Personal information

Geology, Tectonics, Paleoseismology


Employment (3)

University of Barcelona: Barcelona, Catalonia, ES

2023-10 to 2027 | Predoctoral researcher (Palaeoseismology, active tectonics and seismic hazard) (Department of Earth and Ocean Dynamics)
Source: Self-asserted source
Marc Ollé-López

Fundació Bosch i Gimpera: Barcelona, Catalunya, ES

2022-11-07 to 2023-05-31 | Research assistant (Department of Earth and Ocean Dynamics, University of Barcelona)
Source: Self-asserted source
Marc Ollé-López

Applus+ Rubí: Rubí, ES

2020-12 to 2021-03 | Internship geologist (Geotechnical engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
Marc Ollé-López

Education and qualifications (7)

Escola Oficial d'Idiomes / Official Language School: Rubí, ES

Certificate level C1 in English Language (MECR)
Source: Self-asserted source
Marc Ollé-López

University of Barcelona: Barcelona, Catalonia, ES

2023-09 to 2027 | PhD student (Department of Earth and Ocean Dynamics)
Source: Self-asserted source
Marc Ollé-López

International Union For Quaternary Research (INQUA): Naples, Campania, IT

2023-09-25 to 2023-09-28 | Summer school on Active Faults and Volcano-Tectonics (Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, dell'Ambiente e delle Risorse (DiSTAR). Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II)
Source: Self-asserted source
Marc Ollé-López

University of Barcelona (UB) - Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB): Barcelona, ES

2021-09 to 2022-07 | Master's Degree in Mineral Resources and Geological Hazards (Specialization in Geological Hazards)
Source: Self-asserted source
Marc Ollé-López

Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo - Ministry of Education and Vocational Training: Santander, ES

2022-05 to 2022-06 | English Language Immersion Course 2022. Proficient at B2 In Oral Fluency.
Source: Self-asserted source
Marc Ollé-López

Autonomous University of Barcelona: Cerdanyola del Vallès, ES

2017-09 to 2021-07 | Bachelor's Degree in Geology (Mention in Environmental Geology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Marc Ollé-López


2017-09 to 2017-12 | Course in Quantitative Analysis of Environmental Risks
Source: Self-asserted source
Marc Ollé-López

Professional activities (7)

Project TREAD (daTa and pRocesses in sEismic hAzarD): Barcelona, Catalonia, ES

2023 to present | Workgroup
Source: Self-asserted source
Marc Ollé-López

Project OLLIN IGCP-669: Barcelona, ES

2022 to present
Source: Self-asserted source
Marc Ollé-López

FAULT2SHA (ESC working group): Barcelona, ES

2022 to present (Eastern Betics Shear Zone Lab)
Source: Self-asserted source
Marc Ollé-López

NSOURCES research project (PID2020-119772RB-I00): Barcelona, Catalonia, ES

2021-09 to 2025-09 | Workgroup
Source: Self-asserted source
Marc Ollé-López

Instituto Geológico y Minero de España: Madrid, ES

2023-12 | "Jorge Civís" second award to the best MSc thesis defended in Spain during the years 2022-2023 (Boletín Geológico y Minero de España)
Source: Self-asserted source
Marc Ollé-López

Autonomous University of Barcelona: Cerdanyola del Vallès, ES

2020 | Outstanding student award in the second and third year of the geology degree course. (Faculty of sciences)
Source: Self-asserted source
Marc Ollé-López

AEPECT (Spanish association for the teaching of earth sciences) and SGE (Spanish Geological Society): Salamanca, ES

2017 | Winning team of the first prize of the VIII National Geology Olympiad
Source: Self-asserted source
Marc Ollé-López

Funding (6)

Characterization of the escarpments of the Baix Ebro basin (NE Spain) with paleoseismic techniques and analysis of their impact on the seismic hazard of the region

2023-10 to 2027-08 | Contract
University of Barcelona (Barcelona, Catalonia, ES)
Source: Self-asserted source
Marc Ollé-López

Attendance to the TERPRO-INQUA summer school on Active Faults and Volcano-Tectonics

2023-09 to 2023-09 | Grant
International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA) (Naples, Campania, IT)
Source: Self-asserted source
Marc Ollé-López

Attendance to the congress INQUA 2023 - Rome

2023-07 to 2023-07 | Grant
INQUA (International Union For Quaternary Research) (Rome, IT)
Source: Self-asserted source
Marc Ollé-López

"Development and implementation of surface and subsurface geological database" (EPOS Italy - INGV)

2022-11 to 2023-11 | Grant
Source: Self-asserted source
Marc Ollé-López

Attendance to PATA Days-2022: International Workshop on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archeoseismology

2022-09 to 2022-09 | Grant
INQUA IFG 2008F TPPT (Aix-en-Provence, FR)
Source: Self-asserted source
Marc Ollé-López

New paleoseismic data for the characterization of a complete transect in the Alhama de Murcia Fault (SE Spain)

2021-10 to 2022-07 | Grant
University of Barcelona (Barcelona, Catalonia, ES)
Source: Self-asserted source
Marc Ollé-López

Works (13)

From the characterisation of Quaternary scarps in the NE of Spain to the refinement of the seismic hazard map of the region

GEOSPEECHES (University of Barcelona)
2023-09-20 | Conference poster
Contributors: Marc Ollé-López; Julián García-Mayordomo; Eulàlia Masana Closa
Source: Self-asserted source
Marc Ollé-López

Studying slow-to-moderate faults: New paleoseismic data of an unexplored branch of the Alhama de Murcia Fault (SE Spain)

INQUA 2023 Congress - Rome
2023-07-18 | Lecture
Contributors: Marc Ollé-López
Source: Self-asserted source
Marc Ollé-López

Characterisation of Quaternary scarps in the Baix Ebre Basin (NE Spain) and analysis of their potential seismogenic origin

2023-05-15 | Preprint
Contributors: Marc Ollé-López; Julián García-Mayordomo; Eulàlia Masana
Source: check_circle

Characterisation of Quaternary scarps in the Baix Ebre Basin (NE Spain) and analysis of their potential seismogenic origin

EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 April 2023
2023-04 | Conference poster
Contributors: Marc Ollé-López; Julián García-Mayordomo; Eulàlia Masana
Source: Self-asserted source
Marc Ollé-López

High-Resolution multichannel seismic reflection experiment with active tectonics objectives: Defining the deep geometry of the faults bounding the Guadalentin Depression (SE Iberia)

PATA Days-2022: International Workshop on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archeoseismology - 2022
2022 | Conference poster
Contributors: Hector Perea; Paula Herrero Barbero; Júlia Molins Vigatà; Juan Alcalde; José Antonio Álvarez Gómez; María Berriolópez Llamosas; Ramón Carbonell; Yolanda de Pro Díaz; Domitille Dufour; Julián García Mayordomo et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Marc Ollé-López

High-Resolution multichannel seismic reflection experiment with active tectonics objectives: Defining the deep geometry of the faults bounding the Guadalentin Depression (SE Iberia)

PATA Days-2022: International Workshop on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archeoseismology - 2022
2022 | Conference abstract
Contributors: Hector Perea; Paula Herrero-Barbero; Júlia Molins-Vigatà; Juan Alcalde; José Antonio Álvarez Gómez; María Barriolópez Llamosas; Ramón Carbonell; Yolanda de Pro Díaz; Domitille Dufour; Julián García-Mayordomo et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Marc Ollé-López

New paleoseismic data for the characterization of the seismic potential in a complete transect of the Alhama de Murcia Fault (SE Spain)

PATA Days-2022: International Workshop on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archeoseismology - 2022
2022 | Conference poster
Contributors: Marc Ollé-López; Domitille Dufour; Octavi Gómez-Novell; Júlia Molins-Vigatà; Stéphane Baize; Raquel Martín-Banda; Juan Miguel Insua-Arévalo; María Ortuño; Raimon Pallàs; Giorgi Khazaradze et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Marc Ollé-López

New paleoseismic data for the characterization of the seismic potential in a complete transect of the Alhama de Murcia Fault (SE Spain)

PATA Days-2022: International Workshop on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archeoseismology - 2022
2022 | Conference abstract
Contributors: Marc Ollé-López; Domitille Dufour; Octavi Gómez-Novell; Júlia Molins-Vigatà; Stéphane Baize; Raquel Martín-Banda; Juan Miguel Insúa-Arévalo; María Ortuño; Raimon Pallàs; Giorgi Khazaradze et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Marc Ollé-López

Nuevos datos paleosísmicos para la caracterización de un transecto completo en la Falla de Alhama de Murcia (SE España).

2022 | Dissertation or Thesis
Contributors: Marc Ollé-López
Source: Self-asserted source
Marc Ollé-López

Nuevos datos paleosísmicos para la caracterización de un transecto completo en la Falla de Alhama de Murcia (SE España).

IBERFAULT 2022 – TERUEL. IV Reunión Ibérica sobre fallas activas y paleosismología
2022 | Conference abstract
Contributors: Marc Ollé-López; Domitille Dufour; Octavi Gómez-Novell; Júlia Molins-Vigatà; Stéphane Baize; Raquel Martín-Banda; Juan Miguel Insua-Arévalo; María Ortuño; Raimon Pallàs; Giorgi Khazaradze et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Marc Ollé-López

Revelando la geometría en profundidad de las fallas activas que limitan el valle del Guadalentín mediante sísmica de reflexión de alta resolución: Resultados preliminares.

IBERFAULT 2022 – TERUEL. IV Reunión Ibérica sobre fallas activas y paleosismología
2022 | Conference poster
Contributors: Héctor Perea; Paula Herrero-Barbero; Júlia Molins-Vigatà; Juan Alcalde; José Antonio Álvarez Gómez; María Berriolópez Llamosas; Ramón Carbonell; Yolanda de Pro Díaz; Domitille Dufour; Julián García Mayordomo et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Marc Ollé-López

Revelando la geometría en profundidad de las fallas activas que limitan el valle del Guadalentín mediante sísmica de reflexión de alta resolución: Resultados preliminares.

IBERFAULT 2022 – TERUEL. IV Reunión Ibérica sobre fallas activas y paleosismología
2022 | Conference abstract
Part of OTHER-ID: 978-84-18321-58-0
Contributors: Héctor Perea; Paula Herrero-Barbero; Júlia Molins-Vigatà; Juan Alcalde; José Antonio Álvarez Gómez; María Berriolópez Llamosas; Ramón Carbonell; Yolanda de Pro Díaz; Domitille Dufour; Julián García-Mayordomo et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Marc Ollé-López

Quaternary slip rates from multi-site paleoseismic analysis of a complex deformation zone in the Alhama de Murcia Fault (SE Spain): improvements and challenges

Contributors: Octavi Gómez-Novell; María Ortuño; Julián García-Mayordomo; Juan M. Insua-Arévalo; Thomas K. Rockwell; Stéphane Baize; José J. Martínez-Díaz; Raimon Pallàs; Marc Ollé; Eulàlia Masana
Source: Self-asserted source
Marc Ollé-López via Crossref Metadata Search