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Employment (2)

Queensland University of Technology: Brisbane, AU

2022-10-01 to present | Dr (School of Computer Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Sarah Matthews

University of Queensland: Brisbane, Queensland, AU

2022-10-01 (ITEE)
Source: Self-asserted source
Sarah Matthews

Works (14)

Social and curious: Lessons in designing digital manipulatives for young children

International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction
2025-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Sarah Matthews; Maria Nicholas; Louise Paatsch; Lisa Kervin; Peta Wyeth
Source: check_circle

Embeddables: Designing Physical-Digital Manipulatives for Young Children

2025-03-04 | Conference paper
Contributors: Sarah Matthews; Maria Nicholas; Louise Paatsch; Lisa Kervin; Peta Wyeth
Source: check_circle

Wobblies: Designing Intentional Playthings with Young Children

2025-03-04 | Conference paper
Contributors: Sarah Matthews; Maria Nicholas; Louise Paatsch; Lisa Kervin; Peta Wyeth
Source: check_circle

'Socialifying' the design of language learning applications for classroom use

2024-07 | Conference paper
Contributors: Ashleigh-Rae O'Neill; Sarah Matthews; Janet Wiles; Ben Matthews
Source: check_circle

Animettes: A design-oriented investigation into the properties of tangible toolkits that support children’s collaboration-in-making activities

International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction
2022-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Sarah Matthews; Kathrin Kaiser; Janet Wiles
Source: check_circle

Steps toward technology as a creative material

2022-01-14 | Dissertation or Thesis
Source: check_circle

Speculative Design for Education: Using Participatory Methods to Map Design Challenges and Opportunities in Pakistan

DIS 2021 - Proceedings of the 2021 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference: Nowhere and Everywhere
2021 | Conference paper


Contributors: Khan, A.H.; Ejaz, N.; Matthews, S.; Snow, S.; Matthews, B.
Source: Self-asserted source
Sarah Matthews via Scopus - Elsevier

How to do things with notes: The embodied socio-material performativity of sticky notes

Design Studies
2021-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Ben Matthews; Awais Hameed Khan; Stephen Snow; Paul Schlosser; Isaac Salisbury; Sarah Matthews
Source: check_circle

Reconceptualising feedback: Designing educational tangible technologies to be a creative material

International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction
2021-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Sarah Matthews; Ben Matthews
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Preserving Sequential Context: Developing Participatory Video Analysis Practice

2020-09-10 | Conference paper
Contributors: Sarah Matthews; Awais Hameed Khan; Marie Boden; Stephen Viller
Source: check_circle

The Politics of Materiality: Exploring Participatory Design Methods, Tools and Practices

2020-09-10 | Conference paper
Contributors: Awais Hameed Khan; Stephen Snow; Scott Heiner; Robert Hardgrove; Sarah Matthews; Ben Matthews
Source: check_circle

"... and we are the creators!" Technologies as Creative Material

Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction
2020-02-04 | Other
Contributors: Sarah Matthews; Stephen Viller; Marie A. Boden
Source: Self-asserted source
Sarah Matthews via Crossref Metadata Search
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Novice drivers’ experiences of parental encouragement with road rules in Queensland: Scope for a third party policing approach?

Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety
2019-11-05 | Journal article
Contributors: David Belsham; Alexia Lennon; Lyndel Bates; Sarah Matthews
Source: check_circle

Engaging Pre-Service Non-Specialist Teachers in Teaching Mathematics Using Embodied Technology Tools.

Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia
2018 | Conference paper
Source: Self-asserted source
Sarah Matthews