Personal information

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Employment (2)

Gifu Pharmaceutical University: Gifu, Gifu, JP

2011-04-01 to 2021-03-31 | Professor (Medical Therapeutics and Molecular Therapeutics )
Source: Self-asserted source
Isao Hozumi

Albert Einstein College of Medicine: The Bronx, New York, US

1988-04-01 to 1990-05-31 | Research fellow (Neurology and Neuroscience)
Source: Self-asserted source
Isao Hozumi

Education and qualifications (1)

新潟大学大学院: 新潟市, 新潟県, JP

1983-04-01 to 1987-03-31 | 医学博士 (神経内科学)
Source: Self-asserted source
Isao Hozumi

Professional activities (7)

日本老年学会: 東京, JP

Source: Self-asserted source
Isao Hozumi

日本神経治療学会: 東京, JP

Source: Self-asserted source
Isao Hozumi

日本毒性学会: 東京, JP

Source: Self-asserted source
Isao Hozumi

岐阜薬科大学: 岐阜, JP

2021-04-01 to present | 名誉教授
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Isao Hozumi

岐阜大学: 岐阜市, 岐阜県, JP

2006-04-01 to present | 臨床教授 (神経内科)
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Isao Hozumi

日本毒性学会: 東京, JP

2019-10-29 | 部会賞 (生体金属部会)
Source: Self-asserted source
Isao Hozumi

日本治療学会: 東京, JP

2018-11-24 | 優秀演題賞
Source: Self-asserted source
Isao Hozumi

Funding (14)

Novel therapeutic strategies for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis using human deciduous dental pulp stem cells and their active ingredients

2017-06-30 to 2020-03-31 | Grant
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Tokyo, JP)
Source: Self-asserted source
Isao Hozumi via DimensionsWizard

Research on the molecular mechanism of intracranial calcification and novel therapies

2017-04-01 to 2021-03-31 | Grant
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Tokyo, JP)
Source: Self-asserted source
Isao Hozumi via DimensionsWizard


2016-04-01 to 2019-03-31 | Grant
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Tokyo, JP)
Source: Self-asserted source
Isao Hozumi via DimensionsWizard

Pathogenic mechanism of neurodegenerative diseases associated with dysfunction of ubiquitin ligase

2015-04-01 to 2017-03-31 | Grant
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Tokyo, JP)
Source: Self-asserted source
Isao Hozumi via DimensionsWizard


2014-04-01 to 2015-03-31 | Grant
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Tokyo, JP)
GRANT_NUMBER: 26460099
Source: Self-asserted source
Isao Hozumi via DimensionsWizard

Drug development using iPS cells derived from the dental pulp of the patients with neurodegenerative diseases, and metallothionein

2012-04-01 to 2015-03-31 | Grant
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Tokyo, JP)
GRANT_NUMBER: 24590664
Source: Self-asserted source
Isao Hozumi via DimensionsWizard

Construction and evaluation of the Web site "narrative of health, illness, the care experience" for the dementia person and family support

2009-01-01 to 2011-12-31 | Grant
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Tokyo, JP)
GRANT_NUMBER: 21390598
Source: Self-asserted source
Isao Hozumi via DimensionsWizard

Identification of muscle specific autoantibodies for myasthenic syndromes and myositis by proteomic analysis

2008-01-01 to 2010-12-31 | Grant
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Tokyo, JP)
GRANT_NUMBER: 20590993
Source: Self-asserted source
Isao Hozumi via DimensionsWizard

Identification of novel autoantibodies against cerebral cell surface membrane proteins as biological markers of multiple sclerosis

2008-01-01 to 2010-12-31 | Grant
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Tokyo, JP)
GRANT_NUMBER: 20590992
Source: Self-asserted source
Isao Hozumi via DimensionsWizard

Research on the roles of metallothioneins in aging, brain ischemia and metabolic syndrome and drug discover

2007-01-01 to 2009-12-31 | Grant
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Tokyo, JP)
GRANT_NUMBER: 19390151
Source: Self-asserted source
Isao Hozumi via DimensionsWizard


2005-01-01 to 2006-12-31 | Grant
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Tokyo, JP)
GRANT_NUMBER: 17659149
Source: Self-asserted source
Isao Hozumi via DimensionsWizard

Anti-neural antibodies induced by brain injury and analysis of their antigen

2002-01-01 to 2003-12-31 | Grant
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Tokyo, JP)
GRANT_NUMBER: 14570587
Source: Self-asserted source
Isao Hozumi via DimensionsWizard

Establishment of the detection system for anti-neural antibodies in the patients with nervous disease and studies on the antigens recognized by anti-neural antibodies

1997-01-01 to 1998-12-31 | Grant
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Tokyo, JP)
GRANT_NUMBER: 09670645
Source: Self-asserted source
Isao Hozumi via DimensionsWizard

Elucidation of molecular mechanisms of spinocerebellar degeneration through positional cloning of causative genes and development of the animal models.

1994-01-01 to 1995-12-31 | Grant
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Tokyo, JP)
GRANT_NUMBER: 06404030
Source: Self-asserted source
Isao Hozumi via DimensionsWizard