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Conservation Biology and Junior research in miombo. Interested in Conservation and Management of Conservation areas, as well as herpetofauna and understand how reptiles respond to the climate change and forest
Research Fellow – 02/2017 to 12/2017
Gorongosa National Park, Mozambique
• Develop and monitoring molecular projects
• Contribute to Departmental planning and serve the relevant profession.
• Produced quality assured publications within the field
Biodiversity survey- 2015 and 2018
Gorongosa National Park, Chimanimani National Reserve Mozambique.
• Collect and identify fauna and flora specie
• Creat a database of fauna and flora specie
1 st July to 14th August 2019 Training in stable isotopes and elementary analysis and Analysis and processing bioinformatic data (metagenomic) at the faculty of science of Lisbon university.
• 4 July 2018 to 10 July 2018 Trained on Camera trapping in Gorongosa National Park
• 19 October 2018 to 25 October 2018 Trained on Research design and writing proposal in Gorongosa National Park.
• 15 June 2017 to 30 July 2017 Training in Laboratory Management by Plant Stress and Biodiversity at the Institute Superior of Agronomy- Lisbon
2018-2019: Studying microbial diversity present in soils of miombo with presence ofBrachystegia boehmii and Brachsytegia spiciformis under fire gradient on Gorongosa National Park
• 2017: Conducted an experiment about dynamics of biodiversity of miombo: effect of human’s pressure, fire and termites on Miombo forest.
• 2016: Conducted an experiment about Molecular detection project for Genetically Modified Organisms in foods marketed in the city of Maputo in the center of Biotechnology at Eduardo Mondlane University.
• 2015: participated in the detection project of WSSV (white spot shrimp virus) in the Biotechnology Centre of the Eduardo Mondlane University
ANTONIO, C. ; MILITAO, E. ; Joelma Leão-Buchir . Detecção molecular de organismos geneticamente modificados em produtos alimentares comercializados na cidade de Maputo. In: IX Conferência Científica. Investigação para o desenvolvimento: Tendências, desafios e perspectivas, 2016, Maputo. Conferência Científica., 2016