Personal information



Employment (4)

université Oran 1 Ahmed BenBella Département de médecine: Oran, DZ

2021-01 to present | Professeur (Médecine)
Source: Self-asserted source
Dahdouh Aïcha

Université Oran 1 Ahmed Ben Bella Département Biologie: Oran, Oran, DZ

2016-10 to 2021-01 | Maître de conférences A en Psychaitrie (Faculté de médecine)
Source: Self-asserted source
Dahdouh Aïcha

Université Oran 1 Ahmed Ben Bella Département Biologie: Oran, Oran, DZ

2011-12 to 2016-10 | Maître assistante en psychiatrie (Médecine)
Source: Self-asserted source
Dahdouh Aïcha

Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève: Genève, CH

2012-11 to 2014-01 | Cheffe de clinique (Santé mentale et psychiatrie)
Source: Self-asserted source
Dahdouh Aïcha

Education and qualifications (8)

Compass France/ SARP: Oran, DZ

2022-10 to present | Formation en thérapie cognitive et comportementale
Source: Self-asserted source
Dahdouh Aïcha

Université Oran 1 Ahmed BenBella Département de Médecine: Oran, DZ

2012-01 to 2014-04 | Diplôme de doctorat en sciences médicales (Médecine)
Source: Self-asserted source
Dahdouh Aïcha

Université Paris V, Unité INSERM U687 et Faculté de médecine d'Oran: Oran, DZ

2012-05 to 2012-06 | Cours d’épidémiologie et de bio statistiques (CEBIO)
Source: Self-asserted source
Dahdouh Aïcha

Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève: Genève, CH

2010-07 to 2010-08 | Cheffe de clinique (département de psychiatrie et de santé mentale)
Source: Self-asserted source
Dahdouh Aïcha

Unité INSERM U888- Montpellier: Montpellier, FR

2010-06 to 2010-07 | Formation en méthodologie à la recherche en psychiatrie
Source: Self-asserted source
Dahdouh Aïcha

Ecole de Thérapie Familiale d'Alger: Oran, DZ

2006-01 to 2009-10 | Thérapeute de famille et de couple
Source: Self-asserted source
Dahdouh Aïcha

université Oran 1 Ahmed BenBella Département de Médecine: Oran, DZ

2005-10 to 2008-12 | Diplôme d'études médicales spécialisée en psychiatrie (Médecine)
Source: Self-asserted source
Dahdouh Aïcha

Université Oran 1 Ahmed Benbella Département de médecine: Oran, DZ

1998-10 to 2005-09 | Diplôme d'études médicales générales (Médecine)
Source: Self-asserted source
Dahdouh Aïcha

Professional activities (4)

Société Franco-algérienne de psychiatrie: Paris, FR

Membre du bureau
Source: Self-asserted source
Dahdouh Aïcha

Université Oran 1 Ahmed Ben Bella Département de Médecine: Oran, DZ

2020-10 to present | Chef de service d'Addictologie (Médecine)
Source: Self-asserted source
Dahdouh Aïcha

Université Oran 1 Ahmed Ben Bella Département de Médecine: Oran, DZ

2016-10 to 2020-10 | Chef de service d'Addictologie par intérim (Médecine)
Source: Self-asserted source
Dahdouh Aïcha

Société Franco-Maghrébine de Psychiatrie: Fès, MA

2014 | Prix Maghrébin de Psychiatrie "Belkacem BenSamïl"
Source: Self-asserted source
Dahdouh Aïcha

Works (12)

Physical and mental health impact of COVID-19 on children, adolescents, and their families: The Collaborative Outcomes study on Health and Functioning during Infection Times - Children and Adolescents (COH-FIT-C&A)

Journal of Affective Disorders
2022-02 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0165-0327
Contributors: Dahdouh Aïcha; Marco Solmi; Andrés Estradé; Trevor Thompson; Agorastos Agorastos; Joaquim Radua; Samuele Cortese; Elena Dragioti; Friedrich Leisch; Davy Vancampfort et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Dahdouh Aïcha

The collaborative outcomes study on health and functioning during infection times in adults (COH-FIT-Adults): Design and methods of an international online survey targeting physical and mental health effects of the COVID-19 pandemic

Journal of Affective Disorders
2022-02 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0165-0327
Contributors: Dahdouh Aïcha; Marco Solmi; Andrés Estradé; Trevor Thompson; Agorastos Agorastos; Joaquim Radua; Samuele Cortese; Elena Dragioti; Friedrich Leisch; Davy Vancampfort et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Dahdouh Aïcha

Pregabalin addiction caracteristics at oran: A cohort study

European Psychiatry
2021-04 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0924-9338
Part of ISSN: 1778-3585
Contributors: Dahdouh Aïcha; C. Yasmine; D. Aicha
Source: Self-asserted source
Dahdouh Aïcha

Étude des facteurs de risque associés à l’épilepsie dans une population de l’Ouest Algérien

Journal de la faculté de médecine d'Oran
2017-09-30 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2602-6511
Part of ISSN: 2571-9874
Contributors: Dahdouh Aïcha; Amina Chentouf; Randa Talhi; Aicha Dahdouh; Soumia Benilha; Mohand Laid Oubaiche; Malika Chaouch
Source: Self-asserted source
Dahdouh Aïcha
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Alcohol use and bipolar disorder comorbidity: Synthesis and perspectives

European Psychiatry
2017-04 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0924-9338
Part of ISSN: 1778-3585
Contributors: Dahdouh Aïcha; A. Dahdouh; B. Semaoune; A. Tremey; L. Samalin; V. Flaudias; I. De Chazeron; P.M. Llorca; G. Brousse
Source: Self-asserted source
Dahdouh Aïcha

SHANK3 mutation in consanguineous schizophrenia family in northwest Algeria

European Psychiatry
2017-04 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0924-9338
Part of ISSN: 1778-3585
Contributors: Dahdouh Aïcha; A. Dahdouh; J. Prados; M. Guipponi; F. Bena; W. Adouan; S. Antonarakis
Source: Self-asserted source
Dahdouh Aïcha

Racism and Discrimination, Killers?

Understanding Suicide
2016 | Book chapter
Part of ISBN: 9783319262802
Part of ISBN: 9783319262826
Contributors: Dahdouh Aïcha; Mohammed Taleb; Aicha Dahdouh
Source: Self-asserted source
Dahdouh Aïcha

Genetics and psychotic disorders: A fresh look at consanguinity

European Journal of Medical Genetics
2016-02 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1769-7212
Contributors: Dahdouh Aïcha; Dahdouh A.; Mohammed Taleb; Lisa Blecha; Amine Benyamina
Source: Self-asserted source
Dahdouh Aïcha

Familial epilepsy in Algeria: Clinical features and inheritance profiles

2015-09 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1059-1311
Contributors: Dahdouh Aïcha; Amina Chentouf; Aïcha Dahdouh; Michel Guipponi; Mohand Laïd Oubaiche; Malika Chaouch; Hanan Hamamy; Stylianos E. Antonarakis
Source: Self-asserted source
Dahdouh Aïcha

Consanguinity and epilepsy in Oran, Algeria: A case–control study

Epilepsy Research
2015-03 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0920-1211
Contributors: Dahdouh Aïcha; Amina Chentouf; Randa Talhi; Aicha Dahdouh; Latifa Benbihi; Soumia Benilha; Mohand Laid Oubaiche; Malika Chaouch
Source: Self-asserted source
Dahdouh Aïcha

Wes of a Consanguineous Family with Schizophrenia and Mental Retardation in North Algeria.

European Psychiatry
2015-03 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0924-9338
Contributors: Dahdouh Aïcha; A. Dahdouh Guermouche; M. Guipponi; J. Prados; S. Antonarakis
Source: Self-asserted source
Dahdouh Aïcha

Consanguinité, schizophrénie et trouble bipolaire

Annales Médico-psychologiques, revue psychiatrique
2013-05 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0003-4487
Contributors: Dahdouh Aïcha; Aïcha Dahdouh-Guermouche; Mohammed Taleb; Philippe Courtet; Boualem Semaoune; Alain Malafosse
Source: Self-asserted source
Dahdouh Aïcha