Personal information
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Associate Professor, Dr.
Global Change Research Institute, Department of Landscape Carbon Storage, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v.v.i., Lipová 9, České Budějovice 370 05, Czech Republic
Education and positions held
1969 - 1974 Master (M.A., český RNDr.) in Geobotany at the Charles University, Prague
1976 - 1980 Doctorate in Landscape Ecology at the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences
2009 Professorial Thesis (Habilitation), Associate Professor in Forest Ecology at the Forestry and Wood Faculty, Mendel University in Brno
Professional experiences
since 1981 up to now researcher in Global Change Research Institute AS CR, České Budějovice (formerly Institute of Landscape Ecology CAS)
Research Topics:
Root and mycorrhizal ecology; forest ecosystem decline under climate change; carbon budget at lanscape level; biodiversity and ecosystem service valuation
Peer reviewed articles (WOS): 76; other reviewed papers: 34; edited books: 3; book chapters: 23; proceedings: 87; citations: 606 (only in WOS); H-index (WOS): 14.
Selection publications
Zapletal M., Cudlín P., Chroust P., Urban O., Pokorný R., Edwards-Jonášová M., Czerný R., Janouš D., Taufarová K., Večeřa Z.,Mikuška P., Paoletti E.: Ozone flux over a Norway spruce forest and correlation with net ecosystem production. Env. Pol. 159: 1024-1034, 2011.
Oulehle F., Evans, C.D., Hofmeister J., Krejci R., Tahovska K., Persson T., Cudlin P., Hruska J.: Major changes in forest carbon and nitrogen cycling caused by declining sulphur deposition. – Glob. Change Biol. 17: 3115-3129, 2011.
Jakuš R., Edwards-Jonášová M., Cudlín P., Blaženec M., Ježík M., Havlíček F., Moravec I.: Characteristics of Norway spruce trees (Picea abies) survivin a spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus L.) outbreak. Trees 25:965–973, 2011.
Cudlín P., Seják J., Pokorný J., Albrechtová J., Bastian O., Marek M. Forest ecosystem services under climate change and air pollution. In: Matyssek R., Clarke N., Cudlín P., Mikkelsen T.N., Tuovinen J-P., Wiesner G. and Paoletti E. (eds.), Developments in Environmental Science, Vol. 13: Climate Change, Air pollution and Global Challenges; Understanding and Perspectives from Forest Research. Elsevier Ltd., Oxford, p. 521-546, 2013.
Čermák J., Cudlín P., Gebauer R., Borja I., Martinková, M., Staněk, Z., Koller, J. Neruda, J., Nadezhdina, N.: Estimating the absorptive root area in Norway spruce by using the common direct and indirect earth impedance methods. Plant and Soil 372: 401-415, 2013.
Douglas L.G., Vašutová M., Wilkinson A., Edwards-Jonášová M., Bambrick M., Smith A.R., Pavelka M., Cudlin P.: Elevated atmospheric CO2 affects ectomycorrhizal species abundance and increases sporocarp production under field conditions. Forests-04/2015, 6:1256-1273, 2015.
Kolář T., Čermák P., Oulehle F., Trnka M., Štěpánek P., Cudlín P., Hruška J., Büntgen U., Rybníček M.: Pollution control enhanced spruce growth in the “Black Triangle” near the Czech–Polish border. Science of the Total Environment 538:703–711, 2015.