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Works (3)

Understanding social capital among young black gay and bisexual men living with HIV: a qualitative exploration

Culture, Health & Sexuality
2022-11-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Sophia A. Hussen; Kathryn Drumhiller; Sabina Emerenini; Shamia J. Moore; Marxavian D. Jones; Andrés Camacho-González; Yusuf Ransome; Latesha Elopre; Carlos del Río; Gary W. Harper
Source: check_circle

Passion, commitment, and burnout: Experiences of Black gay men working in HIV/AIDS treatment and prevention in Atlanta, GA

2022-08-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Marxavian Jones; Petros Isaakidis; Justin C. Smith; Shamia Moore; Antonio Newman; Andrés Camacho-González; Gary W. Harper; Carlos del Río; Sophia A. Hussen
Source: check_circle

Barriers and facilitators to use of a mobile HIV care model to re-engage and retain out-of-care people living with HIV in Atlanta, Georgia

2021-03-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Michelle E. Henkhaus; Bronwyn Myers; Sophia A. Hussen; Devon N. Brown; Carlos del Rio; Michelle R. Fletcher; Marxavian D. Jones; Amulya Marellapudi; Ameeta S. Kalokhe
Source: check_circle