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Employment (1)

VU Amsterdam: Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, NL

2020-05-01 to present | PhD-candidate (Cardiology)
Source: Self-asserted source

Works (6)

Quantitative perfusion by cardiac magnetic resonance imaging reveals compromised myocardial perfusion in patients with angina with non-obstructive coronary artery disease

Clinical Research in Cardiology
2025-02-18 | Journal article
Contributors: Caitlin E. M. Vink; Sonia Borodzicz-Jazdzyk; Elize A. M. de Jong; Janneke Woudstra; Tim P. van de Hoef; Steven A. J. Chamuleau; Etto C. Eringa; Marco J. W. Götte; Yolande Appelman
Source: check_circle

Relationship between peripheral and intracoronary blood flow in patients with angina and nonobstructive coronary arteries

American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology
2024-10-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Janneke Woudstra; Sanne G. J. Mourmans; Caitlin E. M. Vink; Koen M. J. Marques; Elize A. M. de Jong; Rahma Y. R. Haddad; Tim P. van de Hoef; Steven A. J. Chamuleau; Peter Damman; Marcel A. M. Beijk et al.
Source: check_circle

Letter by Vink et al Regarding Article, “Association of Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy With Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction 8 to 10 Years After Delivery”

Circulation: Cardiovascular Imaging
2024-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Caitlin E.M. Vink; Yolande Appelman; Etto C. Eringa
Source: check_circle

Presence of Coronary Endothelial Dysfunction, Coronary Vasospasm, and Adenosine-Mediated Vasodilatory Disorders in Patients With Ischemia and Nonobstructive Coronary Arteries

Circulation: Cardiovascular Interventions
2022-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Rutger G.T. Feenstra; Coen K.M. Boerhout; Janneke Woudstra; Caitlin E.M. Vink; Marianne E. Wittekoek; Guus A. de Waard; Yolande Appelman; Etto C. Eringa; Koen M.J. Marques; Robbert J. de Winter et al.
Source: check_circle

Reduced Microvascular Blood Volume as a Driver of Coronary Microvascular Disease in Patients With Non-obstructive Coronary Artery Disease: Rationale and Design of the MICORDIS Study

Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine
2021-09-30 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2297-055X
Source: Self-asserted source

Segment Length in Cine Strain Analysis Predicts Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Outcome Beyond Current Guidelines

Circulation: Cardiovascular Imaging
2021-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Alwin Zweerink; Daniel J. Friedman; Igor Klem; Peter M. van de Ven; Caitlin Vink; P. Stefan Biesbroek; Steen M. Hansen; Raymond J. Kim; Albert C. van Rossum; Brett D. Atwater et al.
Source: check_circle