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Martin studied pharmacy in Heidelberg and Munich. He is Associate Professor and head of the Metabolomics group at the Center for Proteomics and Metabolomics at the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC). He holds a PhD in Pharmaceutical Chemistry obtained from the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich (Germany) under the supervision of Prof. Franz Bracher. With a postdoctoral fellowship (DAAD stipend), he joined the group of Prof. Hubertus Irth at the VU University Amsterdam where he later became Assistant Professor and head of the Bioanalysis group. Following a research stay in the laboratory of Prof. Charles Serhan at Harvard Medical School, he moved to the LUMC where he today heads the Metabolomics group. He was a visiting professor at the Metabolomics center of the Scripps institute (La Jolla, CA, USA) headed by Prof. Gary Siuzdak. He is editor of the book “Clinical Metabolomics” (Springer) (1st and 2nd edition) and edited the first metabolomics teaching book aimed at undergraduate students and instructors (doi.10.1007/978-3-031-44256-8). Martin was a permanent committee member of the inter-disciplinary panel of the FWO and served in several EU committees, e.g. INFECT-ERA. He is a consultant for metabolomics and lipidomics. His main interests lie in clinical, translational and fundamental disease-related research, using metabolomics-based approaches and notably lipidomics. Martin has published more than 200 peer-reviewed articles, books and is an inventor on two patents.
Employment (3)
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Funding (14)