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machine learning, embedded systems, video processing, graphic processing, compact descriptors for visual search, computer vision, deep learning


My (source GoogleScholar) h-index is 29, i10-index 79. I produced 108 invention’s requests, 78 EU and 68 US application patents. I am author of 200scientific publications, 113 (2012-2015) ISO/IEC/MPEG input&output documents and had 107 invited talks including key notes, seminars, tutorials at Universities/Conferences (to date).
I graduated on Electronic Engineering in 1992 at Politecnico di Milano after 12 months thesis in SGS-THOMSON/CASA on 50% memory reduced HD-MAC HW decoder. I have a background on MPEG2 video memory reduction (SD/HD), video (up to H.264) encoding, transcoding, OpenVG/OpenGL-ES since Khronos was established, I co-chaired ISO/IEC SC29-WG11 CDVS and CDVA for 3 years, computer vision and tiny AI since 2016 (through the release of the 2024 Unified AI Core Technology) now part of STM32CubeMX, Stellar-Studio, SPC-Studio.AI, MEMs Studio, STM32 Developer Cloud and the Suite. On 2019 I was elevated IEEE Fellow; on 2022 AAIA Fellow and I am APSIPA life member since 2020.
I served as Industry Ambassador (Italy section), coordinator IEEE Region 8 South Europe, vice-chairman of the “Intelligent Cyber-Physical Systems” Task Force IEEE CIS, IEEE R8 AfI internship initiative , AE IEEE TNNLS, Member of the IEEE CTSoc MDAI, 2023 IEEE CS Fellow EVM. I personally curated all the way the IEEE Milestone on Multiple Silicon Technologies on a chip, 1985 ratified by IEEE/2021, and IEEE Milestone on MPEG Multimedia Integrated Circuits, 1984-1993, ratified IEEE/2022. I serve TinyML Foundation (Symposium, Summit, EMEA), chair of the TinyML on Device Learning, co-funded AutoTinyML, co-chair TinyML Talks. Coordinating contributions to MPAI/NWW.
I was awarded with my team "Finmeccanica Innovation Award 2004 Embedded 3D graphics", STAR Gold award 2014 for high performing Technical Staff (which I co-funded), best demo award with Politecnico di Milano on MPEG Visual Search, on 2014, STAR Silver award on 2019 for STM32Cube.AI, 2020 Spring APSIPA Industrial Distinguished Leaders Award, STAR Innovation Award on 2023.
I supervised countless students over 30+ years. I strongly and openly cooperated with many professors, professionals and researchers and love continuing on that. Innovation and be part of a scientific community are all I need.


Employment (1)

STMicroelectronics SRL: Agrate Brianza, Lombardy, IT

Technical Director, IEEE, AAIA and ST Fellow. APSIPA Life Member (System Research and Applications)
Source: Self-asserted source
Danilo Pau