Personal information

Xylitol, bioethanol, sugarcane bagasse, biobased products, biosurfactants, biomass


Full Professor at the University of São Paulo (USP), researcher 1A at CNPq, Factor H 45 and 7,427 citations (Scopus). At USP he obtained the title of Associate Professor and a PhD in Tec. Biochemical-Pharmaceutical with period at Gesellchaft Fuer Biotechnologishe Forshung GBF- Germany. He was included in the ranking of the 2% most Influential Scientists in the World in the area of Biotechnology, (2020, 2021 and 2022), by Ed.Elsevier (University of Standford, USA), also in 2023 by Portal and by AD Scientific Index Rankings.
He is the Director of the Lorena School of Engineering (EEL/USP). He was Head of the Biotechnology Department for two terms (2015 to 2019), Vice-President of the Research Committee at EEL-USP (2018 to 2020). Collaborating Professor in Doctoral Programs at Universities in Mexico, SINAES/MEC Evaluator courses and the ARCU SUL System (Mercosul). Associate researcher at the Bioenergy Research Institute - IPBEN.
Winner of 27 awards such as: Title of Honorary Citizen of Lorena (2017), Outstanding Educational Professional (2015), Industry Highlight-Education (2015), Impact Science in Biotechnology in the years 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2020 . 2023 (MH), National Postgraduate Award, BRASKEN, ABEQ, Dow Sustainability Innovation Award and other awards. Performs ad hoc consultancy activities for CNPq, CAPES, FAPESP, FAPEMIG, FAPITEC, FACEPE Fundação Araucária, BNDES, CEE, MEC, National Science Foundation, NSF, United States, Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología, CONACYT, México, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Spain, Comission Nacional de Investigación Científica and Tecnológica, Chile and other various institutions. He is a reviewer for 50 international journals.
He has published 256 articles in mostly international journals, 790 works in largely international events, 68 published book chapters, has 5 patents granted and 10 on deposit. He edited 6 international books, and was chief guest editor of the Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology and Sustainable Fermentation Technology Journal, Switzerland. He supervised 190 works among 31 Master's dissertations, 25 Doctoral Theses, 11 Post-Doctoral supervisions, 112 Scientific Initiation works . He coordinated 22 funded research projects, 4 large projects including a FAPESP BIOEN Thematic project involving USP, UFJF, UFMG and UNESP and 2 international institutions and another 3 projects approved within the International Cooperation involving EEL-USP and Colorado State University ( USA) financed by CNPq/NSF (USA), the Institute of Technology Durgapur, (India), MCTI/DBT, India and the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (Canada), financed by FAPESP/UOIT-Canada. He was also Principal Researcher in a FAPESP Thematic project, coordinates 1 international project in collaboration with Universities in Mexico. He is Associate Laboratory Leader in an INCT approved project (CNPq 2023-2027). He works in the area of Biotechnology with an emphasis on Biochemical Engineering, Industrial and Fermentation Microbiology. He is the Coordinator of the Bioprocesses and Sustainable Products Laboratories at EEL-USP. Member of CA- CNPq AGRO and International Cooperation Program. Participates in Institutional Councils since 1995, member of the Electoral Commission to coordinate the electoral process for the selection of Rector and Vice-Rector of USP 2021, in the Academic Activities Committee (CAA), member of the Budget Committee and Heritage - COP (Rector of USP), on the Board of Trustees of FUSP, University Council of USP, President of the International Relations Commission (EEL-USP), President of the Management Council of EEL/USP, and on the Committee for choosing the Director of National Amazon Research Institute (INPA), designated by the Minister of Science, Technology and Innovations. It has scientific collaboration partnerships with national/international institutions such as: Italy, Spain, Chile, Germany, Mexico, Peru, United States, Canada, China and India


Employment (1)

Universidade de São Paulo: Lorena, SP, BR

Full Professor (Biotechnology)
Source: Self-asserted source
da Silva, S.S.

Education and qualifications (4)

Gesellchaft Fuer Biotechnologishe Forshung GBF: Braunschweig, DE

1992-02-02 to 1994-02-02 | Ph.D (Gesellchaft Fuer Biotechnologishe Forshung GBF)
Source: Self-asserted source
da Silva, S.S.

Universidade de São Paulo: São Paulo, BR

1990-02-02 to 1994-02-02 | Ph.D (Biochemical and Pharmaceutical Technology)
Source: Self-asserted source
da Silva, S.S.

Universidade Federal de Viçosa: Viçosa, BR

1986 to 1988 | Master Degree (Food Technology)
Source: Self-asserted source
da Silva, S.S.

Universidade Federal de Viçosa: Viçosa, BR

1980 to 1985 | Food Engineering (Food Technology)
Source: Self-asserted source
da Silva, S.S.

Peer review (1 review for 1 publication/grant)

Review activity for ACS sustainable chemistry & engineering. (1)