Personal information

No personal information available


DOB: 11.11.1954
MBChB (UCT); M Fam Med (Stell); FCFP (SA)
Specialist Family Physician
Emeritus Associate Professor, Family Medicine, UCT


Employment (5)

University of Cape Town: Cape Town, Western Cape, ZA

2001-12-01 to 2019-12-31 | Associate Professor and Head: Division of Family Medicine (Public Health and Family Medicine)
Source: Self-asserted source
Derek Hellenberg

Self-Employed: Cape Town, Western Cape Province, ZA

1983-02-01 to 2001-11-30 | General medical Practitioner (General Practice)
Source: Self-asserted source
Derek Hellenberg

Groote Schuur Hospital Complex: Cape Town, Western Cape Province, ZA

1980-05-01 to 1983-01-31 | Registrar (General Surgery)
Source: Self-asserted source
Derek Hellenberg

Victoria Hospital: Alice, Eastern Cape, ZA

1980-01-04 to 1980-04-30 | Medical Officer (Anaesthetics, General Surgery, Paediatrics, Obsterics + Gynaecology, Infectious diseases, Internal Medicine)
Source: Self-asserted source
Derek Hellenberg

Somerset Hospital: Cape Town, Western Cape Province, ZA

1979-01-01 to 1979-12-31 | Internship (Obstetrics + Gynaecology; General Surgery)
Source: Self-asserted source
Derek Hellenberg

Education and qualifications (6)

CHEC: Cape Town, Western Cape, ZA

2010-03-01 to 2010-05-31 | Certificate: Quality Teaching in Higher Education (Education)
Source: Self-asserted source
Derek Hellenberg

CHEC: Cape Town, Western Cape Province, ZA

2010-02-01 to 2010-04-30 | Certificate: Assessment in Higher Education (Education)
Source: Self-asserted source
Derek Hellenberg

Committee on Public Health Education (COPHE): Cape Town, Western Cape Province, ZA

1994-02-01 to 1994-04-30 | Certificate in Policy, Planning and Management for Health Sector Reform (Public Health)
Source: Self-asserted source
Derek Hellenberg

Colleges of Medicine of South Africa: Cape Town, Western Cape, ZA

1990-01-02 to 1991-05-31 | Fellowship of the College of Family Physicians of S A FCFP (SA) (College of Family Physicians of South Africa)
Source: Self-asserted source
Derek Hellenberg

University of Stellenbosch: Cape Town, Western Cape Province, ZA

1989-02-01 to 1990-11-31 | Master of Family Medicine (M Fam Med) (Faculty Of Health Sciences)
Source: Self-asserted source
Derek Hellenberg

University of Cape Town: Cape Town, Western Cape Province, ZA

1973-01-02 to 1978-12-31 | MBChB (Faculty of Health Sciences)
Source: Self-asserted source
Derek Hellenberg

Works (12)

Multilingual education: medical interns perceptions regarding the usefulness of non-mother toungue communications skills taught during the undergraduate curriculum

BMC Medical Education
2024-04-24 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 1472-6920
Contributors: van Rooyen I; Claassen J; Skade PT; Moodaley N; Nash RC; Gxilishe DS; Hellenberg DA
Source: check_circle
University of Cape Town
Preferred source (of 2)‎

A framework for implementation of community orientated primary care in the Metro Health Services, Cape Town, South Africa

African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine
2022-01-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Robert Mash; Charlyn Goliath; Hassan Mahomed; Steve Reid; Derek Hellenberg; Gio Perez
Source: check_circle

A framework for implementation of community-orientated primary care in the Metro Health Services, Cape Town, South Africa

African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine
2020-12-18 | Journal article
Contributors: Robert Mash; Charlyn Goliath; Hassan Mahomed; Steve Reid; Derek Hellenberg; Gio Perez
Source: check_circle

Training family physicians: A qualitative exploration of experiences of registrars in a family medicine training programme in Cape Town, South Africa

South African Family Practice
2020-02-25 | Journal article
Contributors: Tasleem Ras; Beverley Schweitzer; Graham Bresick; Derek Hellenberg
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Development and validation of a tool to measure patient experience in chronic disease care

African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine
2018-09-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Nayna Manga; Richard Harding; Angela De Sa; Kathleen Murie; Mosedi K. Namane; Peter J. Raubenheimer; Derek A. Hellenberg; Elma De Vries
Source: check_circle

A framework for implementation of community-orientated primary care in the Metro Health Services, Cape Town, South Africa

African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine
Journal article


Contributors: Mash R; Goliath C; Mahomed H; Reid S; Hellenberg D; Perez GA
Source: check_circle
University of Cape Town

Approach to chest pain and acute myocardial infarction

SAMJ - South African Medicine Journal
Journal article


Contributors: Pandie S.; Hellenberg D.; Hellig F.; Ntsekhe M.
Source: check_circle
University of Cape Town

Effective teaching through active learning

South African Family Practice
Journal article
Contributors: Gibbs T.J; Brigden D; Hellenberg D.A
Source: check_circle
University of Cape Town

How to conduct skin prick testing



Contributors: Hellenberg D; Mash B; Blitz J
Source: check_circle
University of Cape Town

How to refer and discharge a patient



Contributors: Hellenberg D
Source: check_circle
University of Cape Town

How to treat warts



Contributors: Hellenberg D; Visser W
Source: check_circle
University of Cape Town

Strengths and limitations of a family physician

Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care
Journal article
Contributors: Hellenberg; DA.; Williams; FR.; Kubendra; M.; Kaimal; RS.
Source: check_circle
University of Cape Town