Personal information
I am consultant geriatrician at Queens Medical Centre in Nottingham with interface and front door frailty as his main area of clinical practice.
I run an outpatient clinic in falls and bone health and offers a virtual clinic for the community falls and bone health team. I provide mentoring and educational lead role for the community falls team as well. I am also a lead in the elective trauma and Orthopaedics SCOPES service.
I am Nottingham University Hospitals Trust lead for dementia and in-patient falls. I have co-authored the Nottingham University Hospital’s dementia strategy and working with the community services to develop a county wide strategy. I am also working with the EOLC team in Nottingham working on introduction of Respect forms.
I am one of the clinical leads of the South Notts ICP. My interests are End of life care, management of patients with delirium and dementia and social isolation.
I am Royal College of Physicians, London’s regional representative for East Midlands.