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Works (3)

Scalable synthesis and coupling of quaternary α-arylated amino acids: α-aryl substituents are tolerated in α-helical peptides

Chemical Science
2021 | Journal article
Contributors: Daniel J. Leonard; Francis Zieleniewski; Isabelle Wellhöfer; Emily G. Baker; John W. Ward; Derek N. Woolfson; Jonathan Clayden
Source: check_circle

Automated solid-phase concatenation of Aib residues to form long, water-soluble, helical peptides

Chemical Communications
2020 | Journal article
Contributors: Francis Zieleniewski; Derek N. Woolfson; Jonathan Clayden
Source: check_circle

Stabilizing and Understanding a Miniprotein by Rational Redesign

2019-07-16 | Journal article
Contributors: Kathryn L. Porter Goff; Debbie Nicol; Christopher Williams; Matthew P. Crump; Francis Zieleniewski; Jennifer L. Samphire; Emily G. Baker; Derek N. Woolfson
Source: check_circle