Personal information


Employment (1)

Shandong University of Science and Technology: Qingdao, Shandong, CN

2005-07-01 to 2015-12-30
Source: Self-asserted source
shaojie chen

Education and qualifications (4)

Wuhan Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics Chinese Academy of Sciences: Wuhan, Hubei, CN

2011-05-01 to 2015-02-30 | Postdoctoral
Source: Self-asserted source
shaojie chen

Shandong University of Science and Technology: Qingdao, Shandong, CN

2005-09-01 to 2009-12-16 | phd
Source: Self-asserted source
shaojie chen

Shandong University of Science and Technology Taian Campus: Taian, Shandong, CN

2002-09-01 to 2005-06-30 | Master
Source: Self-asserted source
shaojie chen

Shandong University of Science and Technology Taian Campus: Taian, Shandong, CN

1998-09-01 to 2002-06-30 | undergraduate
Source: Self-asserted source
shaojie chen

Peer review (12 reviews for 5 publications/grants)

Review activity for Arabian journal of geosciences. (5)
Review activity for Case studies in construction materials. (3)
Review activity for Fuel. (2)
Review activity for Journal of energy engineering. (1)
Review activity for Rock mechanics and rock engineering. (1)