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Computer, Ontology, Tawny-Owl, Data Mining
United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia


Employment (3)

Umm al-Qura University: Mecca, SA

2023-06-01 to present | Assistant Professor (Data Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Mohammad Halawani

Umm al-Qura University: Makkah, SA

2022-06-01 to 2023-06-01 | Lecturer (Information Systems)
Source: Self-asserted source
Mohammad Halawani

Umm al-Qura University: Makkah, SA

2012-03-31 to 2022-05-31 | Teacher Assistant (Demonstrator) (Information Systems)
Source: Self-asserted source
Mohammad Halawani

Education and qualifications (3)

Newcastle University School of Computing: Newcastle upon Tyne, Newcastle upon Tyne, GB

2016-09-20 to 2023-03-24 | PhD (Computing Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Mohammad Halawani

University of Manchester: Manchester, Manchester, GB

2014-09-29 to 2015-09-29 | MSc (Computer Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Mohammad Halawani

Umm Al-Qura University: Makkah, Makkah, SA

2007-09-20 to 2011-06-20 | BSc (Computer Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Mohammad Halawani

Works (5)

String Matching Algorithm-Based Filtering for Detecting SQL Injection Using Parallel Programming

International Conference on Information Science and Technology Innovation (ICoSTEC)
2024-07-27 | Conference paper
Contributors: Mohammad Halawani; Oula Halawani; Esra Saif; Doja Alhebshi; Manar Hakimi; Shmookh Alotaibi; Seba Alqarawi; Malak Aljabri
Source: Self-asserted source
Mohammad Halawani

Semi-Automated Data-Driven Methods to Support Ontology Development: A Case Study on a Rehabilitation Therapy Ontology

2019 | Conference paper

Contributors: Mohammad K. Halawani; Robert Coventry Forsyth; Phillip W. Lord
Source: Self-asserted source
Mohammad Halawani

Retrieval of Full-Text Literature to Bootstrap Biomedical Ontologies

UK Ontology Network 2018 (UKON 2018)
2018-04-27 | Conference abstract
Contributors: Mohammad Halawani; Rob Forsyth; Phillip Lord
Source: Self-asserted source
Mohammad Halawani

A Literature Based Approach to Define the Scope of Biomedical Ontologies: A Case Study on a Rehabilitation Therapy Ontology

2017 | Journal article

Contributors: Mohammad K. Halawani; Robert Coventry Forsyth; Phillip W. Lord
Source: Self-asserted source
Mohammad Halawani

A Literature Based Approach to Define the Scope of Biomedical Ontologies

Conference paper
Source: Self-asserted source
Mohammad Halawani
Preferred source (of 2)‎