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Sami Elmadssia (Senior Member, IEEE) was born in Gafsa, Tunisia. He received the Dipl.Eng. degree in electrical engineering, the master’s Diploma degree in automatic treatment of signals, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the National Engineering School of Tunis (ENIT), Tunisia, in 2004, 2005, and 2011, respectively. He held the position of the head of the Regional Technical Study and Maintenance of Biomedical Equipment and a hospitallers of Gafsa at the Ministry of Public Health, Tunisia. He has been an Assistant Professor in automation and industrial informatics with the Higher Institute of Applied Science and Technology of Gafsa, University of Gafsa. He is currently an Assistant Professor with the Riyadh College of Technology, Saudi Arabia. He is also a part of the Artificial Intelligence IoT Team, Sys’Com Laboratory. He is the coauthor of the book New Stability Approaches of Dynamical Systems with Delays: Stability and Stabilization (French Academic Press). His research interests include modeling, stability, and control of time delay systems, interconnected systems, the IoT, and Game Theory. He is also a Reviewer of many journals, including the IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems—I, ISA Transactions, and Systems Science and Control Engineering.