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•My expertise in the feed/food field is mainly in the domains of nutrition and immunology. My research work is substantiated in 68 scientific publications, mainly dealing with: (i) Impact of feed quality on animal health: research focus on the effect of feed contaminants (mycotoxins) and feed composition on immune response (inflammation and cytokine network) and (ii) improvement of feed quality: research focus on the optimisation of dietary vitamin supplementation in farm animal.
•I have over 15 years of experience in the coordination of national and international projects and won important experience in the study of mycotoxins during the 4 years of post doctoral studies in France-INRA, Laboratory of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Toulouse (Grant of excellence of the Agency of French-speaking countries, NATO and INRA scholarships). Since 2003 I have been involved in European research projects: FP5 („Healthypigut” (QLK-CT-2000-00522), FP6 (Feed for Pig Health -CT40-2004-506144) and FP7 (FEED-TO-FOOD –CT-2008-212110), COST (FEED FOR HEALTH-FA0802-2008), ECO-NET, BRANCUSI, etc.
•Between 2001-2004 and 2006-2009 I have been the local coordinator of the bilateral project: Network research training between France and Central and Eastern Europe: „Reseau Formation Recherche”, which give me experience in supervising MS and PhD students. Moreover, in 2007, 2008 and 2009 I was member in the PhD commission of three Romanian young researchers: Cristina Tabuc (INCDBNA), Radu DUCA (INCDBNA) and Cornelia BRAICU (USAMV Cluj).
•I am Independent Evaluator expert (ID: EX2002B070822) of the European Commission and scientific referent for Livestock Science; Food & Chemical Toxicology; Journal of Veterinary Medicine; Animal Feed Science and Technology; Journal of Food Biochemistry; Journal of Physiology and Animal Nutrtion; Archiva Zootechinca.