluation of Christian Health Association of Kenya (CHAK) Strategic Plan 2017-2022, Kenya; 2019

2019 to 2019 | Contract
Christian Health Association of Kenya (CHAK) (Nairobi, Nairobi, KE)
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Consultant in the WHO Country Health System Desk Reviews: 10 country report - for the WHO contribution to the WHO-WB-GoJ Background Report on “Making Progress towards UHC: Learning from Country Experiences” to be prepared for the Tokyo UHC Forum 2017, Dec. 13-14, 2017

2017 to 2017 | Contract
World Health Organization (Geneva, Geneva, CH)
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Increasing Access to SRH Knowledge and Services by young people – Get Up Speak Out (GUSO) program in 5 counties, Western Kenya Region

2016-10 to 2020-12 | Grant
SIMAVI (Netherlands, Amsterdam, NL)
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Evaluation: End-Term external evaluation of Christian Health Association of Kenya (CHAK) Strategic Plan 2011-2016- and 3-year program, Kenya;

2016 to 2016 | Contract
Christian Health Association of Kenya (CHAK) (Nairobi, Nairobi, KE)
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

National Community Health Volunteer Program (NCHVP), The Sudanese Red Crescent Society (SRCS);

2016 to 2016 | Contract
International Federation of the Red Cross (IFRC) (Nairobi, Nairobi, KE)
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Evaluation of Integrated Health Care Program (IHCP) In Somaliland And Puntland, Mid Term Evaluation and Recommendations for Review of IHCP

2015 to 2016 | Contract
Somalia Red Crescent (Nairobi, Nairobi, KE)
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Effect of Budget Monitoring capacity building for sub county and health facility Boards on quality of health service delivery

2014 to 2018 | Grant
Wemos, Netherlands (Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL)
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Exploring the (factors and actors) that influence the meaningful youth involvement in the existing community/sub-County health care system management structures in order to improve access to SRHR information and services among young people

2014 to 2015 | Contract
RutgersWPF, Netherlands (Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL)
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Improvement of Health System through integration of young people in the DHS for improvement of reproductive health of young people – Access, Services and Knowledge (ASK) Program

2012-01 to 2015-12 | Grant
SIMAVI (Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL)
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Systematic Review: Effects of Health Care Financing Approach on Universal access to health care in East Africa

2011 to 2012 | Grant
Wemos, Netherlands (Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL)
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Community based Health Financing/Insurance Low cost Products in Kenya

2010 to 2011 | Contract
Kenya Community Based Health Care Financing Association (KCBHFA) (Nairobi, Nairobi, KE)
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

End year assessment of Community Based Health Care Project in Western Kenya

2009 to 2009 | Contract
SIMAVI, Netherlands (Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL)
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Multi-country study on Influence of International and Global Funding on Human Resource for Health in Africa

2007 to 2007 | Grant
Wemos, Netherlands (Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL)
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Works (42)

Ochieng, M. , Nyaberi, J. , Mambo, S. and Wafula, C. (2024) Healthcare Worker-Related Factors Contributing to Tuberculosis Treatment Non-Adherence among Patients in Kisumu East Sub-County. Journal of Tuberculosis Research, 12, 13-33. doi: 10.4236/jtr.2024.121002.

Journal of Tuberculosis Research, 12, 13-33.
2024-03-11 | Journal article | Supervision
Contributors: Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Ngechu, J. N., Onyango, R., Wafula, C., & Kamau, P. (2023). Behavioural effect of soil transmitted helminths control programme among school going children in Meru County, Kenya. International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health, 11(1), 68–74.

International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health, 11(1), 68–74.
2023-12-30 | Journal article | Supervision
Contributors: Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Munyumu, K., Wafula, C., Were, V. et al. Quality of life and factors associated among caregivers of adolescent and young adult Ebola survivors in Democratic Republic of the Congo, a cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health 23, 2362 (2023).

BMC Public Health 23, 2362 (2023)
2023-11-29 | Journal article | Supervision
Contributors: Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Judith Naita Ngechu, Rosebella Onyango, Charles Wafula. Regional Health Policies and Programs Regarding Plans and Implementation of Healthy Lifestyle Promotion and Intestinal Parasitic Infections Among the School Going Children in Meru County, Kenya. International Journal of Health Sciences and Research Vol.13; Issue: 11; November 2023 Website: Original Research Article ISSN: 2249-9571. DOI:

International Journal of Health Sciences and Research Vol.13; Issue: 11
2023-11-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Balemba Bahane Leon, Apollo O. Maima and Charles Wafula, 2023. “Association assessment of ownership of LLIN and malaria prevention in fragile health zone of karisimbi of goma in North KIVU, DRC”. International Journal of Development Research, 13, (09).

International Journal of Development Research, 13, (09)
2023-09-01 | Journal article | Supervision
Contributors: Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Jules KASHEMWA MULUMEODERHWA, Margaret KASEJE and Charles Wafula. 2023. “The household factors that facilitate the uptake of community-based health insurance for maternal healthcare services utilization in Karisimbi health zone, North- Kivu, DRC”. International Journal of Development Research, 13, (08), 63596-63602.

Jules KASHEMWA MULUMEODERHWA, Margaret KASEJE and Charles Wafula. 2023. “The household factors that facilitate the uptake of community-based health insurance for maternal healthcare services utilization in Karisimbi health zone, North- Kivu, DRC”. International Journal of Development Research, 13, (08), 63596-63602.
2023-09-01 | Journal article | Supervision
Contributors: Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Jules KASHEMWA MULUMEODERHWA, Margaret KASEJE and Charles Wafula. 2023. “The influence of community-based health insurance on the utilization of maternal health services in karisimbi health zone, north- kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo”. International Journal of Development Research, 13, (08), 63608-63612.

Jules KASHEMWA MULUMEODERHWA, Margaret KASEJE and Charles Wafula. 2023. “The influence of community-based health insurance on the utilization of maternal health services in karisimbi health zone, north- kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo”. International Journal of Development Research, 13, (08), 63608-63612.
2023-09-01 | Journal article | Supervision
Contributors: Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

“Association of importance of knowledge and good practices in the proper use of llins in relation to malaria morbidity in households with children under 5 in the Karisimbi Health zone of Goma in North KIVU/DRC”

Balemba Bahane Leon, Apollo O. Maima and Charles Wafula, 2023. “Association of importance of knowledge and good practices in the proper use of llins in relation to malaria morbidity in households with children under 5 in the Karisimbi Health zone of Goma in North KIVU/DRC”. International Journal of Development Research, 13, (09).
2023-09-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Demaison Kambasu TALIMULA, Rosebella ONYANGO and Charles WAFULA. 2023. “Addressing the ten top root causes of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among household heads in fragile and conflicts contexts: Beni City, Eastern DRC”.

International Journal of Development Research, 13, (05), 62757-62761.
2023-05-01 | Journal article | Supervision
Contributors: Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Demaison Kambasu TALIMULA, Rosebella Onyango and Charles Wafula. 2023. “Factors associated with covid-19 VH in fragile and conflict settings: Beni health zone, eastern DRC”. International Journal of Development Research, 13, (05), 62762-62766.

International Journal of Development Research, 13, (05), 62762-62766.
2023-05-01 | Journal article | Supervision
Contributors: Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Ochieng, Beverly M., Lesley Smith, Bev Orton, Mark Hayter, Margaret Kaseje, Charles O. Wafula, Penina Ocholla, Franklin Onukwugha, and Dan C. O. Kaseje (2022). Perspectives of Adolescents, Parents, Service Providers, and Teachers on Mobile Phone Use for Sexual Reproductive Health Education. Social Sciences 11: 196. socsci11050196

Social Sciences 11: 196.
2022-11-01 | Journal article | Investigation
Contributors: Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Odida, D., Ouma, C. W., Chesire, F., Balla, A., Otieno, S., Oria, K., Ochola, G., & Owino, D. (2022). Responsiveness and Uptake of Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights Education and Information Among Young People 10-24 Years Old: A Case Of ‘Get Up Speak Out’ (GUSO) Program Implementation Period in Western Kenya Region. East African Journal of Health and Science, 5(1), 250-259.

East African Journal of Health and Science, 5(1), 250-259
2022-10-01 | Journal article | Conceptualization
Contributors: Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Kisughu Munyumu, Charles Wafula, Rosebella Onyango, Vincent Were, Otiena Careena, Ndemo Mbasa, Hypolite Muhindo-Mavoko, Richard Bitwe, Margaret Kaseje (2022). Effects of Community-Based Care on Quality of Life among Adolescent and Young Adult Ebola Survivors in Democratic Republic of the Congo. American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research (AJHSSR) e-ISSN : 2378-703X Volume-6, Issue-9, pp-127-134.

American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research (AJHSSR) e-ISSN : 2378-703X Volume-6, Issue-9, pp-127-134
2022-09-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

20. Ochola, G., Atitwa, E., & Wafula, C. (2022). Effects of Differential Household Characteristics on Immunization Coverage for Children Aged 12-23 Months in Alego Usonga, Nyakach and Butere Sub Counties, Kenya. East African Journal of Health and Science, 5(1), 190-206.

East African Journal of Health and Science
2022-06-13 | Journal article | Conceptualization
Contributors: Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Oria, K., Wafula, C., Chelagat, F., Balla, A., Ochieng, M., Odida, D., Otieno, S. & Ochola, G. (2022). The Need for Community Based SRHR Mentors in Improving Young People’s Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR): A Case of the “Get Up Speak Out” Programme Implemented in Western Kenya. East African Journal of Health and Science, 5(1), 130-142.

ast African Journal of Health and Science, 5(1), 130-142
2022-05-30 | Journal article | Conceptualization
Contributors: Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Adhiambo, C., Ochola, G., Ochieng, M., Oria, K., Odida, D., Bala, A., Otieno, S., Chesire, F. & Wafula, C. (2022). Willingness and Roles of Young People to Meaningfully Participate in Promotion of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Programmes: A Case of Get Up Speak Out Project in Western Kenya. East African Journal of Health and Science, 5(1), 276- 284.

East African Journal of Health and Science, 5(1), 276- 284.
2022-05-20 | Journal article | Conceptualization
Contributors: Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Balla, A., Wafula, C., Chelagat, F., Oria, K., Ochieng, M., Odida, D., Otieno, S. & Ochola, G. (2022). Status of Client Satisfaction for Sexual Reproductive Health Services: A Case Get Up Speak Out (GUSO) Program Implementation in Western Kenya. East African Journal of Health and Science, 5(1), 143-153.

East African Journal of Health and Science, 5(1), 143-153
2022-05-20 | Journal article | Conceptualization
Contributors: Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Ochieng’, M., Wafula, C., Chesire, F., Oria, K., Odida, D., Balla, A., Otieno, S., Ochola, G., & Adhiambo, C. (2022). Availability and Readiness of Health Facilities to Deliver Sexual and Reproductive Health Services for Young People: A Case of the “Get Up Speak Out” Programme Implemented in Western Kenya. East African Journal of Health and Science, 5(1), 207-213.

East African Journal of Health and Science, 5(1), 207-213
2022-05-19 | Journal article | Conceptualization
Contributors: Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Alga, B., Wafula, C., & Kaseje, M. (2022). Determination of Predictors for Acceptance and Recommendation for Sexual Reproductive Health Services among Young People in the Western Region of Kenya. East African Journal of Health and Science, 5(1), 178-189.

East African Journal of Health and Science, 5(1), 178-189
2022-05-05 | Journal article | Conceptualization
Contributors: Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Odero, N., Wafula, C., Okeyo, S., & Oyugi, H. (2022). Contribution of Capacity Building Program on Implementation Level of Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights Activities among Community Based Organizations in Western Kenya. East African Journal of Health and Science, 5(1), 214-228.

East African Journal of Health and Science, 5(1), 214-228
2022-05-04 | Journal article | Supervision
Contributors: Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Ochieng, M., Chemutai, M., Odida, D., Oria, K., Otieno, S., Bala, A., Ochola, G., Chesire, F., & Wafula, C. (2022). Using Data Quality Audit as a Strategy for Improved Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights Programming. East African Journal of Health and Science, 5(1), 154-162.

East African Journal of Health and Science, 5(1), 154-162
2022-05-02 | Journal article | Conceptualization
Contributors: Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Odida, D., Wafula, C., Otieno, C., Otieno, M., & Chesire, F. (2022). Differential Effects of Household Characteristics on Uptake of Skilled Birth Attendance among Women of Reproductive Age in Western Kenya. East African Journal of Health and Science, 5(1), 285-299.

East African Journal of Health and Science, 5(1), 285-299
2022-05-01 | Journal article | Conceptualization
Contributors: Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Oria, K., Wafula, C., & Mumma, J. (2022). Assessing Relationship between Capacity Building and Entrepreneurial Activities among Community Based Organisation over a Three-year Term in Western Region of Kenya. East African Journal of Business and Economics, 5(1), 132-153.

East African Journal of Business and Economics
2022-04-15 | Journal article | Supervision
Contributors: Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Byaruhanga Ngbape Olivier, Margaret Kaseje, Charles Wafula (2022). Influence of Performance-based Financing on the use of maternal health services: A quasi-experimental study between the health zones of Katana and Kalehe in South Kivu/RDC. international journal for innovative research in multidisciplinary field, volume - 8, issue – 4.

international journal for innovative research in multidisciplinary field, volume - 8, issue – 4
2022-04-05 | Journal article | Supervision
Contributors: Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Adwar, J. J. A., Wafula , C., & Kaseje, M. (2022). Influence of Women Group Activities on Maternal Health Service Utilization in Owich Sub-location, Nyatike Sub-county of Kenya. Journal of Medicine, Nursing & Public Health, 5(2), 52 - 71.

Journal of Medicine, Nursing & Public Health, 5(2), 52 - 71
2022-04-01 | Journal article | Supervision
Contributors: Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Olivier BYARUHANGA NGBAPE, Margaret KASEJE and Charles Wafula (2022). “Influence of performance-based financing on the health system in South Kivu Province: A quasi-experimental study between Katana and Kalehe health zones in South Kivu”, International Journal of Development Research, 12, (03), 54692-54696.

International Journal of Development Research
2022-03-28 | Journal article | Supervision
Contributors: Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Odhiambo, S. A., Ouma, C. W., & Owino, D. (2022). Influence of Youth Socio-Demographic Characteristics on their Perceptions of Health Facility Factors in Kisumu, Kakamega and Homabay Counties. East African Journal of Health and Science, 5(1), 229-238.

East African Journal of Health and Science, 5(1), 229-238
2022-03-17 | Journal article | Supervision
Contributors: Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Evelia, H., Ndayala, P., Page, A., Wafula, O. C., Westeneng, J., Kuya, J., and Chesire, F. (2021) “Aspirations versus Reality: Exploring Factors Affecting Meaningful Youth Participation in Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Programme in Rural Kenya”, East African Journal of Health and Science, 3(1), pp. 31-44. doi: 10.37284/eajhs.3.1.297

East African Journal of Health and Science, 3(1), pp. 31-44.
2021-10-02 | Journal article | Investigation
Contributors: Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Magadi M, Kaseje D, Wafula C, Kaseje M, Ochola-Odhiambo P, Ogutu-Owii S, Orton B, Onukwugha F, Hayter M, Smith L. Sexual and reproductive health knowledge and behaviour of adolescent boys and girls aged 10-19 years in western Kenya: evidence from a cross-sectional pilot survey. Journal of Biosocial Science , Volume 54 , Issue 5 , September 2022 , pp. 792 – 811. DOI:

Journal of Biosocial Science , Volume 54 , Issue 5 , September 2022 , pp. 792 – 811.
2021-07-28 | Journal article | Investigation
Contributors: Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Franklin Onukwugha, Lesley Smith, Dan Kaseje, Charles Wafula, Margaret Kaseje, Vincent Were, Bev Orton, Mark Hayter, Julie Jomeen, Monica Magadi. The effectiveness and characteristics of mHealth interventions to increase adolescent’s use of sexual and reproductive health services in Sub-Saharan Africa: protocol for a systematic review. PROSPERO 2020 CRD42020179051 Available from:

PROSPERO 2020 CRD42020179051
2020 | Journal article | Methodology
Contributors: Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Monica Magadi, Martin Gazimbi, Charles Wafula & Margaret Kaseje (2020) Understanding ethnic variations in HIV prevalence in Kenya: the role of cultural practices; Culture, Health & Sexuality, DOI: 10.1080/13691058.2020.1734661

2020-05-04 | Journal article | Formal analysis
Contributors: Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Martin M Gazimbi, Monica A Magadi, Washington Onyango-Ouma, Elizabeth Walker, Rosemary B Cresswell, Margaret Kaseje and Charles O Wafula, 2020. Is polygyny a risk factor in the transmission of HIV in sub- Saharan Africa? A systematic review. African Journal of Reproductive Health December 2020; 24 (4):198. DOI: 10.29063/ajrh2020/v24i4.20

African Journal of Reproductive Health December 2020; 24 (4):198.
2020-04-02 | Journal article | Formal analysis
Contributors: Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

26. Lusweti consolata, Oyugi Henry, Wafula Charles, Chebor Alex: Factors Associated with Woman in Child Bearing Age Not Wanting to Deliver in a Health Facility Despite Antenatal Care Attendance, in Kakamega Central Sub-County. Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare, ISSN 2224-3208 (Paper) ISSN 2225-093X (Online), Vol.5, No.18, 2015.

Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare, ISSN 2224-3208 (Paper) ISSN 2225-093X (Online), Vol.5, No.18, 2015.
2019 | Journal article | Supervision
Contributors: Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Charles Ouma Wafula, Faith Chesire, Johnstone Kuya and Nelly Chelagat, 2018. Determinants of Effective Parent-Adolescent Communication Methods in a Rural Agrarian Community in Western Kenya. Research & Reviews: Journal of Social Sciences: Volume 4; Issue 3; November, 2018

Research & Reviews: Journal of Social Sciences: Volume 4; Issue 3; November, 2018
2018-10-31 | Journal article | Conceptualization
Contributors: Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

24. Wafula CO, Edwards N, Kaseje DCO. Contextual variations in costs for a community health strategy implemented in rural, peri-urban and nomadic sites in Kenya. BMC Public Health. 2017; 17:224.;

BMC Public Health. 2017; 17:224.
2017 | Journal article | Conceptualization
Contributors: Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Chesire Faith, Wafula Ouma Charles, Oyugi Henry, Ochieng Beverly, 2016. Effect of Community Health Strategy Policy on Client Perception of Maternity Delivery Services in Kakamega County. Sociology and Anthropology 4(6): 444-449, 2016.

Sociology and Anthropology 4(6): 444-449, 2016.
2016 | Journal article | Supervision
Contributors: Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Olayo Rose, Wafula Charles, Aseyo Evalyne, Loum Constantine, Kaseje Dan. A quasi-experimental assessment of the effectiveness of the Community Health Strategy on health outcomes in Kenya. BMC Health Services Research 2014, 14(Suppl 1):S3

BMC Health Services Research 2014, 14(Suppl 1):S3
2014 | Journal article | Investigation
Contributors: Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

29. Wafula CO, Kaseje DCO, Ochieng B and Ouma AW, 2013: Economic impact of HIV/AIDS on rural households in Suba Distict, Kenya. Developing Country Studies ISSN 2224-607X (Paper) ISSN 2225-0565 (Online), Vol.3, No.3, 2013

Developing Country Studies ISSN 2224-607X (Paper) ISSN 2225-0565 (Online), Vol.3, No.3, 2013
2013 | Journal article | Investigation
Contributors: Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Wafula CO, Kaseje DCO, Ochieng B and Ouma AW, 2013: Effect of education and gender on household ownership of asset types in rural Western Kenya Region. Developing Country Studies, ISSN 2224-607X (Paper) ISSN 2225-0565 (Online), Vol.3, No.3, 2013

Developing Country Studies, ISSN 2224-607X (Paper) ISSN 2225-0565 (Online), Vol.3, No.3, 2013
2013 | Journal article | Investigation
Contributors: Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Wanzala M, Kaseje DCO, Ochieng BM, and Wafula CO, 2013. Cost Analysis of Community Health Strategy Implementation: Case Study of Butere District, Kenya. Developing Country Studies ISSN 2224-607X (Paper) ISSN 2225-0565 (Online), Vol.3, No.3, 2013

Developing Country Studies ISSN 2224-607X (Paper) ISSN 2225-0565 (Online), Vol.3, No.3, 2013
2013 | Journal article | Conceptualization
Contributors: Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

Ochieng’ B.M, Kaseje, D C.O, Wafula C.O., 2012: The contributions of community-based volunteer workforce towards the millennium development goals in Nyando District, Kenya. Developing Country Studies ISSN 2224-607X (Paper) ISSN 2225-0565 (Online) Vol 2, No.5, 2012

Developing Country Studies ISSN 2224-607X (Paper) ISSN 2225-0565 (Online) Vol 2, No.5, 2012
2012 | Journal article | Formal analysis
Contributors: Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.

32. Kaseje D, Olayo R, Musita C, Oindo CO, Wafula C. & Muga R, 2010. Evidence-based dialogue with communities for district health systems' performance improvement,Global Public Health, 5:6, 595-610

Global Public Health, 5:6, 595-610
2010 | Journal article | Investigation
Contributors: Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof. Charles O. Wafula, CPA, HDCHD, MCHD, Ph.D.