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genetic predisposition to disease, colorectal cancer, next generation sequencing, human genetics, gastroenterology, hereditary disease, complex disease, genetic susceptibility


My fascination with human genetics began in my teenage years. During my Biology degree I furthered my experience in human genetics by volunteering in 1990 in the Genetics Department at the Hospital Clínic in Barcelona, which was my first contact with biomedicine. Later on, I also worked on a volunteer basis in the Genetics Department of my graduate school. Since I was more attracted to the hospital environment, I started my Ph.D. in 1992 in the Genetics Department at the Hospital Clínic. During this 4-year period I acquired knowledge and experience in fragile X syndrome and other hereditary conditions and used a wide range of techniques to characterize them from a molecular point of view. I also participated in the design and translation of these tools to perform molecular diagnostics. Right after my Ph.D. dissertation in 1996, I started a postdoctoral period in the United States focusing on the study of ataxia-telangiectasia, another hereditary condition, at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). After three years, I re-joined my former group to do a second postdoctoral stay and I started working on non-syndromic mental retardation. During this period I moved away from hereditary diseases mainly caused by alterations in a single gene and I started working on a complex human disease. As is well-known, genetic disorders may also be multifactorial or polygenic, meaning they are likely associated with the effects of multiple genes in combination with lifestyles and environmental factors.
With the aim of setting up an independent research group within the Gastrointestinal and Pancreatic Oncology team at IDIBAPS, I applied for and was awarded in 2004 a Miguel Servet contract from the Spanish Carlos III Health Institute. The group bears the name of “Genetic predisposition to CRC”. Its main objective is to identify genetic variants involved in germline predisposition to CRC by performing genetic association studies and next generation sequencing and to translate them to improve the clinical management of patients. In this way, I have been able to apply my previous knowledge in genetics to study another disease from both monogenic and polygenic points of view.


Employment (9)

IDIBAPS: Barcelona, Catalunya, ES

2010-02-01 to 2015-01-31 | Miguel Servet researcher (tenure-track) (Genetic Predisposition to Colorectal Cancer Group/Gastrointestinal & Pancreatic Oncology Team)
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

Fundació Clínic per a la Recerca Biomèdica: Barcelona, ES

2004-02-01 to 2010-01-31 | Miguel Servet researcher (Genetic Predisposition to Colorectal Cancer Group/Gastrointestinal & Pancreatic Oncology Team)
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

Fundació Clínic per a la Recerca Biomèdica: Barcelona, ES

2001-04-01 to 2004-01-31 | Postdoctoral researcher (Gastroenterology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

Fundació Clínic per a la Recerca Biomèdica: Barcelona, ES

1999-02-01 to 2001-01-31 | Postdoctoal researcher (Genetics)
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

University of California Los Angeles: Los Angeles, CA, US

1996-12-06 to 1999-01-31 | Postdoctoral researcher (Dr. Gatti's lab)
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

University of Southern California: Los Angeles, CA, US

1996-07-01 to 1996-12-05 | Postdoctoral researcher (Dr. Reichardt's lab)
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

Fundació Clínic per a la Recerca Biomèdica: Barcelona, ES

1992-10-01 to 1996-06-31 | Predoctoral researcher (Genetics)
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

Universitat de Barcelona: Barcelona, Catalunya, ES

1991-02-01 to 1992-06-31 | Volunteer (Genetics)
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

Hospital Clinic de Barcelona: Barcelona, Catalonia, ES

1990-07-01 to 1990-07-31 | Volunteer (Genetics)
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

Education and qualifications (2)

Universitat de Barcelona: Barcelona, Catalunya, ES

1992-10-01 to 1996-06-17 | Ph.D. (Genetics)
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

Universitat de Barcelona: Barcelona, Catalunya, ES

1985-10-01 to 1992-06-20 | Biology
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

Funding (34)

Grupo de Investigación en Predisposición genética al cáncer colorrectal

2014 to 2016 | Award
Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR), Generalitat de Catalunya (Barcelona, ES)
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

Identificación de genes de predisposición germinal en un subgrupo de cáncer colorrectal: el síndrome de poliposis serrada en el punto de mira

2014 to 2016 | Grant
Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Madrid, ES)
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

Estudio de prevalencia de mutaciones en el dominio exonucleasa de los genes POLE y POLD1 en poliposis adenomatosa y cáncer colorrectal de aparición temprana sin causa genética identificada

2014 to 2015 | Grant
Asociación Española de Gastroenterología (Madrid, ES)
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

Cooperation studies on inherited susceptibility to colorectal cancer

2013 to 2017 | Grant
COST programme (Brussels, BE)
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

Identificación de nuevos biomarcadores para la prevención del cáncer colorrectal

2013 to 2017 | Grant
AECC (Madrid, ES)
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

Identificación de nuevos genes de predisposición al cáncer colorrectal mediante secuenciación del exoma

2012 to 2014 | Grant
Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Madrid, ES)
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

Nuevas variantes genéticas de susceptibilidad al cáncer colorrectal: estudio de asociacion pangenómico, replicación de resultados y correlación con variables clinicas

2011 to 2012 | Grant
Fundación Olga Torres (Barcelona, ES)
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

Genetic predisposition to colorectal cancer

2010-02 to 2015-01 | Contract
Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Madrid, ES)
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

August Pi i Sunyer award

2010 to 2014 | Award
IDIBAPS (Barcelona, ES)
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

Grupo de Investigación en Oncología Gastrointestinal y Pancreática

2009 to 2014 | Grant
Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR), Generalitat de Catalunya (Barcelona, ES)
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

Genetic study of common hereditary bowel cancers in Hispania and the Americas (CHIBCHA)

2009 to 2013 | Grant
Seventh Framework Programme (Brüssel, BE)
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

Componentes genéticos comunes y de baja penetrancia implicados en cáncer colorrectal: correlación genotipo-fenotipo e identificación de variantes genómicas de riesgo

2009 to 2011 | Grant
Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Madrid, ES)
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

Caracterización clínica, histológica y molecular del cáncer colorrectal diagnosticado antes de los 50 años

2008 to 2010 | Grant
Fundación Investigación Médica Mutua Madrileña (Madrid, ES)
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

Polimorfismos de susceptibilidad al cáncer colorrectal: caracterización de componentes genéticos comunes y de baja penetrancia en la región cromosómica 3q21-q24

2008 to 2009 | Grant
Fundació Olga Torres (Barcelona, ES)
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

Equipo de Oncología Gastrointestinal y Pancreática Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Hepáticas y Digestivas (CIBER-EHD)

2007 to present | Grant
Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Madrid, ES)
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

Polimorfismos en genes candidatos involucrados en cáncer colorrectal familiar: caracterización de componentes genéticos comunes y de baja penetrancia de susceptibilidad para el desarrollo y predicción de la respuesta al tratamiento del cáncer colorrectal

2006 to 2008 | Grant
Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Madrid, ES)
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

Genetic predisposition to colorectal cancer

2004-02 to 2010-01 | Salary award
Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Madrid, ES)
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

Caracterización de componentes genéticos comunes y de baja penetrancia involucrados en cáncer colorrectal familiar mediante estudios de asociación de genes candidatos

2004 to 2006 | Grant
Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Madrid, ES)
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

Lesiones malignas digestivas. IDIBAPS. Red Nacional de Investigación en Hepatología y Gastroenterología

2003 to 2007 | Grant
Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Madrid, ES)
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

Oncología gastrointestinal y pancreática. IDIBAPS. Red temática de centros de Cáncer

2003 to 2007 | Grant
Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Madrid, ES)
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

Valor pronóstico de la expresión de COX-2, angiopoietina-2, VEGF y proteasas en el cáncer esofagogástrico. Efecto de la inhibición específica de COX-2

2003 to 2005 | Grant
Fundació La Caixa (Barcelona, ES)
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

Cox-2 expression in colorectal cancer exhibiting altered DNA mismatch repair mechanism

2001 to 2003 | Contract
Merck (NJ, NJ, US)
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

Identificación del gen(es) supresor localizado en el cromosoma 22q e implicado en el cáncer colorrectal

2001 to 2003 | Grant
Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (Madrid, ES)
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

Utilidad del estudio del fenómeno de inestabilidad de microsatélites en el cribado del cáncer colorrectal hereditario

2001 to 2003 | Grant
Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Madrid, ES)
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

Bases moleculares del retraso mental no sindrómico de causa genética. Estudio de genes implicados en el retraso mental ligado al cromosoma X. Identificación de nuevos genes

2000 to 2001 | Grant
Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Madrid, ES)
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

El síndrome del cromosoma X frágil (FRAXA y FRAXE). Valoración clínica y molecular de 250 pacientes diagnosticados. Estudios de mutilación y de expresión transitoria del gen FMR1 en diferentes líneas celulares

1999 to 2001 | Grant
Marató TV3 (Barcelona, ES)
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

Mental retardation as a complex disease

1999 to 2001 | Salary award
Departament d'Innovació, Universitats i Empresa, Generalitat de Catalunya (Barcelona, ES)
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

Análisis genético y molecular del retraso mental: estudio de genes candidatos e identificación de nuevos genes

1999 to 1999 | Grant
Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Madrid, ES)
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

Molecular genetic study of ataxia-telangiectasia

1997 to 1999 | Grant
National Institutes of Health (MD, MD, US)
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

Ministerio de Educación y Cultura

1996 to 1998 | Salary award
Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (Madrid, Madrid, ES)
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

Análisis de ligamiento en la sordera neurosensorial no-sindrómica en familias mediterráneas

1996 to 1996 | Grant
Fundación Ramón Areces (Madrid, ES)
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

Correlación clínico-molecular de la expansión CAG en la enfermedad de Huntington. Aplicación al diagnóstico clínico

1995 to 1996 | Grant
Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Madrid, ES)
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

Correlación citogenética y molecular del síndrome del cromosoma X frágil. Aplicaciones diagnósticas y preventivas

1993 to 1995 | Grant
Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Madrid, ES)
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

Detección de micrometástasis en el diagnóstico de extensión de las neoplasias de origen digestivo

Agència d’Avaluació de Tecnologia Mèdica, Departament de Sanitat, Generalitat de Catalunya (Barcelona, ES)
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

Works (50 of 144)

Items per page:
Page 1 of 3

Should We Offer Universal Germline Genetic Testing to All Patients with Pancreatic Cancer? A Multicenter Study

2024-11 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Joan Llach; Irina Luzko; Julie Earl; Emma Barreto; Mercedes Rodríguez-Garrote; Marc Lleixà-Rioboo; Cristina Herrera-Pariente; Guerau Fernández; Jenifer Munoz; Laia Bonjoch et al.
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

Performance and Dimensionality of Pretreatment MRI Radiomics in Rectal Carcinoma Chemoradiotherapy Prediction

Journal of Clinical Medicine
2024-01-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Mladen Marinkovic; Suzana Stojanovic-Rundic; Aleksandra Stanojevic; Aleksandar Tomasevic; Radmila Jankovic; Jerome Zoidakis; Sergi Castellví-Bel; Remond J. A. Fijneman; Milena Cavic; Marko Radulovic
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎


2023-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Laia Bonjoch; Sergi Castellví-Bel; Clara Ruiz-Ponte
Source: check_circle

Identifying metabolic features of colorectal cancer liability using Mendelian randomization.

2023-12-21 | Journal article
Contributors: Caroline Bull; Emma Hazelwood; Bell JA; Vanessa Tan; Constantinescu AE; Maria Carolina Borges; Danny Legge; Burrows K; Jeroen Huyghe; Brenner H et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

Data-Independent Acquisition Mass Spectrometry Analysis of FFPE Rectal Cancer Samples Offers In-Depth Proteomics Characterization of the Response to Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy.

International journal of molecular sciences
2023-10-21 | Journal article
Contributors: Aleksandra Stanojević; Martina Samiotaki; Vasiliki Lygirou; Mladen Marinkovic; Nikolic V; Suzana Stojanovic-Rundic; Jankovic R; Antonia Vlahou; Panayotou G; Remond Fijneman et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

Combining Asian and European genome-wide association studies of colorectal cancer improves risk prediction across racial and ethnic populations.

Nature communications
2023-10-02 | Journal article
Contributors: MINTA THOMAS; Su YR; Elisabeth Rosenthal; Lori Sakoda; Stephanie L. Schmit; Maria Timofeeva; Chen Z; Ceres Fernández-Rozadilla; Philip John Law; Neil Murphy et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase polymorphic variants in rectal cancer: significance for cancer risk and response to chemoradiotherapy

2023-09-23 | Preprint
Contributors: Aleksandra Stanojevic; Jelena Spasic; Mladen Marinkovic; Suzana Stojanovic-Rundic; Radmila Jankovic; Ana Djuric; Jerome Zoidakis; Remond J.A. Fijneman; Sergi Castellvi-Bel; Milena Cavic
Source: check_circle

Endoscopic surveillance for familial intestinal gastric cancer in low-incidence areas: An effective strategy.

International journal of cancer
2023-09-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Joan Llach; Salces I; Guerra A; Peñas B; Rodriguez-Alcalde D; Redondo PD; JOAQUIN CUBIELLA; Oscar Murcia; Escalante M; Jordi Gratacós Ginès et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

Genetically determined circulating resistin concentrations and risk of colorectal cancer: a two-sample Mendelian randomization study.

Journal of cancer research and clinical oncology
2023-08-21 | Journal article
Contributors: Thu Thi Pham; Nimptsch K; Papadimitriou N; Aleksandrova K; Jenab M; Gunter MJ; Le Marchand L; Li L; Lynch BM; Castellví-Bel S et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

Elucidating the Risk of Colorectal Cancer for Variants in Hereditary Colorectal Cancer Genes.

2023-07-14 | Journal article
Contributors: Khalid Mahmood; Thomas M; Qu C; Gecco-Ccfr Consortium; Hsu L; Daniel D Buchanan; Peters U
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

Exploring novel inflammation-related genetic and hematological predictors of response to neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy in locally advanced rectal cancer

2023-06-22 | Preprint
Contributors: Mladen Marinkovic; Suzana Stojanovic-Rundic; Aleksandra Stanojevic; Marija Ostojic; Dusica Gavrilovic; Radmila Jankovic; Natasa Maksimovic; Rafael Stroggilos; Jerome Zoidakis; Sergi Castellví-Bel et al.
Source: check_circle

Molecular functions of MCM8 and MCM9 and their associated pathologies.

2023-04-27 | Journal article
Contributors: Noah Helderman; Terlouw D; Laia Bonjoch; Golubicki M; Antelo M; Morreau H; Tom van Wezel; Castellví-Bel S; Goldberg Y; Maartje Nielsen
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

Microbiome Profiling from Fecal Immunochemical Test Reveals Microbial Signatures with Potential for Colorectal Cancer Screening

2022-12-25 | Journal article
Contributors: Olfat Khannous-Lleiffe; Jesse R. Willis; Ester Saus; Victor Moreno; Sergi Castellví-Bel; Toni Gabaldón
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

The simplest explanation does not have to be preferred: co-occurrence of pathogenic variants in cancer-predisposing genes

European Journal of Human Genetics
2022-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Sergi Castellví-Bel
Source: check_circle

Nonmalignant Features Associated with Inherited Colorectal Cancer Syndromes-Clues for Diagnosis

2022-01-26 | Journal article
Contributors: Diana Haimov; Sari Lieberman; Sergi Castellvi-Bel; Maartje Nielsen; Yael Goldberg
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Identification of Lynch Syndrome Carriers among Patients with Small Bowel Adenocarcinoma

2021-12 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Ariadna Sanchez; Luis Bujanda; Miriam Cuatrecasas; Alex Bofill; Cristina Alvarez-Urturi; Goretti Hernandez; Lara Aguilera; Sabela Carballal; Joan Llach; Cristina Herrera-Pariente et al.
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

Salicylic Acid and Risk of Colorectal Cancer: A Two-Sample Mendelian Randomization Study

2021-11 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Aayah Nounu; Rebecca C. Richmond; Isobel D. Stewart; Praveen Surendran; Nicholas J. Wareham; Adam Butterworth; Stephanie Weinstein; Demetrius Albanes; John A. Baron; John L. Hopper et al.
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

Prognostic Factors for Post-Recurrence Survival in Stage II and III Colorectal Carcinoma Patients

2021-10-15 | Journal article
Contributors: Neda Nikolic; Davorin Radosavljevic; Dusica Gavrilovic; Vladimir Nikolic; Nemanja Stanic; Jelena Spasic; Tamara Cacev; Sergi Castellvi-Bel; Milena Cavic; Goran Jankovic
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Comprehensive Genomic Characterization of Fifteen Early-Onset Lynch-Like Syndrome Colorectal Cancers

2021-03 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Mariano Golubicki; Marcos Díaz-Gay; Laia Bonjoch; Sebastià Franch-Expósito; Jenifer Muñoz; Miriam Cuatrecasas; Teresa Ocaña; Soledad Iseas; Guillermo Mendez; Marcela Carballido et al.
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

Germline and Somatic Whole-Exome Sequencing Identifies New Candidate Genes Involved in Familial Predisposition to Serrated Polyposis Syndrome

2021-02 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Yasmin Soares de Lima; Coral Arnau-Collell; Marcos Díaz-Gay; Laia Bonjoch; Sebastià Franch-Expósito; Jenifer Muñoz; Leticia Moreira; Teresa Ocaña; Miriam Cuatrecasas; Cristina Herrera-Pariente et al.
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

Identification of New Genes Involved in Germline Predisposition to Early-Onset Gastric Cancer

International Journal of Molecular Sciences
2021-01 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Cristina Herrera-Pariente; Roser; Marcos Díaz-Gay; Sabela Carballal; Jenifer Muñoz; Joan Llach; Ariadna Sanchez; Laia Bonjoch; Coral Arnau-Collell; Yasmin Soares de Lima et al.
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

Mutational Signatures in Cancer (MuSiCa): a web application to implement mutational signatures analysis in cancer samples

BMC Bioinformatics
2018-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Marcos Díaz-Gay; Maria Vila-Casadesús; Sebastià Franch-Expósito; Eva Hernández-Illán; Juan José Lozano; Sergi Castellví-Bel
Source: check_circle

Correspondence: SEMA4A variation and risk of colorectal cancer.

2016 | Journal article
Contributors: Kinnersley B; Chubb D; Dobbins SE; Frampton M; Buch S; Timofeeva MN; Castellví-Bel S; Farrington SM; Forsti A; Hampe J et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel via Europe PubMed Central

Genetic Variants Associated with Colorectal Adenoma Susceptibility.

2016 | Journal article
Contributors: Abulí A; Castells A; Bujanda L; Lozano JJ; Bessa X; Hernández C; Álvarez-Urturi C; Pellisé M; Esteban-Jurado C; Hijona E et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel via Europe PubMed Central

The Fanconi anemia DNA damage repair pathway in the spotlight for germline predisposition to colorectal cancer.

2016-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Esteban-Jurado C; Franch-Expósito S; Muñoz J; Ocaña T; Carballal S; López-Cerón M; Cuatrecasas M; Vila-Casadesús M; Lozano JJ; Serra E et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel via Europe PubMed Central

Association of a let-7 miRNA binding region of TGFBR1 with hereditary mismatch repair proficient colorectal cancer (MSS HNPCC).

2016-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Xicola RM; Bontu S; Doyle BJ; Rawson J; Garre P; Lee E; de la Hoya M; Bessa X; Clofent J; Bujanda L et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel via Europe PubMed Central

Modeling Respiratory Depression Induced by Remifentanil and Propofol during Sedation and Analgesia Using a Continuous Noninvasive Measurement of pCO2.

2016-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Hannam JA; Borrat X; Trocóniz IF; Valencia JF; Jensen EW; Pedroso A; Muñoz J; Castellví-Bel S; Castells A; Gambús PL
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel via Europe PubMed Central

Comparison of Prediction Models for Lynch Syndrome Among Individuals With Colorectal Cancer.

2016-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Kastrinos F; Ojha RP; Leenen C; Alvero C; Mercado RC; Balmaña J; Valenzuela I; Balaguer F; Green R; Lindor NM et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel via Europe PubMed Central

Recurrent Coding Sequence Variation Explains Only A Small Fraction of the Genetic Architecture of Colorectal Cancer.

2015 | Journal article
Contributors: Timofeeva MN; Kinnersley B; Farrington SM; Whiffin N; Palles C; Svinti V; Lloyd A; Gorman M; Ooi LY; Hosking F et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel via Europe PubMed Central

Prevalence of somatic mutl homolog 1 promoter hypermethylation in Lynch syndrome colorectal cancer.

2015-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Moreira L; Muñoz J; Cuatrecasas M; Quintanilla I; Leoz ML; Carballal S; Ocaña T; López-Cerón M; Pellise M; Castellví-Bel S et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel via Europe PubMed Central

Whole-exome sequencing identifies rare pathogenic variants in new predisposition genes for familial colorectal cancer.

2015-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Esteban-Jurado C; Vila-Casadesús M; Garre P; Lozano JJ; Pristoupilova A; Beltran S; Muñoz J; Ocaña T; Balaguer F; López-Cerón M et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel via Europe PubMed Central

A candidate gene study of capecitabine-related toxicity in colorectal cancer identifies new toxicity variants at DPYD and a putative role for ENOSF1 rather than TYMS.

2015-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Rosmarin D; Palles C; Pagnamenta A; Kaur K; Pita G; Martin M; Domingo E; Jones A; Howarth K; Freeman-Mills L et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel via Europe PubMed Central

A colorectal cancer susceptibility new variant at 4q26 in the Spanish population identified by genome-wide association analysis.

2014 | Journal article
Contributors: Real LM; Ruiz A; Gayán J; González-Pérez A; Sáez ME; Ramírez-Lorca R; Morón FJ; Velasco J; Marginet-Flinch R; Musulén E et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel via Europe PubMed Central

Association between CASP8 -652 6N del polymorphism (rs3834129) and colorectal cancer risk: results from a multi-centric study.

2014 | Journal article
Contributors: Pardini B; Verderio P; Pizzamiglio S; Nici C; Maiorana MV; Naccarati A; Vodickova L; Vymetalkova V; Veneroni S; Daidone MG et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel via Europe PubMed Central

Fine-mapping of the HNF1B multicancer locus identifies candidate variants that mediate endometrial cancer risk

Human Molecular Genetics
2014 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

High incidence of large deletions in the PMS2 gene in Spanish Lynch syndrome families

Clinical genetics
2014 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

Multiple sporadic colorectal cancers display a unique methylation phenotype.

2014 | Journal article
Contributors: Gonzalo V; Lozano JJ; Alonso-Espinaco V; Moreira L; Muñoz J; Pellisé M; Castellví-Bel S; Bessa X; Andreu M; Xicola RM et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel via Europe PubMed Central

The MLH1 c.1852_1853delinsGC (p.K618A) variant in colorectal cancer: genetic association study in 18,723 individuals.

2014 | Journal article
Contributors: Abulí A; Bujanda L; Muñoz J; Buch S; Schafmayer C; Valeria Maiorana M; Veneroni S; van Wezel T; Liu T; Westers H et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel via Europe PubMed Central

The transcription factor GATA6 enables self-renewal of colon adenoma stem cells by repressing BMP gene expression.

2014-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Whissell G; Montagni E; Martinelli P; Hernando-Momblona X; Sevillano M; Jung P; Cortina C; Calon A; Abuli A; Castells A et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel via Europe PubMed Central

A genome-wide association study on copy-number variation identifies a 11q11 loss as a candidate susceptibility variant for colorectal cancer.

2014-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Fernandez-Rozadilla C; Cazier JB; Tomlinson I; Brea-Fernández A; Lamas MJ; Baiget M; López-Fernández LA; Clofent J; Bujanda L; Gonzalez D et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel via Europe PubMed Central

Re: Role of the oxidative DNA damage repair gene OGG1 in colorectal tumorigenesis.

2014-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Kinnersley B; Buch S; Castellví-Bel S; Farrington SM; Forsti A; Hampe J; Hemminki K; Hofstra RM; Northwood E; Palles C et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel via Europe PubMed Central

New genes emerging for colorectal cancer predisposition.

2014-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Esteban-Jurado C; Garre P; Vila M; Lozano JJ; Pristoupilova A; Beltrán S; Abulí A; Muñoz J; Balaguer F; Ocaña T et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel via Europe PubMed Central

A colorectal cancer genome-wide association study in a Spanish cohort identifies two variants associated with colorectal cancer risk at 1p33 and 8p12

BMC genomics
2013 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

BMP2/BMP4 colorectal cancer susceptibility loci in northern and southern European populations (vol 34, pg 314, 2013)

2013 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

BMPR1A mutations in early-onset colorectal cancer with mismatch repair proficiency

Clinical genetics
2013 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

Genetic susceptibility variants associated with colorectal cancer prognosis

2013 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

Meta-analysis of mismatch repair polymorphisms within the cogent consortium for colorectal cancer susceptibility

PloS one
2013 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

Modeling the influence of the A118G polymorphism in the OPRM1 gene and of noxious stimulation on the synergistic relation between propofol and remifentanil: sedation and analgesia in endoscopic procedures

2013 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

Risk of cancer in cases of suspected lynch syndrome without germline mutation

2013 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel

A high degree of LINE-1 hypomethylation is a unique feature of early-onset colorectal cancer

PloS one
2012 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Sergi Castellvi-Bel
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