Personal information

Art History, Architecture, Architectural History, Materiality, Gender, Renaissance, Florence, Italy
Italy, Germany, United Kingdom, United States


Employment (1)

Northwestern University: Evanston, Illinois, US

2015-07-01 to present | Professor (Art History)
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrian Randolph

Education and qualifications (3)

Harvard University: Cambridge, Massachusetts, US

1989-09-01 to 1995-06-01 | PhD (History of Art and Architecture)
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrian Randolph

Courtauld Institute of Art: London, GB

1988-09-01 to 1989-06-01 | MA
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrian Randolph

Princeton University: Princeton, NJ, US

1984-09-01 to 1987-06-01 | BA (Art and Archeology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrian Randolph

Works (33)

Review of Jana Graul, Neid: Kunst, Moral und Kreativität in der Frühen Neuzeit

2023-02-01 | Review
Contributors: Adrian Randolph
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrian Randolph

Sculpture and Violence

The Art of Sculpture in Fifteenth-Century Italy
2020-02-01 | Book chapter
Contributors: Adrian Randolph
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrian Randolph

Sculpture, Gender and Niches in Early Renaissance Florence

Vivere con le statue: La scultura a Firenze nel XV secolo e le sue funzioni nello spazio urbano
2016 | Book chapter
Contributors: Adrian Randolph
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrian Randolph

No laughing matter: Visual humor in ideas of race, nationality, and ethnicity

No Laughing Matter: Visual Humor in Ideas of Race, Nationality, and Ethnicity
2015 | Book


Contributors: Rosenthal, A.; Bindman, D.; Randolph, A.W.B.
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrian Randolph via Scopus - Elsevier
Preferred source (of 3)‎

Review of Laurence Gérard-Marchant, ed., Draghi rossi e querce azzurre: Elenchi descrittivi di abiti di lusso (Firenze 1343-1345)

2015 | Review
Contributors: Adrian Randolph
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrian Randolph

Michelangelo’s David Uncut

Renaissance Love: Eros, Passion and Friendship in Italian Art around 1500
2014 | Book chapter
Contributors: Adrian Randolph
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrian Randolph

Touching Objects

Yale University Press
2014-12-05 | Book
Contributors: Adrian Randolph
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrian Randolph

Renaissance Love

Deutscher Kunstverlag
2014-08-18 | Edited book
Contributors: Adrian Randolph
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrian Randolph

Republican Florence, 1400–1434

Renaissance Florence
2011 | Book chapter
Contributors: Adrian Randolph
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrian Randolph

Review of Antonio Forcellino, Michelangelo: A Tormented Life (London: Polity, 2011) and William Wallace, Michelangelo: The Artist, the Man and His Times (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2011)

Renaissance Quarterly
2010 | Review
Contributors: Adrian Randolph
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrian Randolph

Other procrustations

Renaissance Theory
2008 | Book chapter


Contributors: Randolph, A.W.B.
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrian Randolph via Scopus - Elsevier

Starnina’s Dormition of the Virgin

Catalogue of Renaissance and Early Modern Art in the Hood Museum of Art at Dartmouth
2008 | Book chapter
Contributors: Adrian Randolph
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrian Randolph

Unpacking Cassoni

The Triumph of Marriage: Painted Cassoni of the Renaissance
2008 | Book chapter
Contributors: Adrian Randolph
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrian Randolph

Les Seuils de l’expérience

2007 | Journal article
Contributors: Adrian Randolph
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrian Randolph

The Bust’s Gesture

Kopf – Bild: Die Büste in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit.
2007 | Book chapter
Contributors: Adrian Randolph
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrian Randolph

Renaissance Genderscapes

Attending to Early Modern Women: Structures and Subjectivities
2006 | Book chapter
Contributors: Adrian Randolph
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrian Randolph

Donatellos David

Männlichkeit im Blick: Visuelle Inszenierungen in der Kunst seit der Frühen Neuzeit
2004 | Book chapter
Contributors: Adrian Randolph
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrian Randolph

Gendering the period eye: Deschi da parto and renaissance visual culture

Art History
2004 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 01416790
Contributors: Randolph, A.W.B.
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrian Randolph via Scopus - Elsevier

Review of Anabel Thomas, Art and Piety in the Female Religious Communities of Renaissance Italy: Iconography, Space and the Religious Woman’s Perspective (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2003)

Oxford Art Journal
2004 | Review
Contributors: Adrian Randolph
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrian Randolph

Adrian Randolph. Review of "Donatello und die Entdeckung der Stile 1430-1445" by Ulrich Pfisterer.
2004-09 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1543-950X
Contributors: Adrian Randolph
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrian Randolph via Crossref Metadata Search

Introduction: The authority of likeness

Word and Image
2003 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 02666286
Contributors: Randolph, A.W.B.
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrian Randolph via Scopus - Elsevier
Preferred source (of 3)‎

Review of Megan Holmes, Fra Filippo Lippi: The Carmelite Painter (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1999), Jacqueline Marie Musacchio, The Art and Ritual of Childbirth in Renaissance Italy (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1999) and Diana Norman, Siena and the Virgin: Art and Politics in a Late Medieval City State (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1999)

Art Bulletin
2002 | Review
Contributors: Adrian Randolph
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrian Randolph

Il Marzocco

Lionizing the Florentine State
2002 | Book chapter
Contributors: Adrian Randolph
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrian Randolph

Renaissance Household Goddesses

The Material Culture of Sex, Procreation and Marriage in Pre-Modern Europe
2002 | Book chapter
Contributors: Adrian Randolph
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrian Randolph

Engaging Symbols

Yale University Press
2002-06-01 | Book
Contributors: Adrian Randolph
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrian Randolph

Donatello’s Bronze David

Italian Cultural Studies
2001 | Book chapter
Contributors: Adrian Randolph
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrian Randolph

Hide and Seek

Frauen Kunst Wissenschaft
2000 | Journal article
Contributors: Adrian Randolph
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrian Randolph

Performing the bridal body in fifteenth-century Florence

Art History
1998 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 01416790
Contributors: Randolph, A.W.B.
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrian Randolph via Scopus - Elsevier

Regarding Women in Sacred Space

Picturing Women in Renaissance and Baroque Italy
1998 | Book chapter
Contributors: Adrian Randolph
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrian Randolph

Art for Heart’s Sake

Frauen Kunst
1997 | Journal article
Contributors: Adrian Randolph
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrian Randolph

“Michelangelo: Life Without Theory.” Review of George Bull, Michelangelo: A Biography (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1997)

Boston Book Review
1997 | Review
Contributors: Adrian Randolph
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrian Randolph

Black Male Suspect?

Kritische Berichte
1995 | Journal article
Contributors: Adrian Randolph
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrian Randolph

The Bastides of Southwest France

The Art Bulletin
1995 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 15596478 00043079
Contributors: Randolph, A.
Source: Self-asserted source
Adrian Randolph via Scopus - Elsevier