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Maria D. Tzotzou holds a BA in English Language and Literature (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), a MSc in 'Computational Linguistics' (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens-National Technical University of Athens), a MEd 'Studies in Education' (Hellenic Open University) and an MA in TESOL 'Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages' (Hellenic Open University). She is a state EFL teacher in primary education of Aitoloakarnania prefecture (Western Greece). She has been a teacher trainer of the Major Training Programme (Pedagogical Institute-Institute of Educational Policy), trainer of foreign language teachers in Moodle seminars (Regional Directorate of Education of Western Greece-Computer Technology Institute 'Diophantus') and adult EFL educator to civil servants (Institute of Training-INEP of Western Greece, EKDDA). She has taught English language and terminology in Technical Apprenticeship Schools (TEE) of OAED, in Institutes of Vocational Training (IEK) and in tertiary education (University of Patras, Higher Technological Educational Institute of Western Greece). Her research interests focus on ELT methodology, educational research, adult education, teacher training and distance lifelong learning.