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My research line is focused in the application of active and passive seismic techniques to study lithospheric structure and dynamics, both at crustal and mantle levels.

Some of the specific scientific topics I've been working are:

• Seismic anisotropy from the analysis of SKS splitting.
• Use of Receiver Functions to investigate crustal structure.
• Environment seismology
• Urban seismology
• Sources of seismic noise
• Processing and interpretation of seismic wide-angle profiles, both at crustal and lithospheric scales.
• Non-Volcanic tremors.
• Moderate magnitude seismic events.
• Use of exploration seismic methods in volcanoes.

My scientific production covers more than 90 original articles in top level journals included in the Scientific Citation Index, with a personal h-index of 34 (Scopus, 2/2024). I have participated in over 45 research projects and co-authored about 200 papers at international scientific conferences. I have served as co-director in two doctoral theses, being also responsible of various Master thesis projects.

I’ve also paid special attention to scientific outreach, leading high schools talks and workshops on seismology and regularly participating in events such as Science Week, Education Fairs etc.