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Gregory Epiphaniou. Dr Epiphaniou Currently holds a position as an Associate Professor of security engineering at the University of Warwick. His role involves bid support, applied research and publications. Part of his current research activities is formalised around a research group in wireless communications with the main focus on crypto-key generation, exploiting the time-domain physical attributes of V-V channels. He led and contributed to several research projects funded by EPSRC (RESICAV, BEARCAT, S-CAV), IUK (Cydon, VACCYNE) and local authorities totalling over £3M. He is also the main inventor of a patented technology on a distributed ledger system (GB2576160A/US200042497A1). Dr Gregory has worked as a cybersecurity consultant and trainer for QA Ltd with high engagement with several industry partners in Information security domains. He has also contributed to numerous public events and delivered keynotes around cybersecurity, course development and practical training to both private and government bodies. He was previously holding a position as a Reader in Cybersecurity and acted as deputy director of the Wolverhampton Cybersecurity Research Institute (WCRI), where his contribution was instrumental to the establishment of the new Midlands Centre for Cyber Security at Skylon Park in Hereford. Gregory has extensive academic experience in the embedding of the credible vocationally driven curriculum through creating continuous opportunities for outside speakers (derived from world-class centres of excellence) via a programme of MSc research seminars. He has taught in many universities both nationally and internationally a variety of areas related to proactive network defence with over 70 international publications in journals, conference proceedings and author in several books and chapters. He holds several industry certifications around Information Security and worked with several government agencies including the MoD in Cybersecurity related projects. He currently holds a subject matter expert panel position in the Chartered Institute for Securities and Investments. He acts as a technical committee member for several scientific conferences in Information and network security. He currently serves as a key member in the development of WS5 for the establishment of the UK Cybersecurity Council.