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Katrin Sak, MSc, PhD, Dip.Nut.Med is a biochemist born in Viljandi, Estonia in 1975. She received her BSc (1996), MSc (1997) and PhD degrees (2001) in Bioorganic Chemistry in the University of Tartu, Estonia. In the years 2001–2004, she was a postdoctoral fellow in the Institute of Interdisciplinary Research of the Free University of Brussels, Belgium. In 2011–2012, she completed a special training in nutritional oncology and acquired Dip.Nut.Med degree in the Health Schools Australia.
Katrin Sak`s research field comprises the studies of natural polyphenolic anticancer agents, especially the effects of flavonoids in different malignant models. Her scientific activity is focused also on the interactions between plants-derived flavonoids and conventional anticancer treatment modalities, including chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, targeted therapy and radiotherapy.
Katrin Sak is the author of seven international monographs/ handbooks/ textbooks: "Fundamentals of Flavonoids and Their Health Benefits. A Textbook for Undergraduate, Graduate, and Postgraduate Students" (2024), "How Plant Flavonoids Affect the Outcome of Hormonal and Biological Cancer Therapies: A Handbook for Doctors and Patients" (2022), "Combating Canine Cancers with Phytochemicals" (2021), "Plant Flavonoids against Metastasis: New Concepts for Cancer Treatment" (2021), "Dietary Flavonoids Interfere with Cancer Radiotherapy" (2019), "Plant Flavonoids Affect Cancer Chemotherapeutic Efficacy: A Handbook for Doctors and Patients" (2019), and "Flavonoids in the Fight against Upper Gastrointestinal Tract Cancers" (2018). She has published also two authored handbooks about nutritional oncology in Estonian: "Taskuteatmik vähihaigele. Taimsed toidud, mida vähiravimeid kasutades vältida" ("Pocket guide to a cancer patient. Plant foods that should be avoided when using cancer drugs", 2024) and "Toit ja vähk. Elule aastaid ja aastatele elu" ("Food and cancer. Adding years to life and life to years", 2013). In addition, Katrin Sak is the author of numerous book chapters in the edited collections and more than 130 scientific articles published in international peer-reviewed journals. Furthermore, she has been active also as an editor of several international collections and special issues about anticancer action of nutraceuticals.
The author pages of Katrin Sak are available at and