Personal information
Dr. Ding received his B.S. in Biological Science from Soochow University in 2009, and got Ph. D in Plant Science from Zhejiang University in 2014 under the direction of Prof. Shao Jian Zheng. After then he worked as a postdoctoral fellow in the State Key Laboratory of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry in Zhejiang University for 4 years. During 2015 to 2017, he went to Prof. Nicholas Harberd’s group in University of Oxford for visit and collaborative research. Now he works as a research professor in the State Key Laboratory of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, as well as in the Institution of Plant Science in Zhejiang University.
Dr. Ding’s lab is mainly interested in understanding how plant responds to abiotic stresses, including nutritional stress (e.g. iron deficiency, phosphate starvation), ion stress (e.g. aluminum toxicity) and water stress. The major research focuses on defining the key upstream signaling genes of plant in response to these stresses, and the current work includes two following aspects. On the one hand, we are paying attention to identifying a kind of receptor-like proteins or receptor-like kinases involved in stress response based on reverse genetics, thus to find the potential receptor for sensing the specific abiotic stress. On the other hand, we have generated the novel reporter transgenic lines by expressing the key regulatory genes in stress response fused with a GFP/GUS tag, and subsequently generated the EMS mutant libraries of these reporter lines. Our project aims to identify the key upstream genes involved in response to various abiotic stresses that we are interested in, through screening the suppressor mutants from those EMS mutant libraries. Besides, we are also interested in ethylene signaling in plant, looking for novel key genes regulating ethylene signaling pathway via forward genetics, and investigating novel molecular mechanism of ethylene in plant nutritional regulation.
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