Personal information
Coordonating scientific researcher at the Institute of History of the State University of Moldova (USM). I graduated State University of Moldova and completed my graduate studies at the same institution, in 2006 – MA in History, and in 2011 – PhD in history. My PhD thesis scrutinizes the role of Odessa seaport in the European grain trade system (1794-1853). Member of the Scientific Seminar for defending of PhD theses within State University of Moldova and Institute of History. Participated in several national and international projects related to museum heritage and economical development of Bessarabia in the 19th century. Between 2014-2015 I led a national project on the First World War and now I'm leading the laboratory within the institute for the research of Bessarabian participants in WWI. I am the author of 93 academic studies and articles and of 60 other type of academic publications (as of 17.09.2023), mainly related to economical history of Bessarabia in the first half of the 19th C., but also of two books:
1. EMILCIUC, A. Ostaşii basarabeni în Primul Război Mondial (1914-1918), Ed. a 2-a, Chişinău: Tehnica-Info, 2018, 562 p. ISBN 978-9975-63-386-4.
2. EMILCIUC, A. Basarabia în procesul de integrare a Imperiului Rus în sistemul comerţului european (1812 – anii '60 ai sec. al XIX-lea) – Chişinău: Lexon-Prim, 2021. – 756 p.: tab. ISBN 978-9975-3291-7-0.
Employment (1)
Education and qualifications (1)
Works (12)