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Mohd Sobri Idris was graduated in B.Eng.(Hons) Mineral Resources Engineering at Universiti Sains Malaysia. He obtained MSc at the Universiti Malaysia Perlis and his PhD at the University of Sheffield, England under supervision of Professor Anthony R. West (Eminent Professor in Solid-State Chemistry), where he developed his lifetime interest in the field of Materials Chemistry with the specialization of crystal structure analysis of new oxide materials. Currently, he is working on the development of novel oxide materials for energy storage applications.
He is an Associate Professor (Advanced Materials) at the Universiti Malaysia Perlis since 2019. He was appointed as a Manager for Quality and Accreditation Unit (2012 – 2015). Then, he was holding a position as a Manager at the Centre of Excellence for Frontier Materials Research (2015 – 2020). Recently, he was promoted to become Head of the Centre of Excellence for Frontier Materials Research.
He is a Chartered Engineer of Engineering Council UK, Fellow of Institute of Materials Malaysia (FIMM), and a Professional Technologist of Malaysian Board of Technologist (MBOT). He is a member of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) UK, Malaysian Science, Technology and Engineering (MySET) and the Fellow of The Institute of Materials Malaysia (IMM). Currently, he also served as an Evaluator Panel for Malaysian Qualification Agency (MQA) since 2018.