Personal information
João Cláudio Faria dos Santos Antunes was graduated in Medicine by the Medical Faculty of University of Porto, Portugal, (FMUP) in 2009. He was resident in the Gastroenterology Department of Centro Hospitalar S. João until 2015, and he is Specialist in Gastroenterology since 2016, in the same Department. He performed investigation and published several studies during his residence in the fields of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Hepatology, Microbiology and Endoscopy. In the end of the residence, he spent 3 months in Tokyo learning Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection (ESD) and PerOral Endoscopic Pyloromyotomy (POEM) with Japanese experts. Then, he specialized in the areas of gastrointestinal oncology and therapeutic endoscopy, namely in the endoscopic treatment of gastrointestinal malignant and premalignant lesions by ESD and Endoscopic Mucosal Resection. He also performs therapeutic endoscopic procedures in other areas, namely POEM for the treatment of Achalasia and PerOral Endoscopic Pyloromyotomy for the treatment of Gastroparesia. He was invited to be part of the faculty of several national and international hands-on courses in the area of therapeutic endoscopy, mostly ESD. He was invited for several lectures in national and international meetings, in the area of gastrointestinal oncology, gastric pathology and therapeutic endoscopy. He is the first author of 45 scientific papers, and co-author in 55. He was invited as a peer-reviewer of 12 indexed journals. He had 21 oral presentations, and was co-author in 24. He is author or coauthor in 130 poster presentations. He wrote 3 hospital protocols in the area of ESD. He was an assistant in the FMUP discipline of Biochemistry from 2010 to 2015 and he is now an Assistant Professor in the FMUP Masters of Medicine disciplines of Gastroenterology and Medical Propedeutics. He participates every week and represents the Gastroenterology Department in the gastric and esophageal oncological multidisciplinary team meetings in Centro Hospitalar S. João. He was responsible for the orientation of one Gastroenterology resident since 2019. He is a researcher in IPATIMUP/i3S, in Glycobiology in Cancer group, in the area of gastric cancer. He earned a PhD in Medicine in the area of ESD in 2023. He was awarded with the Gastroenterology National Award in 2020 and 2022.