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Works (4)

Is educational mobility harmful for health?

Social Science Research
2022-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Jake Tarrence
Source: check_circle

Racial and Economic Adversity Differences in Stress Markers and Immune Function Among Urban Adolescents

Nursing Research
2021-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Jodi L. Ford; Christopher R. Browning; Samantha J. Boch; Darlene A. Kertes; Jake Tarrence; Baldwin M. Way; Kammi K. Schmeer
Source: check_circle

Neighborhoods, Activity Spaces, and the Span of Adolescent Exposures

American Sociological Review
2021-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Christopher R. Browning; Catherine A. Calder; Bethany Boettner; Jake Tarrence; Kori Khan; Brian Soller; Jodi L. Ford
Source: check_circle

Workplace financial transparency and Job distress

Social Science Research
2021-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Hui Zheng; Jacob Tarrence; Vincent Roscigno; Scott Schieman
Source: check_circle