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Graduated in Biomedicine from the State University of Maringá (UEM), Civil Engineer from the University of Uberaba (UNIUBE), Specialist in Biomedical Engineering with Emphasis in Clinical Engineering (ESTÁCIO de SÁ) and Master in Health Sciences (PCS/UEM). He is a Doctoral Student at the Postgraduate Program in Health Sciences (PCS/UEM) and is a student of the Medicine course at Universidade Paranaense (UNIPAR). She has technical training in Nursing Assistant and Technician (APROVE/SENAI), having worked professionally for the last time in the Municipality of Maringá/PR as a first aider in the Mobile Emergency Care Service (SAMU). He has experience in Medical, Nursing, Biomedical and Biomedical Engineering, with an emphasis on Intensive Care Unit (ICU), Pre-Hospital Care, Clinical Analysis and Scientific Research in Mycology and 3D Artificial Tissue Engineering. He is a member of the Technological Research group at CNPq - Mycobioma: interrelationships, benefits, losses, prevention and control in the health context (OneMyco), member of HUB Connect Health in Maringá/Sebrae and Founder/CEO of Startup CellEng Biomedical Engennering (CellEng).