Personal information
Laura del Castillo Blanco, Inspector of Education at Delegación Provincial de Educación in Cáceres (Spain), is a specialist in school supervision, planning, operating and evaluation.
Laura has a Degree in English language and Literature and a PhD from Universidad de Extremadura (Spain).
Research Interests:
Research Interests include the role of the inspectors in School Improvement planning and evaluation, Inclusion and Attention to Diversity.
Laura also has a research interest in teaching and learning in digital environments having participated in the design and development of online
programmes for homeschooling and School improvement.
Current Funded Research Projects
Laura is the Project Coordinator for the following funded research project: Erasmus+ Supervising schools in the 21st Century (SS21DTIP)
She also participates in the following funded research projects:
(1) Erasmus+ Inter-Cultural Community Evaluation and Planning
in Schools (ICCEP); (2) Erasmus + Communication and Visual Education in Home Schooling (CAVE); (3) Erasmus + Early School Leaving (ESL)
As a member of the National Union of Inspectors of Education (Unión Sindical de Inspectores de Educación USIE), Laura is responsible for Foreign action of the Union and participates in the Erasmus + projects carried out by the Union.