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Works (8)

Modeling the control of a radar antenna rotation system

Journal of Institute of Mathematics and Digital Technology
2023-12-31 | Journal article
Contributors: Ganbayar Batchuluun; Tengis Tserendondog
Source: check_circle

CAM-CAN: Class activation map-based categorical adversarial network

Expert Systems with Applications
2023-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Ganbayar Batchuluun; Jiho Choi; Kang Ryoung Park
Source: check_circle

Action Recognition From Thermal Videos Using Joint and Skeleton Information

IEEE Access
2021 | Journal article
Contributors: Ganbayar Batchuluun; Jin Kyu Kang; Dat Tien Nguyen; Tuyen Danh Pham; Muhammad Arsalan; Kang Ryoung Park
Source: check_circle

Deep Learning-Based Thermal Image Reconstruction and Object Detection

IEEE Access
2021 | Journal article
Contributors: Ganbayar Batchuluun; Jin Kyu Kang; Dat Tien Nguyen; Tuyen Danh Pham; Muhammad Arsalan; Kang Ryoung Park
Source: check_circle

Deep Learning-Based Fake-Banknote Detection for the Visually Impaired People Using Visible-Light Images Captured by Smartphone Cameras

IEEE Access
2020 | Journal article
Contributors: Tuyen Danh Pham; Chanhum Park; Dat Tien Nguyen; Ganbayar Batchuluun; Kang Ryoung Park
Source: check_circle

Region-Based Removal of Thermal Reflection Using Pruned Fully Convolutional Network

IEEE Access
2020 | Journal article
Contributors: Ganbayar Batchuluun; Na Rae Baek; Dat Tien Nguyen; Tuyen Danh Pham; Kang Ryoung Park
Source: check_circle

Thermal Image Reconstruction Using Deep Learning

IEEE Access
2020 | Journal article
Contributors: Ganbayar Batchuluun; Young Won Lee; Dat Tien Nguyen; Tuyen Danh Pham; Kang Ryoung Park
Source: check_circle

A Study on the Elimination of Thermal Reflections

IEEE Access
2019 | Journal article
Contributors: Ganbayar Batchuluun; Hyo Sik Yoon; Dat Tien Nguyen; Tuyen Danh Pham; Kang Ryoung Park
Source: check_circle