Personal information

Verified email domains

Switzerland, Germany, Netherlands


Christoph Golz has a PhD in Health Services Research from Maastricht University since March 2023. He is the Head of Innovation Field Healthcare—personnel Development, Applied Research, and Development in Nursing in the School of Health Professions, Bern University of Applied Sciences. He has been working in research since 2015, first as a research assistant and then as an associate, and now as a lecturer and senior researcher.

In his research, he focuses on sustainable working conditions in health organisations and job retention of health professionals. He investigates these conditions in the context of digital transformation.

His focus is on the development, implementation, and evaluation of measures. He emphasizes designs that enable the active involvement of target groups.

He is member of the Editorial Board of BMC Health Services Research


Employment (9)

Berner Fachhochschule: Bern, CH

2023-02 to present | Head of Innovation Field Healthcare – Personnel Development (School of Health Professions)
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Berner Fachhochschule: Bern, CH

2021-05 to 2023-01 | Co-Head of Innovation Field Healthcare – Personnel Development (School of Health Professions)
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Berner Fachhochschule: Bern, CH

2018-08 to 2022-09 | Head of Support (School of Health Professions)
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Berner Fachhochschule Fachbereich Gesundheit: Bern, CH

2017 to 2022-09 | Research Associtate (School of Health Professions)
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Berner Fachhochschule Fachbereich Gesundheit: Bern, CH

2015 to 2017 | Research Assistant (School of Health Professions)
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Spitalnetz Bern - Zieglerspital: Bern, CH

2012-03 to 2014-12 | Registered Nurse ( Acute Geriatric)
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Spital Thun: Thun, CH

2011-03 to 2011-07 | Registered nurse in training (BScN) (Surgery)
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Universitäre Psychiatrische Dienste Bern: Bern, CH

2010-10 to 2010-12 | Registered nurse in training (BScN) (Crisis intervention ward)
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Universitäre Psychiatrische Dienste Bern: Bern, CH

2010-06 to 2010-07 | Registered nurse in training (BScN) (Crisis intervention ward)
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Education and qualifications (8)

Maastricht University: Maastricht, NL

2018 to 2023 | PhD
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Berner Fachhochschule: Bern, CH

2022-02 to 2022-06 | Kompaktkurs Hochschuldidaktik
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Harvard Business School Online: United States of America, US

2021-03 to 2021-05 | Further Advanced Studies: Leadership Principles
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

HarvardX School of Public Health: United States of America, US

2020-04 to 2021-01 (Further Advanced Studies: Professional Certificate Data Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Universität Bern: Bern, CH

2018-12 to 2019-10 | Further Advanced Studies: Certificate of Adanced Studies in Research Management (Zentrum für universitäre Weiterbildung)
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Berner Fachhochschule: Bern, CH

2014 to 2017 | Master of Science in Nursing (School of Health Professions)
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Universität Bern: Bern, CH

2016-09 to 2016-09 | GCP & clinical research training for general clinical nurses (CTU Bern)
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Berner Fachhochschule: Bern, CH

2009 to 2012 | Bachelor of Science in Nursing (School of Health Professions)
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Professional activities (7)

Swiss Society for Medical Informatics: St. Gallen, CH

2025-01-29 to present | Member
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Healthcare Management Network: Bern, CH

2024-10 to present | Passive Member
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Journal BMC Health Service Research: London, GB

2024-06 to present | Editorial board member
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Competence Network Health Workforce: Bern, CH

2017 to present
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Swiss Association for Nursing Science: Bern, CH

2015 to present
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Bern University of Applied Sciences: Bern, CH

2024-05 | Best Dissertation of Bern University of Applied Sciences in 2023
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz


2019 | Best Oral-presentation at the EDCNS 2019 in Graz
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Works (50 of 73)

Items per page:
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Automatisierte Messung der arbeitsbedingten Belastung – innovative Ansätze sind gefragt

Spirit of Bern
2025-02-27 | Talk, interview, podcast or speech
Contributors: Christoph Golz
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Wie man Stress stressfrei messen kann

Berner Fachhochschule
2025-02-24 | Blog post
Contributors: Souhir Ben Souissi; Christoph Golz
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Schweiz: Lücken in Curricula füllen

2025-01 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0945-1129
Part of ISSN: 2520-1816
Contributors: Sabine Hahn; Christoph Golz
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Ready4AI - Organizational Readiness for Artificial Intelligence in Swiss Health Organizations

International Collaborative for Translational Digital Health (ICTDH) Seminar
2025-01-29 | Talk, interview, podcast or speech
Contributors: Christoph Golz
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Arbeitsbedingter Stress in der Pflege aus der Sicht von Führungspersonen -eine qualitative Inhaltsanalyse

Journal für Qualitative Forschung in Pflege- und Gesundheitswissenschaft
2024 | Journal article
Contributors: Michèle Heymann; Christoph Golz; Urs Brügger; Karin Anne Peter
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Technostress in der Psychiatrie. Ein Blick auf die Dringlichkeit der digitalen Kompetenzförderung

2024 | Magazine article
Contributors: Jannic Bieri; Christoph Golz
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Explaining presenteeism behaviour with the theory of planned behaviour – a longitudinal study

International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health
2024-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Christoph Golz; Miriam Hägerbäumer; Maisa Gerlach; André Meichtry; Gablu Kilcher; Karin Anne Peter; Eva Blozik
Source: check_circle

Interprofessional Health Care & Workforce Policy

360° Winterthur Symposium
2024-11-28 | Conference abstract
Contributors: Christoph Golz; Mirjam Körner; Andreas Xyrichis
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Grademix-Konfigurator - der Prototyp

BESA QSys Fachtagung 2024
2024-11-27 | Conference abstract
Contributors: Stefka Goldschmid; Christoph Golz
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

STRAIN 2.0: Erfassung und Management von Stressoren am Arbeitsplatz in den Gesundheitsberufen

28. Österreichische Konferenz Gesundheitsfördernder Krankenhäuser und Gesundheitseinrichtungen
2024-11-22 | Conference abstract
Contributors: Christoph Golz
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Technostress: Wenn digitale Technologien zur Belastung werden

SocietyByte BFH-Magazin für die Humane Digitale Transformation
2024-11-22 | Interactive resource
Contributors: Christoph Golz
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Krank arbeiten gehen: Wieso tun wir uns das an?

2024-11-20 | Interactive resource
Contributors: Christoph Golz
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Integrating Nurse Preferences into AI-Based Scheduling Systems: Qualitative Study (Preprint)

JMIR Formative Research
2024-10-20 | Journal article
Contributors: Fabienne Josefine Renggli; Maisa Gerlach; Jannic Stefan Bieri; Christoph Golz; Murat Sariyar
Source: check_circle

Mapping Requirements for Nurse Scheduling Systems to AI Methods: Development and Feasibility Study (Preprint)

2024-10-20 | Preprint
Contributors: Fabienne Josefine Renggli; Maisa Gerlach; Jannic Stefan Bieri; Christoph Golz; Murat Sariyar
Source: check_circle

Reducing work-related stress among health professionals by using a training-based intervention programme for leaders in a cluster randomised controlled trial

Scientific Reports
2024-10-08 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2045-2322
Contributors: Karin Anne Peter; Christian Voirol; Stefan Kunz; Thomas Schwarze; Caroline Gurtner; Albert Zeyer; Angela Blasimann; Christoph Golz; Andrea Gurtner; Fabienne Renggli et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Building resilience for health emergencies: Integrating lessons from rapid technology rollout during COVID-19

16th International Congress on Nursing Informatics (NI2024) “Innovation in Applied Nursing Informatics”
2024-07-29 | Conference abstract
Contributors: Zerina Lokmic-Tomkins; Emma Collins; Michelle Honey; Hwayoung Cho; Laura-Maria Peltonen; Hanna von Gerich; Tso-Ying Lee; Chiau-Jung Hsieh; Tamara G. R. Macieira; Christoph Golz et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Examining the Technostress Dimensions and Job Satisfaction in Nursing – A Cross-Sectional Study

16th International Congress on Nursing Informatics (NI2024) “Innovation in Applied Nursing Informatics”
2024-07-24 | Conference paper
Contributors: Christoph Golz; Naíma Luana Eichenberger; Souhir Ben Souissi; Jannic Stefan Bieri
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Examining the Technostress Dimensions and Job Satisfaction in Nursing – A Cross-Sectional Study

2024-07-24 | Book chapter
Contributors: Christoph Golz; Naíma Luana Eichenberger; Souhir Ben Souissi; Jannic Stefan Bieri
Source: check_circle

Navigating the Global Landscape of Nursing Informatics Research Collaboration: A Blueprint for Success

16th International Congress on Nursing Informatics (NI2024) “Innovation in Applied Nursing Informatics”
2024-07-24 | Conference paper
Contributors: Dawn Dowding; Ragnhidur I. Bjarnadottir; Hwayoung Cho; Emma Collins; Christoph Golz; Michelle Honey; Cha-Jung Hsieh; Tso-Ying Lee; Zerina Lokmic-Tomkins; Tamara G.R. Macieira et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Navigating the Global Landscape of Nursing Informatics Research Collaboration: A Blueprint for Success

Studies in Health Technology and Informatics
2024-07-24 | Book chapter
Part of ISBN: 9781643685274
Part of ISSN: 0926-9630
Part of ISSN: 1879-8365
Contributors: Dawn Dowding; Ragnhidur I. Bjarnadottir; Hwayoung Cho; Emma Collins; Christoph Golz; Michelle Honey; Cha-Jung Hsieh; Tso-Ying Lee; Zerina Lokmic-Tomkins; Tamara G.R. Macieira et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Factors of presenteeism and its association with detrimental effects among employees in Switzerland working in different sectors – a cross-sectional study using a multi-item instrument

International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health
2024-07-01 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0340-0131
Part of ISSN: 1432-1246
Contributors: Maisa Gerlach; Eva Blozik; André Meichtry; Miriam Hägerbäumer; Gablu Kilcher; Christoph Golz
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Fachkräftemangel – Erkenntnisse und Lösungsstrategien

Fachtagung Kinaesthetics Schweiz.
2024-06 | Lecture
Contributors: Christoph Golz
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Generative AI for Well-being

Souissi, S.B., Kurpicz-Briki, M., Schmutz, Y., Kravchenko, T., Golz, C. (2024). Generative AI for Well-being. SDS2024 IEEE Swiss Conference on Data Science
2024-06 | Conference abstract
Contributors: Souhir Ben Souissi; Kurpicz-Briki Mascha; Yannis Schmutz ; Tetiana Kravchenko; Christoph Golz
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Mit E-Learning Präsentismus reduzieren.

BFH Frequenz (1). pp. 22 -23
2024-05 | Magazine article
Contributors: Christoph Golz
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Natural Language Processing for Work-Related Stress Detection Among Health Professionals: Protocol for a Scoping Review

JMIR Research Protocols
2024-05-15 | Journal article
Contributors: Jannic Stefan Bieri; Catherine Ikae; Souhir Ben Souissi; Thomas Jörg Müller; Margarithe Charlotte Schlunegger; Christoph Golz
Source: check_circle

Gegen den Technostress

2024-04 | Magazine article
Part of ISSN: 0945-1129
Part of ISSN: 2520-1816
Contributors: Christoph Golz
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Need for a school nurse

2024-04-29 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2190-2100
Contributors: Margarithe Charlotte Schlunegger; Ursula Klopfstein; Tanja Siegenthaler; Seraina Berni; Estelle Käser; Christoph Golz
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Advanced Nursing Practice im europäischen Raum

Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung
2024-04-19 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1861-6755
Part of ISSN: 1861-6763
Contributors: Anne-Marie Schirmer; Christoph Golz; Christian Eissler
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Arbeitsbezogener Stress bei Gesundheitsfachpersonen - Ergebnisse aus dem nationalen STRAIN-Projekt

physioinfo Nr.96 1/2024
2024-03 | Magazine article
Contributors: Angela Blasimann; Christoph Golz
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Organisationale Resilienz & Veränderungsbereitschaft – Erkenntnisse und Empfehlungen aus der Forschung

Axept Digital Forum AXcare.
2024-03 | Lecture
Contributors: Christoph Golz
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Translation and Psychometric Testing of the Hägerbäumer Presenteeism Scale in English

Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation
2024-03-11 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1053-0487
Part of ISSN: 1573-3688
Contributors: Christoph Golz; G. Kilcher; M. Gerlach; M. Hägerbäumer; K. A. Peter; E. Blozik
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Factors associated with health professionals’ stress reactions, job satisfaction, intention to leave and health-related outcomes in acute care, rehabilitation and psychiatric hospitals, nursing homes and home care organisations

BMC Health Services Research
2024-03-02 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1472-6963
Contributors: Karin Anne Peter; Christian Voirol; Stefan Kunz; Andrea Gurtner; Fabienne Renggli; Typhaine Juvet; Christoph Golz
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Gerechtigkeit in der Dienstplanung: die Auswirkung auf die Arbeitszufriedenheit in der Pflege und die Sicht der Planungsverantwortlichen

2024-02-05 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2190-2100
Contributors: Corinne Hofer; Elvira Schmid; Fabienne J. Renggli; Christoph Golz
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Psychometric Validation of the Digital Competence Questionnaire for Nurses

SAGE Open Nursing
2024-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Christoph Golz; Sabine Hahn; Sandra M.G. Zwakhalen
Source: check_circle

Stressmanagement – ein Balanceakt des Führungspersonals. Die Rolle der Führung bei Stress am Arbeitsplatz in der Langzeitpflege.

NOVAcura, 55 (4), pp. 1-4.
2024-01 | Magazine article
Contributors: Ramona Blättler; Christoph Golz
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Natural Language Processing for Work-Related Stress Detection Among Health Professionals: Protocol for a Scoping Review (Preprint)

2024-01-19 | Preprint
Contributors: Jannic Stefan Bieri; Catherine Ikae; Souhir Ben Souissi; Thomas Jörg Müller; Margarithe Charlotte Schlunegger; Christoph Golz
Source: check_circle

Arbeitsbedingungen im Gesundheitswesen verbessern – die zentrale Rolle der Führung

Inspiration Days by walkerprojects, 31.8.23, St. Gallen, Schweiz
2023 | Lecture
Contributors: Christoph Golz
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Das Zusammenspiel von Rahmenbedingungen und Resilienz – Ergebnisse der STRAIN-Studie

Symposium der Pflegewissenschaften. Universitären Psychiatrischen Kliniken in Basel
2023 | Lecture
Contributors: Christoph Golz
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Organisationale Resilienz und Leadership – Erkenntnisse und Empfehlungen aus der Forschung

Concret day 23. Concret AG
2023 | Lecture
Contributors: Christoph Golz
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Content Validation of a Questionnaire to Measure Digital Competence of Nurses in Clinical Practice

CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing
2023-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Christoph Golz; Sabine Hahn; Sandra M.G. Zwakhalen
Source: check_circle

Extent and predictors of presenteeism among healthcare professionals working in Swiss hospitals, nursing homes and home care organizations

Scientific Reports
2023-07-25 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2045-2322
Contributors: Karin Anne Peter; Maisa Gerlach; Gablu Kilcher; Reto Bürgin; Sabine Hahn; Christoph Golz
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Technostress among health professionals

2023-03 | Dissertation or Thesis
Contributors: Christoph Golz
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Stundenreduktion als Lösung?

Krankenpflege | Soins Infirmiers | Cure Infermieristiche(12), pp. 30-31. Schweizer Berufsverband der Pflegefachfrauen und Pflegefachmänner
2022 | Magazine article
Contributors: Christoph Golz; Silvia Mohler
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Assessing the psychosocial work environment in the health care setting: translation and psychometric testing of the French and Italian Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaires (COPSOQ) in a large sample of health professionals in Switzerland

BMC Health Services Research
2022 | Journal article
Contributors: Peter, Karin Anne; Golz, Christoph; Buergin, Reto Arthur; Nuebling, Matthias; Voirol, Christian; Zuercher, Simeon Joel; Hahn, Sabine
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

Technostress & Digitale Kompetenz beim Gesundheitspersonal in Psychiatrien

3Länderkongress "Pflege in der Psychiatrie", 22.-23.9 (Oral)
2022 | Conference paper
Contributors: Christoph Golz
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Technostress und digitale Kompetenz in der Pflege

5. Clusterkonferenz "Zukunft der Pflege", 21. - 22.9.22 (Keynote)
2022 | Lecture
Contributors: Christoph Golz
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Mental health-related communication in a virtual community: text mining analysis of a digital exchange platform during the Covid-19 pandemic

BMC Psychiatry
2022-12 | Journal article
Contributors: C. Golz; D. Richter; N. Sprecher; C. Gurtner
Source: check_circle

Health professionals’ sentiments towards implemented information technologies in psychiatric hospitals: a text-mining analysis

BMC Health Services Research
2022-11-28 | Journal article
Contributors: C. Golz; S. Aarts; C. Hacking; S. Hahn; S.M.G. Zwakhalen
Source: check_circle

Preparing students to deal with the consequences of the workforce shortage among health professionals: a qualitative approach

BMC Medical Education
2022-11-04 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1472-6920
Contributors: Christoph Golz; Annie Oulevey Bachmann; Tiziana Sala Defilippis; Andrea Kobleder; Karin Anne Peter; René Schaffert; Xenia Schwarzenbach; Thomas Kampel; Sabine Hahn
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz

Cultural Adaptation and Validation of the HPQ Health and Work Performance Questionnaire in German

Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine
2022-10-07 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1076-2752
Part of ISSN: 1536-5948
Contributors: Christoph Golz
Source: Self-asserted source
Christoph Golz
Items per page:
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Peer review (1 review for 1 publication/grant)

Review activity for International archives of occupational and environmental health. (1)