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Professor no Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre e atual coordenador de sistemas de informação do mesmo instituto. Interessa-se atualmente por reengenharia de processos organizacionais, arquitetura empresarial e sistemas de recuperação de informação organizacional.

Tem por formação Engenharia Informática e uma grande parte da carreira passada na investigação de Bibliotecas Digitais e Motores de Pesquisa Bibliográficos e Geo-Temporais na área do Information Retrieval, tendo publicado bastantes trabalhos nessa área.


Employment (1)

Instituto Politecnico de Portalegre: Portalegre, PT

2016-09-01 to present | Professor Adjunto (Tecnologia e Design)
Source: Self-asserted source
Jorge Machado

Education and qualifications (2)

Instituto Superior Técnico: Lisboa, Lisboa, PT

2005-01-01 to 2008-09-01 | Mestrado (Engenharia Informática)
Source: Self-asserted source
Jorge Machado

Instituto Superior Técnico: Lisbon, PT

1998-01-09 to 2003-10-01 | Licenciatura
Source: Self-asserted source
Jorge Machado

Works (25)

Multi-Class Phased Prediction of Academic Performance and Dropout in Higher Education

Applied Sciences
2023-04-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Mónica V. Martins; Luís Baptista; Jorge Machado; Valentim Realinho
Source: check_circle

Predicting Student Dropout and Academic Success

2022-10-28 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2306-5729
Contributors: Valentim Realinho; Jorge Machado; Luís Baptista; Mónica Vieira Martins
Source: Self-asserted source
Jorge Machado

Early Prediction of student’s Performance in Higher Education: A Case Study

2021 | Book chapter
Contributors: Mónica V. Martins; Daniel Tolledo; Jorge Machado; Luís M. T. Baptista; Valentim Realinho
Source: check_circle

Predict students' dropout and academic success

2021-12-13 | Dataset
Contributors: Valentim Realinho; Jorge Machado; Luís Baptista; Mónica V. Martins
Source: Self-asserted source
Jorge Machado

Métodos e técnicas de gestão sustentável da água em agricultura de regadio

Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre
2021-01-01 | Book
Contributors: Jorge Machado; Luis Carlos Loures; José Telo da Gama; Ana Loures; José Rato Nunos; José Telo da Gama
Source: Self-asserted source
Jorge Machado

The Role of New Technologies on Water Saving in Irrigated Agriculture – The Case Study of AGROWATERSAVING

2019 | Journal article
Contributors: Luis Loures; ; Ana Lúcia Corvo Viegas Loures; Paulo Jorge Silveira Ferreira; J. Machado; Jose Gama; Rui Alexandre Castanho
Source: Self-asserted source
Jorge Machado

Supporting multilingual bibliographic resource discovery with Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records

Semantic Web
2012 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1570-0844
Contributors: Hugo Manguinhas; Nuno Freire; Jorge Machado; José Borbinha
Source: Self-asserted source
Jorge Machado

A Micro-analysis of Topic Variation for a Geotemporal Query

Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Evaluating Information Access, EVIA 2011, National Center of Sciences, Tokyo, Japan, December 6, 2011
2011 | Conference paper

Contributors: Fredric C. Gey and Ray R. Larson and Jorge Machado and Masaharu Yoshioka; Kazuaki Kishida and Mark Sanderson and William Webber
Source: Self-asserted source
Jorge Machado

Geo-Temporal retrieval filtering versus answer resolution using Wikipedia

Proceedings of the 9th NTCIR Workshop Meeting on Evaluation of Information Access Technologies: Information Retrieval, Question Answering and Cross-Lingual Information Access, NTCIR-9, National Center of Sciences, Tokyo, Japan, December 6-9, 2011
2011 | Conference paper

Contributors: Jorge Machado and José Borbinha and Bruno Martins; Noriko Kando and Daisuke Ishikawa and Miho Sugimoto
Source: Self-asserted source
Jorge Machado

NTCIR9-geotime overview-Evaluating geographic and temporal search: Round 2

Proceedings of NTCIR-9 Workshop
2011-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Gey, Fredric; Larson, Ray; Machado, Jorge; Yoshio, M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Jorge Machado

Experiments with Geo-Temporal Expressions Filtering and Query Expansion at Document and Phrase Context Resolution

Proceedings of the 8th NTCIR Workshop Meeting on Evaluation of Information Access Technologies: Information Retrieval, Question Answering and Cross-Lingual Information Access, NTCIR-8, National Center of Sciences, Tokyo, Japan, June 15-18, 2010
2010 | Conference paper

Contributors: Jorge Machado and José Borbinha and Bruno Martins; Noriko Kando and Kazuaki Kishida and Miho Sugimoto
Source: Self-asserted source
Jorge Machado

Experiments with N-Gram Prefixes on a Multinomial Language Model versus Lucene’s Off-the-Shelf Ranking Scheme and Rocchio Query Expansion (TEL@CLEF Monolingual Task)

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
2010 | Book chapter
Part of ISBN: 9783642157530
Part of ISBN: 9783642157547
Part of ISSN: 0302-9743
Part of ISSN: 1611-3349
Contributors: Jorge Machado; Bruno Martins; José Borbinha
Source: Self-asserted source
Jorge Machado

NTCIR-GeoTime Overview: Evaluating Geographic and Temporal Search

Proceedings of the 8th NTCIR Workshop Meeting on Evaluation of Information Access Technologies: Information Retrieval, Question Answering and Cross-Lingual Information Access, NTCIR-8, National Center of Sciences, Tokyo, Japan, June 15-18, 2010
2010 | Conference paper

Contributors: Fredric C. Gey and Ray R. Larson and Noriko Kando and Jorge Machado and Tetsuya Sakai; Noriko Kando and Kazuaki Kishida and Miho Sugimoto
Source: Self-asserted source
Jorge Machado

Experiments on a Multinomial Language Model versus Lucene’s Off-the-Shelf Ranking Scheme and Rocchio Query Expansion (TEL@CLEF Monolingual Task)

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
2009 | Book chapter
Part of ISBN: 9783642044465
Part of ISBN: 9783642044472
Part of ISSN: 0302-9743
Part of ISSN: 1611-3349
Contributors: Jorge Machado; Bruno Martins; José Borbinha
Source: Self-asserted source
Jorge Machado

LGTE: Lucene Extensions for Geo-Temporal Information Retrieval

Workshop on Geographic Information on the Internet Workshop (GIIW), held at ECIR
2009 | Conference paper
Contributors: Machado, Jorge; Martins, Bruno; Borbinha, José
Source: Self-asserted source
Jorge Machado

User Interface for a Geo-Temporal Search Service Using DIGMAP Components

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
2009 | Book chapter
Part of ISBN: 9783642043451
Part of ISBN: 9783642043468
Part of ISSN: 0302-9743
Part of ISSN: 1611-3349
Contributors: Jorge Machado; Gilberto Pedrosa; Nuno Freire; Bruno Martins; Hugo Manguinhas
Source: Self-asserted source
Jorge Machado

LGTE: Sistema aberto de Recuperação de Informação Textual, Geográfica e Temporal

2009-11-02 | Conference paper
Contributors: Jorge Machado
Source: Self-asserted source
Jorge Machado

Definição de Pontos de Vista Arquitecturais: um caso de estudo

9ª Conferência da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação
2009-10-28 | Conference paper
Contributors: Jorge Machado; José Borbinha; Pedro de Sousa
Source: Self-asserted source
Jorge Machado

Technical University of Lisbon CLEF 2008 Submission

Cross Language Evaluation Forum
2008 | Conference paper
Contributors: Jorge Machado; José Borbinha; Bruno Martins
Source: Self-asserted source
Jorge Machado

MITRA: Uma solução para serviços de pesquisa em intranets.

XATA, FCUL, Lisboa,
2007 | Conference paper
Contributors: Jorge Machado; José Borbinha
Source: Self-asserted source
Jorge Machado

, MITRA: A Metadata Aware Web Search Engine for Digital Libraries,

XATA, Portalegre, 2006
2006 | Conference paper
Contributors: Jorge Machado; José Borbinha
Source: Self-asserted source
Jorge Machado

PML – Project Modeling Language

XATA, ESTG, Portalegre, 2006
2006 | Conference paper
Contributors: Paulo Gomes
Source: Self-asserted source
Jorge Machado

SPEAK - A Generic Framework to Search in Metadata

XATA, Portalegre, 2006
2006 | Conference poster
Contributors: Jorge Machado; Paulo Gomes
Source: Self-asserted source
Jorge Machado

DEPTAL: A Framework for Institutional Repositories

DELOS Workshop - Digital Repositories: Interoperability and Common Services, Heraklion, Crete, Greece 2005
2005 | Conference paper
Contributors: Jorge Machado; José Borbinha
Source: Self-asserted source
Jorge Machado

Digital Library Components: DEPTAL and MITRA

ECDL2005 - Ninety European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries
2005 | Conference poster
Contributors: Jorge Machado; José Borbinha
Source: Self-asserted source
Jorge Machado