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Employment (2)

Network for the care of seriously ill children, adolescents, and young adults: Hanover, Lower Saxony, DE

2021-06-15 to present | Head (Betreuungsnetz Section of Specialized outpatient palliative care for children and adolescents)
Source: Self-asserted source
Felix Reschke

Kinderkrankenhaus auf der Bult: Hanover, DE

2019-09-01 to present | Consultant (Center for Diabetology, Endocrinology, Obesity, and Clinical Research)
Source: Self-asserted source
Felix Reschke

Works (24)

ERRATUM: Pediatric obesity and skin disease: cutaneous findings and associated quality-of-life impairments in 103 children and adolescents with obesity

Endocrine Connections
2024-11-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Laura Hasse; Dagmar Jamiolkowski; Felix Reschke; Kerstin Kapitzke; Jantje Weiskorn; Olga Kordonouri; Torben Biester; Hagen Ott
Source: check_circle

Erste pädiatrische Nutzung eines AID-Systems mit automatischem Korrekturbolus in Deutschland

Diabetologie und Stoffwechsel
2024-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Thekla von dem Berge; Sarah Biester; Kerstin Remus; Felix Reschke; Britta Klusmeier; Kerstin Adolph; Olga Kordonouri; Thomas Danne; Torben Biester
Source: check_circle

Time trends towards earlier puberty in boys and girls with type 1 diabetes: Insights from the German Diabetes Prospective Follow‐up (DPV) registry, 2000 to 2021

Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism
2024-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Bettina Gohlke; Felix Reschke; Stefanie Lanzinger; Claudia Boettcher; Gitta Gemulla; Susanne Thiele‐Schmitz; Désirée Dunstheimer; Louise van den Boom; Joachim Woelfle; Reinhard W. Holl
Source: check_circle

Pediatric obesity and skin disease: cutaneous findings and associated quality-of-life impairments in 103 children and adolescents with obesity

Endocrine Connections
2023-08-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Laura Hasse; Dagmar Jamiolkowski; Felix Reschke; Kerstin Kapitzke; Jantje Weiskorn; Olga Kordonouri; Torben Biester; Hagen Ott
Source: check_circle

Alterations in Dietary Behavior, Appetite Regulation, and Health-Related Quality of Life in Youth with Obesity in Germany during the COVID-19 Pandemic

2023-06 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Nora Struckmeyer; Torben Biester; Olga Kordonouri; Chantal Weiner; Evelin Sadeghian; Cathrin Guntermann; Kerstin Kapitzke; Jantje Weiskorn; Laura Galuschka; Kisa von Stuelpnagel et al.
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

Skin manifestations in rare types of diabetes and other endocrine conditions

Endocrine Connections
2023-04-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Felix Reschke; Torben Biester; Thekla von dem Berge; Dagmar Jamiolkowski; Laura Hasse; Francesca Dassie; Pietro Maffei; Katharina Klee; Olga Kordonouri; Hagen Ott et al.
Source: check_circle

Aktueller Stand der Insulinpumpentherapie in der Kinderdiabetologie

Pädiatrie up2date
2023-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Thekla von dem Berge; Felix Reschke; Torben Biester
Source: check_circle

Aktueller Stand der Insulinpumpentherapie in der Kinderdiabetologie

Diabetologie und Stoffwechsel
2022-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Thekla von dem Berge; Felix Reschke; Torben Biester
Source: check_circle

Erste Anwendungserfahrung eines neuen, Glukosesensor-unterstützten Pumpensystems mit vorausschauender Insulin-Abschaltung zum Hypoglykämieschutz bei pädiatrischen Patienten in Deutschland

Diabetologie und Stoffwechsel
2022-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Thekla von dem Berge; Kerstin Remus; Sarah Biester; Felix Reschke; Nicolin Datz; Thomas Danne; Olga Kordonouri; Torben Biester
Source: check_circle

In‐home use of a hybrid closed loop achieves time‐in‐range targets in preschoolers and school children: Results from a randomized, controlled, crossover trial

Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism
2022-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Thekla von dem Berge; Kerstin Remus; Sarah Biester; Felix Reschke; Britta Klusmeier; Kerstin Adolph; Anette Holtdirk; Andreas Thomas; Olga Kordonouri; Thomas Danne et al.
Source: check_circle

Successful telehealth transformation of a pediatric outpatient obesity teaching program due to the COVID-19 pandemic – the “Video KiCK” program

Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism
2022-06-27 | Journal article
Contributors: Felix Reschke; Laura Galuschka; Sarah Landsberg; Chantal Weiner; Cathrin Guntermann; Evelin Sadeghian; Karin Lange; Thomas Danne
Source: check_circle

Empfehlungen zur Diabetes-Behandlung mit automatischen Insulin-Dosierungssystemen

Diabetologie und Stoffwechsel
2022-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Thekla von dem Berge; Sarah Biester; Torben Biester; Anne-Kathrin Buchmann; Nicolin Datz; Ute Grosser; Kerstin Kapitzke; Britta Klusmeier; Kerstin Remus; Felix Reschke et al.
Source: check_circle

Metabolic control during the SARS-CoV-2 lockdown in a large German cohort of pediatric patients with type 1 diabetes: results from the DPV initiative.

Pediatric diabetes
2022-01-27 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Felix Reschke

Supplementation with <i>Bifidobacterium longum</i> subspecies <i>infantis</i> EVC001 for mitigation of type 1 diabetes autoimmunity: the GPPAD-SINT1A randomised controlled trial protocol.

BMJ open
2021-11-09 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Felix Reschke

Semen quality and testicular adrenal rest tumour development in 46,XY congenital adrenal hyperplasia: the importance of optimal hormonal replacement.

European journal of endocrinology
2021-04-01 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Felix Reschke

Alström syndrome: an ultra-rare monogenic disorder as a model for insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes mellitus and obesity.

2021-02-10 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Felix Reschke

Collaboration for rare diabetes: understanding new treatment options for Wolfram syndrome.

2021-02-01 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Felix Reschke
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Did the COVID-19 Lockdown Affect the Incidence of Pediatric Type 1 Diabetes in Germany?

Diabetes care
2020-08-21 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Felix Reschke

["Uncomplicated" inguinal testis : How practicable are the guidelines?]

Der Urologe. Ausg. A
2020-03-01 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Felix Reschke

[Hormonal treatment of undescended testes].

Aktuelle Urologie
2019-11-21 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Felix Reschke

Influence of chronic diseases on the olfactory function in children.

European journal of pediatrics
2019-05-29 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Felix Reschke

A novel <i>TRAPPC11</i> mutation in two Turkish families associated with cerebral atrophy, global retardation, scoliosis, achalasia and alacrima.

Journal of medical genetics
2016-10-05 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Felix Reschke

Long-term Surveillance of Children with Congenital Hypothyroidism: Data from the German Registry for Congenital Hypothyroidism (AQUAPE "Hypo Dok").

Klinische Padiatrie
2015-06-03 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Felix Reschke

[Ankyloblepharon filiforme adnatum].

Der Ophthalmologe : Zeitschrift der Deutschen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft
2014-02-01 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Felix Reschke